View Full Version : Active token overlay not being shown

June 20th, 2023, 09:01
Hi guys, not sure if this is where I should be posting this but I'm having a problem that is really bugging me and I wanted to see if there was something that I was missing.

When I select the token for one of my pc's on the battle map the active token overlay doesn't appear making it hard to know when a token is selected, something that a few of my players already have problems with.

This problem doesn't happen with NPC tokens on the same map so I'm really not sure if this is a bug or some setting that I am just missing

I've included an imgur link to show what I mean by Active token overlay, hopefully it helps in-case I'm using the wrong terminology

June 20th, 2023, 11:11
Welcome to the FG forums.

Thanks for raising the issue. This has been reported and is being investigated - see this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?78193-Selected-token-no-longer-highlighted