View Full Version : Champions (MoreCore Extension)

June 3rd, 2023, 07:42
Champions Extension

Champions Extension: This extension provides a reasonable representation of a Champions (Hero System 6e) character sheet, but it doesn't include a lot of automation. It does a "nice" job of dividing things up into separate areas and tabs, and provides access to the MoreCore "rolls and trackers" features. It has been play-tested once for a 3-part scenario with 5 players.

Usual Copyright caveats:

Chanpions itself is a DOJ, Inc. product.
Based on the MoreCore - ShadowRun 3e extension (check it out here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?65485-Shadowrun-3-extension)).
Languages from the Additional Fantasy Languages and Fonts extension from Trenloe.


Custom background
Custom dice tower
Check out the image in the next post.



Version 0.2.2: Verified "isLocal" error is fixed (thx to damned), removed the percentile, removed some more warnings, and updated the version number.
Version 0.2.1: Fixed some formatting, and the "isLocal" error for the GM (still happens for the player).

June 3rd, 2023, 07:43
And here is a screenshot.

June 3rd, 2023, 14:11
Well done Iamorric!!

June 4th, 2023, 03:32
Good Day lamorric :)
Wow this looks amazing! I cannot wait to give it a try! :)

June 5th, 2023, 20:59
A little more description, and let me know if you have questions.

I helped my players create rolls (in the "Custom Rolls" box on the "Main" tab) that would roll their attacks, damage, and spend their endurance. I had to apply the damage by hand, and the DVC hit is displayed in the chat. So a little on the manual side.

The "Combat Tracker Values" box on the "Main" tab, has a button to apply a "Recovery" and to "Reset" those values. The Initiative order in Champions is based on SPD and DEX, and is automatically calculated as SPD * 100 + DEX. The phases next to the SPD in the "Characteristics" box will change based on the SPD value. Similarly, the ability rolls will too.

The Main tab Totals box actually tallies the values from the other boxes from each of the other tabs.

Most everything else is just a transfer from HeroDesigner. I did play some games with "Prefixes" on the names of things to get the sorting to work out the way I wanted.

Future updates on my list include:

change the "ROUND" counter in Combat Tracker
make the phases more of a visual chart

June 10th, 2023, 02:06
Good Day Lamorric :)
Just a quick question, how did you set up the "Use END" button?

Thanks :)

June 10th, 2023, 06:17
The MoreCore Ruleset implemented a few extra fields in the Combat Tracker values. One of which is being used for the character's current Endurance (END Remaining).

Specifically, that field was c5 and can be updated using the command /c5mod. The attached picture shows the MoreCore custom rolls used to deduct from the END Remaining, make an attack roll, make a skill roll, and make a damage roll.

Let me know if that was more confusing than helpful, and I'll try again. ;-)


June 10th, 2023, 22:32
Good Day Lammoric :)
That cleared up the END Use perfectly THANKS!
I still need to learn what the rest of the options are on the rolls page, the Reference Fields and the Parameters, but the rolls seem to work OK without them populated. :)

One minor thing I noted was when you do a Recovery from the Main page on the Character Sheet it also recovers Body Damage. I Do not believe it is supposed to work this way. From the 6E book:
A character Recovers a number of BODY in one month equal to his REC. Typically, the GM apportions this BODY over the course of the month.

June 14th, 2023, 02:45
Bonkon, you are absolutely correct. Probably a cut and paste issue with reusing the "reset" functionality as a starting point for that button.

The extension has been updated in the first post.


June 17th, 2023, 22:44
Good Day LaMorric :)
It seems there is a new error message coming up when loading this extension since the upgrade:
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "MoreCore:scripts/manager_combat2.lua"]:11: attempt to call field 'setCustomAddNPC' (a nil value)

As I still have not messed with NPC's (Still inputting the manual) I do not know if it is a nuisance error or not. :)

Thanks :)

June 21st, 2023, 16:37
Good Day to you too, Bonkon.

Recently, there was what seemed like a major update to Fantasy Grounds. My extension doesn't do anything specific with NPC's, and that error appears to come from within the MoreCore Ruleset. The creator of that Ruleset (dammed) is usually very good at keeping on top of things like this. I will continue to watch MoreCore and update my extension (if needed) as there are updates there.

Sorry, but I don't have a solution at this time.

June 21st, 2023, 20:56
Hi lamorric - I havent recreated that error in MoreCore at this time. Can you share steps with me?

June 22nd, 2023, 23:10

I wonder if my system is corrupted. These are the steps.
1) Delete both MoreCore and CoreRPG
2) Start FGU and do "Check For Updates"
3) Create a new MoreCore campaign with no other extensions selected and in LAN mode

When the it finally shows the desktop it shows the console with the messages. I have attached the Console Log file (MC_Plain_1_fgu_logs_20230622.zip).

It should be noted I can get CoreRPG to error on start of a clean campaign as well. Sometimes the errors are such that the right hand sidebar doesn't show. The other log file (CoreRPG_fgu_logs_20230622.zip).

I have also noted that things are usually better after the error, if I restart and do a "Check For Updates", and then "Load Campaign".

And finally, sometimes the loading screen is like the old beige FG, and sometimes it is collored a purple-ish / gold-ish.

Let me know what you think.

June 23rd, 2023, 00:34
Please update and try again...

June 24th, 2023, 01:14
Hazzah! It doth workith!

As I said before, the creator of MoreCore is a "damned" fine person! ;)

June 24th, 2023, 01:40
And I found an issue with the way I implemented the heal / recovery.

There is a new version in the initial post.

July 15th, 2023, 06:33
Good Day LaMorric :)
I have had to step away from playing with this (And creating a Reference Manual, which is taking forever!) :)
But today I started working on a character, placed him on the Combat Tracker then added an NPC. When I connected to myself and opened the Combat Tracker I got the following error on the Players side only:

As this was the first time I tried adding anything to the Combat Tracker I did not know what to expect! :)
Plus there is a lot less info on the Players side! LOL :)

But so far this looks amazing and I am looking forward to the day I finally get the Reference Manual done so our group can give it a shot.

Thanks for doing all this! I know it is beyond my capabilities. :)

July 17th, 2023, 15:55
Hey Bonkon,

This looks like maybe it is coming from MoreCore, and I have contacted "damned" to see what he thinks.

Just wanted to let you know that we are looking into it.


July 18th, 2023, 00:15
Please re-run the updater and try again.

July 18th, 2023, 03:02
Crikey! He's fast, and good.

As far as I can tell, both MoreCore and my Champions extensions are working.

Thanks damned!

July 18th, 2023, 05:00
Good Day LaMorric and Damned :)
You both rock, Thanks for doing this!! :)

July 21st, 2023, 21:02
Good Day LaMorric :)
Just a quick question. When I place a PC on the CT it does not seem to automatically populate the "Speed/Dex" box and only the GM can input that information. Is this normal, or am I missing something?

Thanks :)

July 26th, 2023, 02:22
Hey Bonkon,

Yes, that was intentional, sort of. I think that is default behavior, maybe.

I didn't want to mess with the combat tracker code, and the reroll initiative button at the bottom of the combat tracker will take what is on the NPC and populate it.

If I can find some free time, I may take a look at it. I want to get intot he combat tracker code to update the turn counter to have a turn and phase indicator.

July 27th, 2023, 19:32
Good Day LaMorric :)
Thanks for the info. I just wanted to make sure. It is simple enough to type it in the first time PC's are added then not worry about it anymore. :)

November 21st, 2023, 02:39
This looks amazing. I'm just figuring ut ther every basics of creating custom rolls. Is there a way to add in skill level modifiers to custom roll to hit calculation?? IE, a Player has +1 Overall level, and decides to add it to OCV on this phase. Or would you just make up multiple custom rolls (One Roll saying energy Blast, and maybe another saying "Energy Blast +1 Skill Level" that adds a +1 to the calculation?

I'm thinking that just creating some custom effects might help to track things like dodging or OCV/DCV modifiers from combat moves.

November 22nd, 2023, 04:44
Hey, wjpennington.

In the past what I have done is used the MoreCore custom roll parameters option. Label one as skill level. Then the player can add them in as they use the Roll. See this link for more info.
Roll Parameters (https://www.diehard-gaming.com/mchelp.html#parameters)

You could also have the players create custom rolls on the characters using the /mod X, and make the X a parameter.

May 25th, 2024, 03:16
ok, I'm just not good at this. does anyoen have a sample character with some basic rolls they coudl share an export file of? I can't figure out how to get anything to roll tryign to decipher the morecore instructions. But maybe looking at a working character would help.

May 25th, 2024, 08:36
Good Day wjpennington :)
If you look at the picture on post #7 on the first page of this thread you will see pictures that might help you understand what I am trying to convey here. :)
I am just muddling through this myself. MoreCore has certain rolls that are set for the Champions system. You can type them in the chat such as /champions 8 this will roll the 3d6 and calculate an attack roll for an OCV of 8 (OCV + 11 - the 3d6). For a Skill check you need /cskill # (whatever the value of the stat is).

To make the custom rolls so you can drag and drop them onto the Main page of the character sheet you need to open the Rolls button on the right side of the screen and press the green + button at the bottom. Type in the name of what the button will be, for example Attack Roll. Then in the Dice String window type /champions 6 (or whatever the OCV is for the character). Then drag that button from the Rolls window to the Custom Rolls on the characters main page.

To make END usage buttons Create a new Rolls button and type /c5mod 10 (or whatever END is used)

I took me a while to realize that the window for the Combat Tracker Values on the character sheet main page are /c1mod is Body, /c2mod is Stun, /c3mod is Body Wounds, /c4mod is Stun Wounds, and /c5mod is END. (I just learned tonight playing around with it, it seems like if you do a /c2mod 10 it shows on the Stun Wounds, so basically the same as using /c4mod#)

Now to make it easier to adjust how much Stun or Body damage is taken, open the Custom Roll window (Click the Hero symbol on the character sheet main tab) and unlock it. Go down to the section that shows "Enable Formula" and check the box. In the "Param Formula" window type /c2mod (p3). Then where it shows "Hide Parameter" check the p1 and p2 boxes. There will now be a small window on the character sheet main page Custom Rolls. You can now click on that box and type in how much damage was taken then click the button and it will adjust on the Combat Tracker Values window and the Combat Tracker.

I hope that is not too confusing, but I am just messing around with it myself. :)

May 27th, 2024, 15:59
Are there any plans to put this extension on the forge?

May 28th, 2024, 05:57
Good Day lamorric :)
I started getting the following error when I started trying to create some characters with only the Champions extension running. It does not do it with only MoreCore . It does not seem to affect anything that I have noticed. :)
Champions Error

May 30th, 2024, 04:06
Are there any plans to put this extension on the forge?

I have thought about it, but I have not looked into what it would take to put something into the Forge.

May 30th, 2024, 04:07
Good Day lamorric :)
I started getting the following error when I started trying to create some characters with only the Champions extension running. It does not do it with only MoreCore . It does not seem to affect anything that I have noticed. :)
Champions Error

Truthfully, it has been a while since I have used this extension. I will take a look and see what I can do.

May 31st, 2024, 05:02
I started to dig into this, and it seems there are some fundamental changes the FGU that are causing issues for this extension.
Formatting I can and have fixed on the Notes tab.
The "isLocal" error message I fixed for the Host, but it still happens at the player level.
I also see some of the fields are not acting quite right For one, the Phases are not being populated.

The person who created MoreCore is fairly busy, and I get the impression it is at the sunset of its life cycle. I'll probably need to migrate away from MoreCore, maybe go to XCore, or just build off of CoreRPG. There were some pretty cool custom roll features in MoreCore that I'm not sure can be reproduced easily anywhere else.

May 31st, 2024, 05:10
All User.isLocal have been removed from MoreCore to the best of my knowledge.

If you want to share me the current (the one you have made changes to already) build and instructions on how to replicate the issue I can have a peek.

I personally do think that XCore is likely to be better supported going forward. What rolls/mechanics are you specifically talking about? And yes - MoreCore has way more specific rolls built in but XCore is generally easier to add new ones to.

May 31st, 2024, 05:23
OK - I did find a couple more... am uploading a new build to Forge just now.

May 31st, 2024, 05:28
Hmmmm the build wont appear in my list... will update when I can push it live.

June 1st, 2024, 01:22
Good Day lamorric and Damned :)
Thanks for looking into this. :)

June 1st, 2024, 01:31
Forge updated now.

June 2nd, 2024, 05:45
Thx damned, that fixed the isLocal issue.

There are still 2 outstanding issues that I am looking into.
1) The script that should convert the SPD into a string of the phases a character acts on is no longer populating the field it should be.
2) The custom dice tower no longer shows. :-(

I want to poke around at #1 some more, and I have yet to look into the #2.

If anyone has any ideas why #1 might be happening, I would love to hear them.

The SPD field has script functions for onInit and onValueChanged. The onInit calls the onValueChanged. The onValueChanged function gets the SPD value, converts it into a string of the phases the PC acts on, and sets other fields with this value. The code is similar to other functions on the same page, that seem to still work. I put "print" statements in and can see that the SPD value is getting converted. It is probably something that has changed "recently" in the way the value should put into the other fields, and I am just not seeing it.