View Full Version : LFG 1 Player UK time prefer Traveller, AD&D (old school)

June 30th, 2023, 10:57
FG License: Free game
Time Zone: UK
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: late weeknight / weekend preferred
Term: open / flexible
Voice: yes
Game System Preferred: Traveller, D&D
Game System Experience: I used to play IRL 1979-84, and have just rediscovered the dusty old tomes in our attic, but open to updates!
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Newbie - quick learner despite my ancient years
Character Type Preferred: Back in the day, it was intrepid young fighters & rangers. 40 years on, I reckon older, wiser mages, scientists, etc.
About me: I like to play nicely and have fun, but occasional reckless streak gets me in trouble (in game, not IRL, honest!) :pirate: