View Full Version : Looking for group with good RP focus

May 17th, 2023, 05:52
I'm a veteran role-player. I know D&D 1E/2E, 3E and 5E pretty well. Also have experience with classic World of Darkness and several other game systems.
Looking for a new game that plays weeknights or mornings (Sunday to Thursday 9AM-3PM EST or 8PM-2AM).

I am open to a variety of game styles and systems (GURPS, Champions, D&D, WoD, or whatever). I don't have experience with Pathfinder, but I might be willing to give it a try.

I am a role-player at heart, but I like combat too. Would like RP/combat to be around 60/40 or 50/50 ideally. I tend to create a unique personality and history for each of my characters and I try to show that personality as much as I can during a game.

Here's my Discord if you have an opening for new players: Meiwa Ehluna#7659
