View Full Version : [Paid][LFP] D&D 5e, The Heroes Arise; Mon 2:30-6:30pm EDT; 3 seats left

June 11th, 2023, 00:39

FG License Type: Ultimate
Game System: D&D 5e

Day of week and time: Mon 2:30-6:30pm EDT Starts June 19th
Term: Paid, $20 per player, per session (First Session half off).
Voice software used: Discord

This is an Original & Detailed Module which takes place in a world where "Classes" are rarely obtained, and where the vast majority of the world is hostile and unexplored. Dare you tread in such a land, and inspire hope in the hearts of men and mer?

Game Link: https://startplaying.games/adventure/clihyfwwg000508lg7yt01il9

Role play heavy

Youtube presence: https://youtu.be/y5pm-cddO3c


"In an unforgiving realm, where monstrous abominations reign & godlike beings unleash cataclysms upon the feeble lands of mortals, hope flickers like a dying flame. The rare & coveted blessings of "Class" bestow immense power & burden upon a chosen few in each generation. Warriors, mages, hunters, & thieves, they are the potential beacons of salvation, the heralded Heroes destined to rise against the encroaching darkness or become entangled in its malevolent grasp.

Behold, as your journey commences in the sprawling expanse of the Civilized lands, a Peninsula veiled from the endless perils & treacherous dooms of the world, protected by the three great barriers. The Mountains of Strangle Thorn, eternal & stalwart, tower like jagged sentinels, testing the will of all who dare to challenge their impassable heights. Among the gnarled sentries of the Fanghorn Forests, a mystic wood both ancient & wise, whispers echo through the age-old trees, bearing both secrets & warnings. And shrouded within the Ivory Mists of the Ellaron Veil lies a lost realm, enchanting & enigmatic, beckoning those who seek revelations within the endless miring mists of that Elf-Cursed land.

Beyond them lies the final realms of men & mer, where civilizations teeter blindly on the brink of oblivion. It is here that the gift of "Class" has or will find you, like a tempest that reshapes destinies, rolling over your life & changing it forever. Such blessings, obtained by scarce means, arise from the dying breaths of benevolent souls already carrying the gift, or from trials insurmountable by ordinary mortals, or even from the chilling embrace of the very darkness that seeks to end your world.

When this Adventure begins, you are a stalwart member of the Holy Legion of Light, an indomitable force commanded by the awe-inspiring King Crane, the mightiest classed among humankind. The Legion's purpose, steadfast & unwavering, is to traverse the kingdoms of man, a resolute scourge upon the Foul kin that fester within the world's recesses. The horde of Orcs, goblins, & Dragonborn, among other evil races, perpetrate their malevolence against the very foundations of the three prime civilizations, & it is your charge to purge their existence from the realm.

Whether born beneath the canopy of a fey tree as an ethereal elf, forged a stalwart dwarf harboring the echoes of ancient legends, raised as a revered human whose name resonates with renown or as another worthy race, the hand of fate has woven your destiny into this mighty force. You are sent as a group to investigate a nefarious cult out upon the Barbaric Plains of Starzland. And it is here that your journey begins..."