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View Full Version : Deadlands: Horror at Headstone Hill Campaign Needs 1 or 2 players

May 14th, 2023, 02:49
FG License: I have an Ultimate license
Game System: Deadlands Weird West edition

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Day of week and time: Mondays at 7PM
If new game, planned start date: Ongoing (just started)
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 Hour session & Weekly
Term: Long term
Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No plans currently

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 4 players, need 1 or 2 more
Character starting level & equipment: Seasoned starter characters (Optional Archetype Pre-made characters will be made available for use)
Character restrictions: None

Details of your scenario: "Wild wind hisses through frosty sagebrush. Knife-sharp clouds cross a blazing white moon. In the quaking aspens that fringe the foothills, a shivering clatter draws the traveler with its siren song. Danger is everywhere, even in plain view.

Welcome to Wyoming Territory, amigo! It’s a place of wonder and beauty, but it ain’t for the faint of heart."

Horror at Headstone Hill is a sandbox campaign setting, fully detailing this small section of the Weird West. As the heroes unravel the main campaign storyline they’ll find themselves drawn into all manner of exciting adventures in and around Uinta County, Wyoming. It includes a handy booklet for players, the 128-page Horror at Headstone Hill book, a double-sided map, detailed player handouts, and creature cards.

What do you expect from players as a GM? I expect good attendance and curtesy to others with a desire to play and have fun.

What do you not want? Rules lawyers and unsociable jerks. No problem players please.

Must have a desire to play for a long campaign. Experienced players preferred but not necessary. I also do not want those who have played this campaign before if possible.

Thank you

Those interested, please post on this thread or DM me.

May 18th, 2023, 14:42
Sounds interesting, would like to attend a session or two to see if a good fit.

May 18th, 2023, 15:12
Sounds interesting, would like to attend a session or two to see if a good fit.
Hey, Mike! Long time no see. This is Patrick "Doc Lightning" from the Flood. Me and Jon Baldridge use to play. Would love you to play! Just shoot me your Discord info by PM.