View Full Version : LFG - interested in Pathfinder 2e on weekday evenings PST

May 13th, 2023, 22:20
Been playing RPG's for decades. Currently GM a 5E game on Tuesday, but want to explore Pathfinder 2e as a player and see if it's worth making the switch in a about a year once our campaign concludes. The rule system looks more promising so far, but since Pathfinder and DnD both seem about to release refurbished editions the timing seemed right to explore my options. I've played Pathfinder 1e and thoroughly enjoyed the lore of this world and read many of its novels.

Unfortunately, weekends are not an option for me, so only weeknights, except Tuesday are available. Wednesday is the best for consistent start times for me, as the other days I could be delayed due to lengthy drive times home from work and traffic.