View Full Version : window lists for npcs,creatuers, and spells demo?! willing to pay.

June 3rd, 2023, 20:07
Hi guys,
I'm looking to correctly create a link list, or lists for spells, NPCs, and creatures. either on the same page or separate pages. damned briefly touched on it in his video, and I was fascinated! it's just what I need to complete my project. I tried to replicate it from his video but with no luck.
I am almost complete with creating my ext. I just need more info on link lists, and how to get them to function correctly for those three tables. Any info would help. if you are willing to create a demo/tutorial I will be happy to pay you for your time. you can pm me about payment if you are interested or post any info you have on the subject here.

thanks a bunch.

June 4th, 2023, 20:32
ok, I think I narrowed down the problem. I need to know what goes into the "accept drop classes" collections, data source, and class name for each widow list NPC, creatures, and spells. hopefully, that info would correct the issue of getting them to work correctly. also, can I put them on the same page or do I have to create a separate page for each window list?


June 5th, 2023, 06:27
here's the code for the Windows the red code is not correct from what I understand. I don't know what to put into these fields.

window list main window code "tab6page"


<windowclass name="tab6page">
<size height="416" width="354" />
<sizelimits resize="both">
<dynamic />
<stringcontrol name="main_Tab_Label">
<tooltip textres="tab6page_main_Tab_Label_Tooltip" />
<center />
<static textres="tab6page_main_Tab_Label_LabelCaption" />
<readonly />
<windowlist name="WindowListSpells">
<left offset="8" />
<right offset="-7" />
<top offset="38" />
<bottom offset="-266" />
<tooltip textres="tab6page_WindowListSpells_Tooltip" />
<windowlist name="WindowListHeros">
<left offset="11" />
<right offset="-9" />
<top offset="160" />
<bottom offset="-145" />
<tooltip textres="tab6page_WindowListHeros_Tooltip" />
<windowlist name="WindowListMonsters">
<left offset="12" />
<right offset="-13" />
<top offset="281" />
<bottom offset="-9" />
<tooltip textres="tab6page_WindowListMonsters_Tooltip" />



<windowclass name="subwindowlistSpells">
<size height="25" width="556" />
<linkfield name="LinkField1">
<selfonempty />
<allowdrop />
<stringcontrol name="name">
<readonly />

I don't know what to put in the links class for monsters, and NPCs also. So I didn't complete them.

Moon Wizard
June 5th, 2023, 07:07
datasource is the location in the database where the subrecords for that list are stored. Type /save in the chat window, and then look at the db.xml to see what gets created. (Best to do in a new campaign to minimize data you're looking through.)

acceptdrop is an older method to specify what window class shortcut drops are accepted for drops, and which fields to copy (i.e. * = all fields). This can also be accomplished via handling onDrop event in the windowlist control. In general, leave off acceptdrop unless you specifically want a record to be dropped on the list from elsewhere, and you know that the dropped record has the same structure as the list records.


June 5th, 2023, 11:41
thanks that helped a little but it's still not working.
I need more to go on I am new when it comes to the rules wizard.

<npc> must mean data source .npc?
<spell> must mean data source .spell?
could not find monsters, encounters, or creatures!

June 5th, 2023, 13:51
I found this in the windows database?!

<window data="reference.npcdata.id-00001@AD&amp;D 2E Monstrous Manual" class="npc" pos="649,337,1129,887" />
<window data="spell.id-00001" class="power" pos="479,322,829,672" />

does it mean the data source for NPCs should be
and the link window class should be npc?

and for spells, the data source should be

and the link window class should be power?

June 5th, 2023, 14:43
Maybe provide us with a bit more information about what you're trying to achieve.

Are you trying to display a list of all NPCs, spells, etc.? If so, this is done in the ruleset library file - adding buttons to the sidebar down the right side, using the aRecords LUA table in the Core RPG ruleset scripts\data_library.lua file - there are a lot of comments at the top of this file. For examples of adding/modifying the CoreRPG data in a layered ruleset or extension, see the 5E ruleset, scripts\data_library_5E.lua.lua for example - the aRecordOverrides table is used to add new records or override existing ones.

If this is not what you're trying to do, then please provide more information - are you wanting to display a complete list of all NPCs, spells, etc. in a custom window you're creating (if so, what's the use case?) Or are you wanting to store a subset of these in a windowlist - e.g. the Encounter windowlist that stores links to NPCs.

Knowing exactly what you're wanting to do will determine what advice we can give.

June 5th, 2023, 15:34
Maybe provide us with a bit more information about what you're trying to achieve.

Are you trying to display a list of all NPCs, spells, etc.? If so, this is done in the ruleset library file - adding buttons to the sidebar down the right side, using the aRecords LUA table in the Core RPG ruleset scripts\data_library.lua file - there are a lot of comments at the top of this file. For examples of adding/modifying the CoreRPG data in a layered ruleset or extension, see the 5E ruleset, scripts\data_library_5E.lua.lua for example - the aRecordOverrides table is used to add new records or override existing ones.

If this is not what you're trying to do, then please provide more information - are you wanting to display a complete list of all NPCs, spells, etc. in a custom window you're creating (if so, what's the use case?) Or are you wanting to store a subset of these in a windowlist - e.g. the Encounter windowlist that stores links to NPCs.

Knowing exactly what you're wanting to do will determine what advice we can give.

I just want to add certain new spells, NPCs, and monsters to a separate window list for each on the same page. my ext requires it because it allows the gm to create NPCs, monsters, and new spells to a certain created mythology and link them to that page. I'm trying to figure out what to input for data source, and accept dropfield class on each window list. Also, what to input on the window class on the linkfield button for each one. I provided pics, and an example code to show what I'm trying to achieve. what I need is a tutorial or a demo/ext file of a working windows list of NPC, monsters, and spells, or the correct coding to acheive this. thanks a bunch. damned briefly touched on it in his video

June 5th, 2023, 15:52
oh, it's for corerpg and 2ed d and d rulesets! i still need his PayPal info so i can pay him for those video tutorials

June 5th, 2023, 16:02
I'm still not 100% clear on exactly what you want to do. So let's run through an example - a list of NPCs:

There is a campaign master list of NPCs - where the GM can create new NPCs or edit existing ones; this is all handled by FG natively via the NPCs sidebar.
You want to allow a GM to link specific NPCs to another page - I'm not clear if this is purely for reference or if there's some other functionality around this list of linked NPCs.

So, you have a couple of options:

Make a Story or Reference Manual page and drag/drop your NPC links to that page. If what you're looking for is a list of NPCs, then this is your simplest way to do it. See the first screenshot below as an example.
Program a windowlist "somewhere" where you can drag/drop NPCs to. I'm not clear on the "somewhere" - where would this NPC list be applied to? That is, what other window will this windowlist be located within? A basic example of this (an NPC windowlist within another window) is the Encounter window - where NPCs are added to a windowlist within an encounter record. This allows for multiple different encounters, with each encounter having one or more NPCs linked.
You also have a third option - but this depends on exactly what you're actually trying to do. If all you want is the ability for a GM to have a list of specific NPCs, then you can add a field to an NPC and use that as a filter (#1 in the second screenshot below) - then you can filter the NPCs in the standard NPC campaign data lists, or write a grouped list button at the top of the NPC campaign data list that will open and just display the NPCs that have a specific field value (#2 in the second screenshot below).

If these aren't what you're looking for, then please provide more details so that we can give advice which is specific to exactly what your end goal is.



June 5th, 2023, 16:13
I'm still not 100% clear on exactly what you want to do. So let's run through an example - a list of NPCs:

There is a campaign master list of NPCs - where the GM can create new NPCs or edit existing ones; this is all handled by FG natively via the NPCs sidebar.
You want to allow a GM to link specific NPCs to another page - I'm not clear if this is purely for reference or if there's some other functionality around this list of linked NPCs.

So, you have a couple of options:

Make a Story or Reference Manual page and drag/drop your NPC links to that page. If what you're looking for is a list of NPCs, then this is your simplest way to do it. See the first screenshot below as an example.
Program a windowlist "somewhere" where you can drag/drop NPCs to. I'm not clear on the "somewhere" - where would this NPC list be applied to? That is, what other window will this windowlist be located within? A basic example of this (an NPC windowlist within another window) is the Encounter window - where NPCs are added to a windowlist within an encounter record. This allows for multiple different encounters, with each encounter having one or more NPCs linked.
You also have a third option - but this depends on exactly what you're actually trying to do. If all you want is the ability for a GM to have a list of specific NPCs, then you can add a field to an NPC and use that as a filter (#1 in the second screenshot below) - then you can filter the NPCs in the standard NPC campaign data lists, or write a grouped list button at the top of the NPC campaign data list that will open and just display the NPCs that have a specific field value (#2 in the second screenshot below).

If these aren't what you're looking for, then please provide more details so that we can give advice which is specific to exactly what your end goal is.



I'm trying the second option for NPCs and spells. I'm currently using the ruleset wizard to do it. thanks so much for your reply.

June 5th, 2023, 16:22
I'm trying the second option for NPCs and spells. I'm currently using the ruleset wizard to do it. thanks so much for your reply.
OK, so we need to know more information - where are these lists of NPCs and Spells stored? If you're having windowlists, then they need to have a specific database location to store the data. This will help answer your questions in post #3 and #6. Is "tab6page" a stand alone window? If so, what is the base database location where this data will be held? Or, is "tab6page" within another window - if so, which window?

June 5th, 2023, 16:28

at the end of the video. is a super brief example of it on linking note entries to a window list. I trying to duplicate it for NPCs and spells.

June 5th, 2023, 16:38
OK, so we need to know more information - where are these lists of NPCs and Spells stored? If you're having windowlists, then they need to have a specific database location to store the data. This will help answer your questions in post #3 and #6. Is "tab6page" a stand alone window? If so, what is the base database location where this data will be held? Or, is "tab6page" within another window - if so, which window?

hold on I will take a pic of it in the fantasy grounds tab6page is a separate stand-alone window containing the two windowlists. one for npcs and one for spells I can post the project file or ext file of what i got so far.


June 5th, 2023, 16:48

at the end of the video. is a super brief example of it on linking note entries to a window list. I trying to duplicate it for NPCs and spells.
EDIT: thanks for providing the screenshot - that's what I was trying to understand how this all fitted within your extension design.

Looking at your red fields in post #3:

datasource - you pick the name of this, as this will be the name of the database parent where the data will be stored. Try "spells", "npcs", etc.. Or you could use "spelllists", "npclists", it's up to you.
class - use "power" or "npc". There's no differentiation between NPCs and Monsters - they all use the "npc" base data representation.

June 5th, 2023, 16:52
EDIT: thanks for providing the screenshot - that's what I was trying to understand how this all fitted within your extension design.

Looking at your red fields in post #3:

datasource - you pick the name of this, as this will be the name of the database parent where the data will be stored. Try "spells", "npcs", etc.. Or you could use "spelllists", "npclists", it's up to you.
class - use "power" or "npc". There's no differentiation between NPCs and Monsters - they all use the "npc" base data representation.

thanks so much i give it a go.

June 5th, 2023, 18:11
it works now I also had a width issue which caused it to not work. the only issue I am having is the text is not showing with the link?!

here's the code I am missing something I think

<windowclass name="subwindowlistSpells">
<size height="25" width="339" />
<linkfield name="LinkField1">
<selfonempty />
<allowdrop />
<stringcontrol name="name">
<readonly />

June 5th, 2023, 18:26
it works now I also had a width issue which caused it to not work. the only issue I am having is the text is not showing with the link?!

here's the code I am missing something I think

<windowclass name="subwindowlistSpells">
<size height="25" width="339" />
<linkfield name="LinkField1">
<selfonempty />
<allowdrop />
<stringcontrol name="name">
<readonly />
Use "stringfield" not "stringcontrol". stringcontrol objects aren't tied to a database field, whereas the stringfield object is.

June 5th, 2023, 18:50
Use "stringfield" not "stringcontrol". stringcontrol objects aren't tied to a database field, whereas the stringfield object is.

thanks a bunch! it works fine now. when I am done I will post the ext and project files.

June 6th, 2023, 03:45

