View Full Version : I broke the side tabs on my item/personality sheets :/

January 26th, 2008, 06:54
I'm including a screenshot of my still in progress item sheets. As you can see in the picture, the second tab option is missing altogether and the first (main) tab text is off the tab altogether. This is affecting all the side tabs on the various windows that use them.

Many, many thanks in advance for any help in this matter

January 26th, 2008, 08:25
(While your file is pending approval, I cannot look at it)

When you are re-skinning, are you changing the frame definitions (graphics_frames.xml)? You may need to if your new skin has different graphics dimensions.


January 26th, 2008, 16:36
By graphic dimensions, do you mean that actual physical size of the image itself, or the content within the actual borders of the image?

I've been keeping the images the same pixel size, but have been fairly liberal with changing the shapes within that border. Usually I've just removed the drop shadow from the images and changed the color of the pre-existing content.

It dawned on me that all the images used in a particular image must be listed in an XML file somewhere, so I'm gonna go digging through those and see if I can't get a list and slowly replace those images with the originals to see if I can't locate the problem.

January 26th, 2008, 17:13
The image file names are referenced from graphics_frames.xml (for windows etc, icons are elsewhere). If your new files have different names to the old ones (including extensions, such as .gif instead of .png) then you will come across problems.

The tab control uses a number of image files:

A frame called 'tabs', defined in graphics_frames.xml and linked to frames/tabs.png
A number of icons, defined in graphics.xml (for example tab_main is linked to icons/tab_main.png)
A helper image called 'tabtop', defined in graphics.xml and linked to icons/tabtop.png

I hope that helps


January 26th, 2008, 17:54
I figured something out!

okay, here is what I did:

I copied all the images I have changed to another folder for storage, and then deleted the entire ruleset that I am working on and started from a newly unpacked default example set.

I then unpacked the generic character sheet that I'm using for my ruleset, as found in this thread:


And it broke the tabs.

Without changing a single image, just the character sheet on a default example ruleset, it breaks the tabs.

So its not the images, its got something to do with this generic character sheet, in which case, I'm at a total loss and really do need help fixing it :/

Sadly, I need this character sheet for the game too, as the system I'm using is sort of home-brew and not at all similar to d20 or anything else there is a ruleset for.

January 26th, 2008, 21:52
Hi Yggdrasil, which version of the character sheet are you using, 1 or 2? Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question *looks bashful*



January 26th, 2008, 22:04
Should be the FGII version as found at this link:


I downloaded it from the #3 post of the Generic ruleset thread.