View Full Version : Honor and Intrigue Feedback thread
May 30th, 2023, 15:30
The Core Book and extension can be purchased here.
This is comes with an extension and the core module. Please make sure you load the extension when you start your BoL game.
June 1st, 2023, 14:50
a few typos/lay out errors in the reference manual. Under boons dueling style listed twice plus Master of disguise header in grouped in with the previous boon. On the character sheet there is no place to list Motivation apart from in the general notes
June 1st, 2023, 15:00
also Dodge is missing from the maneuvers
June 1st, 2023, 15:08
Dodge is an effect and is handled by clicking the Dodge button right above your weapons area on character main page. Dodge, melee, brawl,parry and ranged are used a lot so they are all integrated into main page. That being said I will make a record, its just unlike unlike other maneuvers there is no roll. So it is only for information.
Thanks for the typos I'll address it hopefully before next Tuesdays update.
So I think with regard to motivation it deserves its own entry on the notes page. Real estate is at a premium on main tab and the motivation could be lengthy.
June 1st, 2023, 15:38
Here is how it will look.
June 6th, 2023, 06:21
Dodge is an effect and is handled by clicking the Dodge button right above your weapons area on character main page. Dodge, melee, brawl,parry and ranged are used a lot so they are all integrated into main page. That being said I will make a record, its just unlike unlike other maneuvers there is no roll. So it is only for information.
While true, there is some benefit to it being listed as a maneuver. I'm assuming the tick mark on the "Actions" tab next to the Maneuver is to show that it is "Mastered". While there is no roll, with the Maneuver, you can't mark it as you do other maneuvers.
June 6th, 2023, 07:01
Looking at it, Dueling Styles are just specialized Boons. I recommend creating them AS boons, so that you aren't scrolling through the Dueling Style boon to find what you need. That way, instead of dropping the Dueling Style boon, you can drop the appropriate Dueling Style instead.
If it doesn't step on any toes, I can create the Dueling Styles as an extension to do just that. I DID have to create the Dodge Maneuver, as several Dueling Styles referenced it.
Dueling Style Boon Image (
The benefit to keeping it as a separate extension, you don't have to use it if you are using the Duelist's Guide - whose fighting styles supersede H+I
June 6th, 2023, 12:38
Yeah I said I was adding the dodge record in the previous post. It was an oversight. I'm going to push updates after the FG beta release comes out.
An Extension sounds like a great idea to address that. However there is a clickable box next to your weapon attack. If you toggle that it will roll your boon die.
July 26th, 2023, 06:30
OK, I'm running into some issues here.
First, the NPC Offense section shows Advantage and Composure, but the PC Offense section does not. It shows "Strength", "Agility", "Melee", and "Ranged". While somewhat useful, this could go on the Party Sheet (see the CoC rulesets for this) as its not really useful for combat. The lack of me seeing the PC Advantage and Composure hurts, as I have to examine the PC sheet itself if I want to track this information.
Second is the NPC sheet. There is no "Advantage" block on the NPC sheet, and it would benefit the GMs if there is one. I didn't think this was important, but I was trying to bring in an NPC from "The Duelist's Guide", and he has a starting Advantage of 8. When I drop him into the combat tracker, it sets the the Advantage at 1 (instead of the default 3). Which is fine if I can remember that I'm supposed to adjust this, but my memory ain't that great. Plus, if I'm building the adventure out for someone else to use, they may not even know to adjust the Advantage.
Also, from the NPC sheet, I figured that rolling the base stat was the perfect way to roll a maneuver for my NPC. In this case, If I wanted him to make a Parry roll, I would just make a "Savvy" roll, and then add his Melee. And then I found that NPC stat rolls add double the stat to the roll (any of the four). If my "Daring" is a 2, I get a roll of 2d6+4. This only does this on the NPC sheet, and the PC sheet rolls 2d6 plus the stat.
And lastly, you have checkboxes on the NPC tab for "Villain" and "Pawn", but none for "Retainer". This is a minor issue, as it seems checking neither is the default position for creating a Retainer.
July 26th, 2023, 14:44
I got to admit I'm having a hard time trying to distill what you issue is. The first paragraph refers to the combat tracker I guess?
The second issue is you want an advantage block on the NPC record?
July 26th, 2023, 15:51
Ok so I reread this on a computer (was word salad trying to read on the phone) and I think I got what you are asking. I fixed the NPC roller and added the fields in the image below. If I missed something just reply with a short concise sentence on what you want. If I have a question I can reply if not Ill just do it. Once I hear back from you I will push this as a hotfix.(due to roller error) I dont want to do it until I'm certain I addressed your concerns.
July 27th, 2023, 17:03
Since I did not hear back from you I went ahead and pushed this update to address the NPC roller and a few other things. I indicated it as a hotfix and sent an email to SW so hopefully we can get it pushed before the next update.
August 25th, 2023, 22:03
Yes, these were a lot of the changes I was looking for. Sorry, I missed your message as RL came down on me hard last month.
Some of it was just figuring out how you wrote it (ie, Retainers are setup as the default NPC, and you have to choose to either make them a Villain or Pawn).
But those are definitely the corrections I wanted
August 25th, 2023, 22:05
Ok no problem it should be live. Thanks for the feedback.
August 26th, 2023, 01:43
I'm back to having difficulties again. I'm trying to write in the Sample NPC's (Pawns, Retainers, and Bestiary - P.167 - 175) and am running into problems.
First is Competence for Pawns. There is no place to put it on the NPC sheet, and this is the fixed initiative for Pawns. For now, I'm just setting the Pawn Initiative to the Competence. I still have to manually set it after I move it to the combat tracker, but those are the breaks.
This allows for a 0 initiative, but the combat tracker is not set up to show 0.
NPC Weapon Coding doesn't seem to cover everything.
As an example, you have a Gargoyle with Bite [MM] (1d6)
I had assumed the first letter was for the Attribute (Might, Daring, Savvy, Flair) and the second letter was for Combat Abilities (Melee, Ranged, Defence, Brawl)
Might and Daring work for attributes, and Melee and Ranged work for Combat abilities.
Savvy (which is used in the default Ranged Attack maneuver) defaults to whatever Might is. So an [SR] tag is giving me Might + Ranged.
Brawl adds nothing at all. Using a [DB] or [BD] tag adds nothing and doesn't show up in the chat.
As an example, if I attack with a [DM] tag I get in the chat:
"Sword [Stat +2, M +1]"
But if I attack with a [DB] tag, I get:
"Fist [Stat + 2]"
Thanks for the hard work on this.
August 26th, 2023, 02:06
Go look on the notes tab. It has a spot for size, advantage and competence.
The best way to setup attacks like brawl are to click the button next to "attacks" and use a modifier in the attack line.
Fist +2 [MM] (2d6)
When you do this it ignores what's is in the brackets. If you look at some NPCs many are coded like this (see Serpent Man as an example) Since those skills are not roll able in HI its the easiest way to accomplish this.
So if you build a pawn you can set up his stats but click the attack button and use the modifiers when you build each attack. Just use [MM] brackets. I will go back in and look at the script as I noticed if your attack line is all dorked it is throwing and error. I'll have it send a message to chat instead.
I will also go back in and have their INIT default to their competence value for a little extra automation
Thanks again, let me know if you think I missed something in this explanation.
September 2nd, 2023, 05:17
OK, it looks like one of the updates broke something.
Whenever I click on a a maneuver, (say ... from the the "Maneuvers" list) it throws up the console and four errors. And then it doesn't show the header block of the maneuver.
[ERROR] subwindow: Could not find windowclass (boonflaw_header) in control (header) in class (maneuvers)
[ERROR] window: Control (action_type) anchoring to an undefined control (header) in windowclass (maneuvers)
[ERROR] window: Control (action_type) anchoring to an undefined control (header) in windowclass (maneuvers)
[ERROR] window: Control (contentframe) anchoring to an undefined control (header) in windowclass (maneuvers)
September 2nd, 2023, 05:19
It also had some warnings in the log that -didn't- cause the console to pop up.
[9/1/2023 8:02:20 PM] EXTENSION: Honor and Intrigue
[9/1/2023 8:02:20 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 3.588094
[9/1/2023 8:02:27 PM] [WARNING] Frame scrollbar_base contains out-of-range values in Middle.
[9/1/2023 8:09:14 PM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (bonus) in control (armourdiceframe) in class (npc_main)
[9/1/2023 8:09:14 PM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (bonus) in control (boonlist) in class (npc_main)
[9/1/2023 8:09:45 PM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (bonus) in control (armourdiceframe) in class (charsheet_main)
[9/1/2023 8:09:46 PM] [WARNING] Frame poolsbox contains out-of-range values in BottomRight.
September 2nd, 2023, 14:25
Ok looks like I missed something in the update. I'll check it out.
September 2nd, 2023, 15:36
I submitted a hotfix to BOL and HI to address the error and warning issues. SW will have to push them both.
Moon Wizard
September 2nd, 2023, 22:41
I've pushed the hot fixes. Please run a new Check for Updates.
I will be working with @bayne7400 to standardize those frames, so that they work with all the themes.
June 6th, 2024, 15:22
Go look on the notes tab. It has a spot for size, advantage and competence.
Just setting up NPCs, but on my Notes tab of NPC card, it is essentially a blank notepad? I don't see any "spot for size, advantage and competence"? I am no doubt missing something, but...
June 6th, 2024, 20:06
Let me check on this when I get home. I'm betting when we redid how the sidebar records look I missed this. I'll get it updated this week if it is required.
June 6th, 2024, 20:07
Excellent, thank you.
June 7th, 2024, 01:47
I submitted the fix. It may take a day or so for it to go live. It will show up in the patch notes as an update to Barbarians of Lemuria ruleset.
June 7th, 2024, 10:21
Thank you very much!
July 21st, 2024, 05:19
Okay, Maneuvers seems to be broken by something. When I am looking at a maneuver, it looks like the Quality is stacked on top of the Ability, because the title words (Ability/Quality) are definitely stacked on top of each other.
Prior, I used to see 5 blocks. TYPE of action; QUALITY; ATTRIBUTE; vs two FIELDS for Defense. Now, I only see four, with me being able to set the TYPE of maneuver and the QUALITY of the maneuver.
Also, and this is a monor request, can you change the label on the PC Character Sheet from "Attributes" to "Qualities"? This is just to match the terminology of the ruleset.
July 21st, 2024, 13:58
This is what I see and it looks ok to me.
July 21st, 2024, 18:33
Ahhh, I'm sorry. I wasn't clear. I wasn't talking about the Maneuvers listed on the Character Sheet. I was talking about the Maneuvers listed on the left drop down, under "Characters". Below Boons, Careers, and Flaws; but above Origins, and Spells.
This is what I see
July 22nd, 2024, 00:18
I'll see if I can get the time to fix this a week from Tuesday update. I was working on FG stuff all this morning, it is unfortunate.
November 27th, 2024, 19:45
Okay, Maneuvers are still busted, at least from the Sidebar.
While the overwriting of the labels has been fixed, what they refer to is wrong. At least the first one.
While the first field is labeled Ability, it only allows me to select ACTION types (Major, Minor, Reaction, None). In this case the Ability for Horsemanship SHOULD be Melee, I am never given the option to select that as Ability doesn't really show up on this window. The only way for to put Melee as the ability, is to edit the db.xml file. And, while I cant see the Ability, it does copy over to the character sheet.
Here is a shot of the maneuver on the character sheet, and as it is presented from the Maneuver Tab. You can see on the sheet that it is Melee, and on the Tab it is Minor.
As I said earlier, you used to have five selections on the Maneuver tab, and now there are only four. The tab is referencing Ability but is showing Action, while no reference to Action is shown. I'm not sure if the Actions block is layered over the Ability block on the window, or if you meant to remove the Action Type as redundant (except you filter by Action Type in Maneuvers tab, so I would say no).
It does look like the fifth block needs to be added back in please.
November 28th, 2024, 00:02
it looks like the anchoring is off. I'll take a look
November 28th, 2024, 00:30
This is a bit of a hot mess since last update. With the holidays it may be Monday before it can get pushed.
November 28th, 2024, 01:01
Ok. I am still going to address a few more nits I see but here is what you will see. The ability entry was in the DB but due to anchoring it was not displaying.
IF YOU have any other issues LET ME KNOW ASAP. This is a nice 4 day weekend and I am willing to put some more time in if you see anything.
December 8th, 2024, 13:12
I’ve tried the core book and extension for Honor and Intrigue, and they’re a solid combo. The extension is definitely key for things to run smoothly, so don’t forget to load it before jumping into the game. I really enjoy how the system blends roleplaying with that swashbuckling feel – it’s a fun mix of strategy and storytelling if you’re into that kind of setting!
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