View Full Version : LFP – DnD 5e – Saturdays 8pm MDT

Fineous Finbar
May 26th, 2023, 20:06
Table of 3 looking for one to two more players to fill out our group. We prioritize roleplaying and story progression along with meaningful combat to move us through our adventures. Collaboration and teamwork are the core criteria at our table.

• We are looking for strong role players whose skills complement the existing team.
• Any gender is welcome.
• Light use of marijuana or alcohol consumption is accepted. We don’t tolerate over indulgence. We want players to stay engaged.
• Not interested in bringing real world political, religious, or other social issues to the game. We play to escape.
• Commitment is requested. We understand that sometimes real life takes precedence but we make the time to play and are committed to it.
• We lean into our character flaws/quirks because it adds great role playing opportunities.
• We would like everyone to be willing to DM, but it is not a requirement for entrance into our group. We are willing to help new members learn if interested.

We want to be as transparent and clear as possible to make sure we get the right fit for our group and make it fun for all players. Being on the same page about what we want to experience in D&D is very important. We are looking for people who like to have a character that is more than just min/max stats. Players who enjoy roleplay within the party and with the NPCs our DM will put in front of us. A person who is a team player, letting everyone enjoy the spotlight from time to time. A willingness to expand and grow as a role-player, trying voices, developing character plots and backgrounds with the DM, and building relationships between characters.

We try to take the game beyond just dice rolls, describing our actions during combat, going as far as having the group Bard write a song or two and we always support players pushing their roleplaying boundaries. If you want to be a murder hobo, constantly trying to contradict what the rest of the group is working to accomplish then we are not the right fit for your style of play.

We are offering up 1 to 2 positions in our group on a trial basis to make sure we are all a good fit for each other. Should the current group agree to continue playing together at the end of our new adventure, you will be invited to join future campaigns. We have a great group and would like to add a few more to our table - those who love this game as much as we do.

If interested, please feel free to DM me or reply to this post and we can set up a time to connect.

Game Details:

FGU License: We all have a full license so all you need is the Demo version
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: MDT
Day of week and time: Saturdays 8PM-12AMish
If new game, planned start date: Ongoing game
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly 4 hours
Term: ongoing

Text or Voice: Voice/video
Voice software used: Discord/Zoom
Will this be recorded and live streamed? Record yes (not tryout sessions), live-streamed yes (not tryout sessions).

Roleplay & Combat mix: Roleplay heavy with a good mix of combat
Number of Players in game & needed: 4 people currently & looking for 2 more
Character starting level & equipment: Dependent on when you join the campaign
Character restrictions: Non Evil

May 26th, 2023, 23:03
I'm interested. This sounds just up my alley.

Few questions if I may:
What world, or type of world? High or low magic? Homebrew or existing IP?
What does the party need? I can play anything, any role, and enjoy playing a character that a) is a role that's needed/useful and b) isn't taking anything away from another player/character
Lots of homebrew or essentially RAW?

I look forward to hearing from you. My discord is MacAllen#8571

May 26th, 2023, 23:52
Same as person above...
Is it a published adventure, homebrew, or combination of both?
What's the current group build regarding classes?
Where can your recorded streams be viewed???

May 27th, 2023, 00:05
Same as person above...
Is it a published adventure, homebrew, or combination of both?
What's the current group build regarding classes?
Where can your recorded streams be viewed???

Oh that last one's a good one, great question Jerrie. Same here, where can we view the games to see if we are a fit?

Fineous Finbar
May 27th, 2023, 00:32
First off, thank you both for the replies.

Campaign Set-up: The main campaign is a Home Brew with a few sub classes created to fit the narratives of some of the PC’s. The DM is great in working with the players in developing the storylines and if a new sub-class fits, all the better. Other than that it is RAW but the DM is in full belief of the rule of cool.

Party Make-up: As to the party needs, we currently have the following: Artificer/Sorcerer, Bard, Paladin, Wizard and Fighter. We, however, firmly believe you should play what you want. We are not caught up in trying to optimize the party and as the ad mentioned we like to lean into the flaws and imperfections as we feel it leads to great role play.

Level of Magic: I would say as a player that we could always use more magic items! But most battles are balanced with the items we have and the DM has even allowed the artificer to create some custom items to fill needs or scratch the itch if you will.

Process: As to the process, we are running some one-shots, also home brewed and run by the players, to let everyone try things out before joining. We want to make sure the fit is right for both of us before we ask you to commit. The DM puts a lot into back stories and weaving them into the story. It would be a disservice to you and us, not to get to know each other beforehand and that it is a table you would like to join.

We will not be streaming nor recording the tryout sessions, just Zoom and Fantasy Grounds.

If you would like to know more about us we do have our main campaign on Youtube. It is not required viewing! LOL! Here is the link:
Role by Roll - Adventures in Emathan

If you have any more questions, please let me know and thanks again for reaching out.

May 27th, 2023, 00:52
How do you generate stats?
Do you spend more time outdoors, city, or "crawling"? I'm pondering a rogue (scout)/ranger, someone nature-driven, but only if it fits.
That, or maybe a hexblade 'lock? Locks are very story driven so I'd need to work her backstory into the game.
Lots of ideas milling about in my head.

And my question about roles isn't about min/maxing, it's more about spreading the tools out. Can we all be Bards? Sure, but letting the Bard be a Bard and rolling something else both lets the Bard shine and lets me play something that can also shine. I'm in a Star Wars game where 3 of the 5 of us are diplomats and the dialogs get really convoluted and when combat starts everyone runs :P

Fineous Finbar
May 27th, 2023, 01:08
Stats are usually Standard Array or Point Buy but if you want to see what the Dice Gods have in store for you, I’m all for it!

The campaign is a mix but so far it has leaned city with crawling in second. Not a ton of pure outdoor quests to be fair but that could change.

Totally agree about what you mean in regards to roles. It is not so much about the powers that they bring but a diversity that can keep things interesting!

June 5th, 2023, 16:26
This sounds like a game that is right up my alley. If you’ll have me, I typically play a rogue when able to and it seems you may have a small opening for such.