View Full Version : LFG 1 Player late Evening Central Time Zone, flexible on days available.

June 6th, 2023, 09:49
FG License: unity ultimate and standard classic
Time Zone: Central.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I am flexible as far as days but would prefer latter in the evening. after 7 PM central be good even starting a late as 9 PM would be great.
Term: very much looking for long term.
Voice: Yes please. happy to work wit whatever voice channel you use. On discord already.

Game System Preferred: Cyberpunk would be amazing. would also be willing to join any whit wolf game. willing to learn deadlands, COC, or Star Trek Adventures. really anything that isn't DND and PF.
Game System Experience: I have played and ran DND off and on for 25 years, White-Wolf (V:TM, W:TA,C:TD,M:TA) for 20 or so. I have run Cyberpunk, IronClaw, Rifts, Shadowrun as well though not as much. my most recent game was Cyberpunk, and before that Werewolf.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have run DND and Pathfinder on Fantasy Grounds. not much experience with FG as a player.

Character Type Preferred: I tend towards flamboyant socialites or dark and broody characters, but I m a writer at heart and do enjoy a good mix of different architypes. I do tend not to play characters who are extremely evil very well. I prefer to spend more time roleplaying than rolling dice. Min-Maxing and power gaming is not my jam.

About me: I am a friendly, open, fairly happy gamer. I have a wife and kids, hence the later evening run time. I have been playing and running RPG's since my early teens and am now in my late thirties. I am very open minded and accepting of all people.

If push comes to shove I will run a game, but I have not been a player for a decade and would love to experience the other side of the screen for a while. Happy to join a group that rotates GM responsibilities. or preferably run a game to train another GM and switch at some time.

Hope to hear from you and make some new friends.