View Full Version : LFP AD&D 2e (and other) Tuesday Night 7 - 10PM EST

June 14th, 2023, 15:51
Looking for mature, reliable players for established group.
Tuesday Nights, 7PM – 10PM(ish) EST
Currently Playing AD&D 2nd Edition, but we tend to mix it up a bit. Flexibility on game systems a major bonus. Experience not necessary, but flexibility and cooperation are. We're not interested in any power gamers, rules lawyers, murder hobos, or anyone that isn't interested in being a team player.
We play on Fantasy Grounds Unity (both DMs have Ultimate so you only need the free version) and use Zoom and sometimes Discord for Voice. Voice required.

Our play situation is a little bit complex, as we rotate DMs and stories. In a short while we'll be launching into a new AD&D 2e campaign run by me. Characters will have a starting amount of XP (t64,000 if you know the system well enough for that to mean anything to you). That game will be set primarily in the Ravenloft setting, so horror themes will be prevalent, and rules are in place for Fear, Horror, and so on (and are relatively unforgiving in this edition). We'll be playing homebrewed versions of existing adventures (When Black Roses Bloom, Castle Ravenloft, and Die Vecna Die!)

Later we will be reverting to the previous AD&D 2e campaign run by the other DM. That game is roughly sixth level and set in Forgotten Realms. We'll be starting in Waterdeep and playing (again, a homebrewed version of) Marco Volo's adventures.

If you're interested hit us up!

June 16th, 2023, 12:19
I'd love to play, I have been playing 2e aD&D for over 30+ years. We played rotating DMs with 3 DMs in the groups I played in.

Exp running D&D 1e/2e, Star Wars (Wargrams Games West editions), Marvel Superheroes (80's editions), Cyberpunk 2020 (own all the books) and a few more (just got the Rifts main book in a few weeks ago, learning that game system)