View Full Version : Codes and Code list help

June 25th, 2023, 13:41
Hello all, new to Unity, fully licensed. Trying to learn as I go. I am trying to add a spell to the database and when it comes to creating spells there are "codes" (i.e. LVL, ATT, melee, [SELF], etc) when adding effects for ease of combat tracker. Is there a place I can find all of these codes listed?

Here is the spell I am trying to add:

Psychic Crumble
5th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You exert the full force of your will on a creature.
The target must make a Strength saving taking 5d8 force damage on a failure,
and half as much on a success. At the end of each of its turns, it must repeat the saving throw.
It takes 2d8 force damage on a failed save, and on a success, the spell ends.
If this spell reduces a creature to 0 hit points they are crushed into a ball the size of your fist.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th-level or higher, the initial force damage increases by 1d8 for each spell slot level above 5th.

when I parse the spell it creates effects as follows (see attached pic). But I am not confident this is correct, as the first part of the damage needs a save for half, and then in the next round it would apply 2d8, save for full or end spell. Advice? Thank you all.


June 25th, 2023, 14:04
When posting in a generic forum, please indicate which ruleset you're using so we can better help you.

June 25th, 2023, 14:08
If you word your spell as follows it will create all the effects when you add it to the player's actions tab:

The target must make a Strength saving throw taking 5d6 force damage on a failure, with half as much damage on a successful save. At the end of each of its turns the target can repeat the saving throw taking 2d8 force damage on a failure and on a success the spell ends.

The parsed spell should look like this.

EDIT: Of course I assumed 5e before seeing Trenloe's post; since I didn't notice what forum this was posted in.

June 26th, 2023, 09:29
Yes, of course! LOL! Sorry, still learning here. I am using 5e ruleset and wanting to add a couple homebrew spells. Thank you Zacchaeus, I apricate the wording/pattern example. It will help with the future spells.

Although I would still love to know if there is a coding manual for just such a thing. I have seen a few videos and can tell that there are codes, I just don't know the proper format

June 26th, 2023, 13:51
Yes, of course! LOL! Sorry, still learning here. I am using 5e ruleset and wanting to add a couple homebrew spells. Thank you Zacchaeus, I apricate the wording/pattern example. It will help with the future spells.

Although I would still love to know if there is a coding manual for just such a thing. I have seen a few videos and can tell that there are codes, I just don't know the proper format

There are no codes as such. Fantasy Grounds has an internal parser which attempts to create effects from word strings. If it finds something it recognises then it will attempt to create the necessary effects. The best thing to do is to look at the wording of existing spells. If the spell creates effects when added to the character then it's probably the parser picking it up. Do note, however, that many of the effects for spells are hard coded and work on the name of the spell. For example the effects created by the Bless spell are hard coded and are not worked out by the parser. Thus if you change the name of the Bless spell no effects will be added. Most of what the parser picks up are saving throws, attack and damage strings. It also relies on a strict progression of the wording. As in my example above 'The target must make a Strength saving throw taking 5d6 force damage on a failure, with half as much damage on a success' will work because that is the wording and the order that is expected. Departing from the way this is written runs the risk of the effects not being correctly created.

June 26th, 2023, 14:05
Moderator: moved to the 5E forum.