View Full Version : Cannot Load Modules + Other Connectivity Issues

June 2nd, 2023, 03:38
Summary: When I connect to my DM's table I cannot load any of the modules. I can view the list of modules but the module icon/images to the left aren't loading(circled red in the attached screenshot). In addition to not being able to load modules, it takes several minutes before my character appears in the character list. When I throw dice on the table, my DM can see the result and after several minutes the result will finally populate for me and then my dice rolls are then in real time for me as well. Player tokens are not loading, both in the top left of the screen and on the map, but I am able to see the map. In trying to troubleshoot this problem, I've gone through my firewall settings, checked my modem, looked in my ISP settings and tried all of the other recommended troubleshooting here on the forum. The weirdest part about all of this though is that I only seem to have these issues with some tables. I've joined random unlocked tables and some seem to allow me to download modules etc but other have the same problems as my DMs table. I've attached the log files for both my DM and myself. Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide to help troubleshoot this issue.


Ruleset(s): DnD5e

Operating System / Language Setting: Windows 11 / English (United Settings)

Moon Wizard
June 2nd, 2023, 05:05
It's definitely seems to point to some sort of networking situation. Unfortunately, there's not much information that we get from a client point of view. If there is network slowdown or blocking going on, it occurs on the GM or player network, or over the Internet. The networking libraries don't provide any detail. We just know whether a file was requested, and whether it was received.

We've tried to write down all the typical things that people have seen with networking issues that have figured out.


June 2nd, 2023, 05:35
Unfortunately I've gone through this list and tried all the steps but nothing seems to resolve the issue. It just seems weird that it works on some tables but not others.

June 2nd, 2023, 08:29
Unfortunately I've gone through this list and tried all the steps but nothing seems to resolve the issue. It just seems weird that it works on some tables but not others.

Any idea if any of these troubled tables are using wireless connections or perhaps upload speeds of less than 15 Megs? Are you using a wireless connection? Bandwidth might be an issue. Different times of the day with peak hours or if someone is also using the same wifi channels in an apartment situation, etc. Or the host and half the users are also using wifi connections, this can add in more potential for bandwidth issues.

June 2nd, 2023, 08:33
Do you own any of the books that you have circled in the picture? That spider web symbol usually shows up if the other uses owns the content and you don't and vice versa. Strange.

June 2nd, 2023, 08:41
Any idea if any of these troubled tables are using wireless connections or perhaps upload speeds of less than 15 Megs? Are you using a wireless connection? Bandwidth might be an issue. Different times of the day with peak hours or if someone is also using the same wifi channels in an apartment situation, etc. Or the host and half the users are also using wifi connections, this can add in more potential for bandwidth issues.

The main table where I'm trying fix this issue for is using a wireless connection. Other players are able to connect to the table without issue, its just me having these problems. As for the other tables where I've had issues/success, I can't really say. I just joined random tables in the list that weren't password protected to see if this problem was with my GM's table or not.

No, I don't own any of the books listed in that picture.

June 2nd, 2023, 08:49
To confirm the issue - this screenshot is showing that some of these modules have loaded - the ones with the open book. If you go to the library, can you see these modules?

June 2nd, 2023, 08:57
To confirm the issue - this screenshot is showing that some of these modules have loaded - the ones with the open book. If you go to the library, can you see these modules?

Sorry, I wasn't clear about the screenshot. That screenshot is from a server where everything appears to be working normally. In that server, yes, I could see the modules in the library. In the servers where things are not working properly, the circled images don't load(the modules also don't load when I click load).

June 2nd, 2023, 09:12
Thanks for confirming.

Do you see the module image thumbnails on the Module activation screen?

June 2nd, 2023, 10:20
Thanks for confirming.

Do you see the module image thumbnails on the Module activation screen?

No, they don't load for servers where I'm experiencing this issue. I did just use my phone as a tethered internet connection and was able to resolve the issue, so I know its a network issue possibly with my router, I just don't know what the issue is.

June 2nd, 2023, 13:01
Look for flood control - this is a common culprit.