View Full Version : SERAPHIM D&D 5E Campaign (Players Needed)

May 9th, 2023, 17:25
SERAPHIM D&D 5E Campaign

I am a newish GM looking for players to add to my current D&D group. We are starting a new campaign for brand new level 1 characters. Just some quick info on who we are and what we are looking for then some details. We are a small Christian multi gaming group that has recently started playing D&D again after years away from the game and have the beginnings of a small group forming. We are looking to add players that are beginning players themselves and/or willing to play with new players. It is my intention to run all licensed Adventure Modules that FGU has to offer for D&D 5E. So this campaign will roll into another one and so on. Our group is mostly older more mature gamers with families and adult responsibilities, and we govern ourselves as such both in our manners and vocabulary in a family friendly environment. We are US based group with midwest sensibilities. We are looking for players that want to have a good time and be in it for the long run. I can go into more detail on this later in DM to me.

FG License: GM has Standard License

Game System: D&D 5th edition set in Forgotten Realms

Player 5E or FG Experience: None required. If new players need assistance, I am happy to meet during off game times to work out any questions.

Time Zone: CDT (GMT -5)

Day of week and time: Saturday evenings 7:30pm – 11:30pm every week.

Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly sessions to last about 4ish hours (depends on how intense that week’s action is)

Term: Ongoing as long as we are having fun (As long as there is D&D product I will keep running from one module to the next for my group.)

Text or Voice: Voice

Voice software used: Discord

Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: I try to achieve a 50/50 ratio but ultimately that is determined by the party and I take the story where they lead. Even though we use set Modules I add enough twists and some homebrew elements to keep it exciting.

Number of Players in game & needed: looking for 3-4 at this time

Character restrictions: I prefer for group dynamics not to run evil aligned character’s but have no problem with player characters that may skirt the line. I also at this time do not use multi classing option but may add it later to my campaign.

Source Material:
Players Handbook, Monster Manual, and DM Guide. (more added later)

If interested please DM in Discord Brew-E#5692

May 15th, 2023, 03:26
Discord friend request sent. Hopefully you're still looking.