View Full Version : FGU 4.4.0 Feedback

May 27th, 2023, 10:52
So far not much to complain about - the UI is fine, the "Next Page" not working I already messaged Moon Wizard about.

But just from a UI point of view the icons for Play and Stop could so with some alts so you know they have been clicked - shading or colouring maybe. That way you know its working properly (some sounds take their time to play, they have a long silent intro section sometimes.)


Moon Wizard
May 27th, 2023, 17:19
The play button and stop button is just a trigger. As far as we're aware, the Synriscape web client does not currently provide a feedback mechanism to specify any details about the state of the sound session or whether something is playing or not. We're limited to calling URL triggers on their system.

We do put any non-oneshot sounds into a Now Playing list in the Sound - Context window to give you an idea of what "should" be playing ongoing.


May 27th, 2023, 17:37
The play button and stop button is just a trigger. As far as we're aware, the Synriscape web client does not currently provide a feedback mechanism to specify any details about the state of the sound session or whether something is playing or not. We're limited to calling URL triggers on their system.

We do put any non-oneshot sounds into a Now Playing list in the Sound - Context window to give you an idea of what "should" be playing ongoing.


I understand that, just some visual queue that the click worked, like when you click on the Party Sheet Icon etc., would be nice.

May 27th, 2023, 20:42
I understand that, just some visual queue that the click worked, like when you click on the Party Sheet Icon etc., would be nice.
To clarify: The suggestion is having button and button_down assets, not a button that toggles between play/pause or a "playing" indicator.

May 28th, 2023, 11:07
Related to sounds - if Dice sounds can be played thru FGU - could you not implement it so Local Sounds play via the client as well - so the GM shares the sound files, like an image, and then they can be triggered on the FG client?

Moon Wizard
May 28th, 2023, 23:59
Dice sounds are just sound clips baked into the client program itself.

Playing any random clip that a user would want to play across the network requires new asset/network sharing code specifically for sounds; as well as APIs to control the sounds. Also, once you do that, people are going to ask for being able to mix sounds, synchronize sounds, etc. It's an entire feature set that would need to be built, that is already handled by sound programs such as Syrinscape (or using pipes).

It's definitely something that could be done given relevant development time; but it's not on our current priority list to do.


May 29th, 2023, 00:02
Dice sounds are just sound clips baked into the client program itself.

Playing any random clip that a user would want to play across the network requires new asset/network sharing code specifically for sounds; as well as APIs to control the sounds. Also, once you do that, people are going to ask for being able to mix sounds, synchronize sounds, etc. It's an entire feature set that would need to be built, that is already handled by sound programs such as Syrinscape (or using pipes).

It's definitely something that could be done given relevant development time; but it's not on our current priority list to do.


Ok. Thanks.

Moon Wizard
May 30th, 2023, 04:40
Shading added to play/stop/volume buttons when pressed, in the latest Test build.


May 30th, 2023, 21:55
Shading added to play/stop/volume buttons when pressed, in the latest Test build.


You replied to 4.4.0 Feeback at 04:40 ;)

May 31st, 2023, 22:59
The One Shot sound volume keeps reverting to 60 each session.


Moon Wizard
June 1st, 2023, 04:33
Yes, the sound volumes always reset to the base values. 100 for main sounds, and 60 for one shots. The one shots on Syrinscape are much louder than the elements.

There's no way for FG to currently read the volume from Syrinscape to know what it currently is; so we set it to the starting values each time.


June 1st, 2023, 12:41
There's no way for FG to currently read the volume from Syrinscape to know what it currently is; so we set it to the starting values each time.

EDITED: sorry, I've not actually played with the beta yet, looks like this is a design choice to have the volumes set in FGU when you trigger them, rather than leaving it to whatever is set in the web player. Probably disregard my comment below, and mods feel free to delete this post.

Is it necessary for FGU to set it at all? Couldn't you just leave it at whatever value it might be in Syrinscape? I've a vague feeling that's the way it works in Mattekurre's extension and I don't see a particular problem with that? I guess the sounds might be turned right down from a previous session and you might not realise and have to go into Syrinscape directly sometimes. But I'd have thought the use-case of having to go into the Syrinscape control panel at the start of every session to reset to one's preferred settings is probably at least as much of a PITA for the GM to do?

Cheers, Hywel

Moon Wizard
June 1st, 2023, 17:11
True, but...

Then the volume controls would need to be removed; since the setting the volume higher/lower requires knowing what the volume is in the first place. (The Syrinscape URL requires a number to be sent to set volume; which means we have no way to change the volume unless we know the volume. By settings the volume on start up, we know the volume set by FG at least.)

A couple things I might look at:
* Try to find the Syrinscape API notes, and see if there is a way to pull the volume by URL. (EDIT: Reviewed API; and no option for this.)
* Possibly look into saving the volume value between sessions, so it at least will match previous settings. (assuming you don't change outside FG.)


June 1st, 2023, 17:42
For me keeping the value in FGU between sessions would make the most sense. That way at least this week's setup starts from what the settings were last week.

Cheers, Hywel

June 1st, 2023, 17:42
For me keeping the value in FGU between sessions would make the most sense. That way at least this week's setup starts from what the settings were last week.
I agree. This would be a nice feature.

June 29th, 2023, 18:05
One feedback about the Data Management of sounds, in File or VLC section: could it be possible to erase only one entry? It seems that it is possible to clear all but not to clear only some entries. It would be very helpful. Thanks to consider that possibility.
Another thing: is there a way to change the main "sounds" folder for another hard drive? I have a lot of sounds but my ssd will be full if I use all of them. By the way is it a problem for FGU to have a lot of sound entries in the sound settings (memory and lag wise) and if there is a limit what is it?

Moon Wizard
June 29th, 2023, 19:17
We'll have to look into how best to manage the File list management. Currently, you can only Clear or Import, so you would need to keep a separate list of files.

It is by design that FG only allows "file://" URLs to only work within the FG data folder. This prevents extensions and mods from potentially being able to run arbitrary commands on your machine that are not within the FG data folder If you really want to link in a separate folder, you could look into symbolic-linking of folders on your machine to the FG data folder space. (i.e. mklink in Windows; or ln command in Linux/Mac)


July 5th, 2023, 05:25
A suggestion about the "File" section: is it possible to add a "Folder" search section in addition to the "Name" search?

July 5th, 2023, 06:12
Thanks for the feedback. Moon is currently not available to look it over, but I will pass this along to him to see if it's something we will pursue.