View Full Version : Twilight 2000 - updated and Savaged

January 18th, 2008, 05:50
I'm interested in running a Twilight 2000 campaign on Fantasy Grounds and would like to know if there's anybody interested in playing. The setting would be updated to 2013 and we'd use the Savage Worlds system. I'd like to run games every other week on a Thursday or Friday evening (I'm Mountain Standard Time, GMT-7).

Twilight 2013: Darkest Dawn

We marched through the new millennium with confidence. There were signs to unrest, to be sure, but few took them seriously. The great wars of the past seemed buried beneath wealthy societies that would no more threaten their neighbors than they would cut their own throats. We reasoned from our ivory towers that if only we could help the rest of the world be as affluent as we were, then peace would reign.


What fools we were. Wars of blood and faith are part of our genetics and will never be silenced. Insults and divisions hundreds, even thousands, of years old cannot be paved over in a mere few years by democracy and prosperity.


The wealth turned into weapons. The democracies became dictatorships by will of the people. The need for oil, water, and fertile land pressured peoples and fractured societies. Jihad, crusade, revolution, genocide, and civil war replaced belief, trade, and debate. Barbaric weapons that were never to be used were employed indiscriminately against militaries, economies, and peoples.


After the Collapse, only one in ten lives. Civilization stands at a precipice and looks into the abyss. A few brave people are willing to fight against the coming dark age of humanity. They will stand against anarchy and push back the tide of barbarism. If there is hope, it is with the choices and sacrifices a small number of men and women will make.


The Twilight 2013: Darkest Dawn campaign puts characters in the middle of the action during the last stages of the Twilight War. The choices made by the characters have profound consequences and affect how, or even if, civilization will recover.

January 18th, 2008, 06:06
Right-wing political parties make advances in general elections in Western Europe on anti-immigration/nationalist platforms and anti-Muslim/eastern European sentiment increases. Summer riots in France by Muslim youth spread to other European countries and a "European Intifada" is born.


Islamists win control of the secular government in Turkey and start dismantling the system. A minor civil war breaks out between the secular army and the Islamist public, but it is eventually decided in favor of the Islamist government. Turkey withdraws from NATO and drops its application for entry into the EU. However, Turkey also declares itself the “Protector of Islam in Europe”.

China claims the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. A conflict between Chinese and US-backed Philippine naval forces is narrowly averted by mediation by the United Nations.

An earthquake in China destroys the Three Gorges Dam system and flooding kills about 1 million Chinese citizens. Worse, China won’t be able to meet its energy needs without some new outside source. The Central Committee executes the designers of the dam in a show trial and begins to make preparations to acquire oil from its western neighbors. It enters into an alliance with Iran, Pakistan, and Myanmar to meet these needs by dominating the Middle East and the vital Indian Ocean.

Iranian-backed Shiite insurgencies appear in the major Sunni countries and begin to destabilize those nations. Crackdowns result in more conflict and dissatisfaction with leadership.


A terrorist attack in India re-ignites long-simmering Pakistan/India tensions and nuclear weapons are used by both sides on a tactical and strategic scale. Pakistan is crippled and India is badly damaged by the limited exchange.

After stirring up ethnic tensions in Kazakhstan, China invades, citing protection of ethnic Chinese. Iran invades Turkmenistan, citing similar abuses of Persian minorities. Kazakh and Turkmen forces are pushed back and request assistance from Russia, which responds and Central Asia turns into a meat grinder with Chinese/Iranian forces slowly advancing north. Chinese forces also fight their way into eastern Siberia, besieging Vladivostok.


Against Chinese desires, the Iranian president declares himself to be the 12th Imam, a Shiite apocalyptical figure. Iran launches a nuclear attack against Israel, the major Sunni capitals, and US forces in the Middle East. Iran is annihilated in the retaliation. After the dust settles, it’s obvious that the Middle East will be providing little to no petroleum to the world soon, making other sources all the more important. Also obvious is the damage to US forces, which took heavy casualties.


As the Iranian effort falters, Russia opens a new offensive in Central Asia and Eastern Siberia. Battle lines begin to move south as Russian forces employ chemical weapons on a massive scale and Chinese supply lines falter. When Russian forces reach Chinese borders, tactical nuclear weapons are employed by the Chinese, and then by the Russians. However, the Russian drive into China is only slowed.


Russia, citing internal needs, cuts fuel deliveries to Europe. NATO nations, facing a cold winter, threaten to blockade the Baltic. Tensions increase and Russian merchant vessels are fired on by NATO naval assets. Russian forces invade NATO member Poland. The initial plan is to occupy territory to the Wisla River and then negotiate, but the NATO forces are pushed back ahead of schedule and Russian leaders decide to occupy all of Poland and establish a new set of “buffer” nations.

Turkey, citing abuse of Muslims in Hungary, Romania, and Greece, invades the Balkans and Eastern Europe. NATO forces, already reeling under Russian attacks, make a determined but futile stand.

January 18th, 2008, 18:36
That sounds really f-ing cool. I would be in for a Thursday night game. Friday I could not do.

January 18th, 2008, 23:23
I don't know the Savage Worlds system, but if that can be handled somehow, I'd like to second Malovech's sentiment.

January 20th, 2008, 22:43
I don't know the Savage Worlds system, but if that can be handled somehow, I'd like to second Malovech's sentiment.

No problem. Savage Worlds is a simple-to-understand game system that is fast, furious, and fun. You can find just about all you need to know at https://www.peginc.com/. Just download the Savage Worlds Test Drive and you'll get a quick intro to the system and a basic rule set. I'll be back in touch with specifics for the campaign and modifications of the Twilight rules.

January 20th, 2008, 23:21
Ah, Twilight:2000, so dear to my heart. :)

I'd like to join as a player though I must admit I'd be coming into it new to Savage Worlds. I'm in MST as well and Thursdays or Fridays work just fine.

January 21st, 2008, 00:12
Bravo :) Wonderful game... and with SW it might actually be a tad quicker to play than with old Phoenix Command 2000 rules. ;)

Your posted images and background has me drooling ... but work is in the way as with so much else that would be fun.

Waldo Pepper
January 22nd, 2008, 07:45
Very cool idea. I played the original Twilight 2k when it was first released and it was a ton of fun. Good luck with the game and keep us posted. :)

January 22nd, 2008, 13:00
This looks quite interesting.

January 22nd, 2008, 13:52
Sounds interesting for sure :D I'm running a game w/ SW rules and really think it's the best generic system out there. I'm in EST so it would depend on the time frame you plan to run..but may be able to do either night

January 24th, 2008, 04:51
Wow! Thanks everyone for your support!

I'll be in touch with folks for finding a good date/time, but so far it's looking like Thursday evening (give or take a little bit). Also, I'll provide some more info for character generation and background. Bringing the world to it's knees will be a blast!


January 26th, 2008, 19:51
I would be intersted as well if it is thursday nights.

January 27th, 2008, 23:43
Please answer the following poll questions in reply to help me get a better feel for what you'd like to see in a game. Answer as specific or as vague as you'd like, just be aware that I'll use this to create the encounters and direction of the campaign.

The world is your oyster (albeit a radioactive and gunshot oyster, but an oyster nonetheless). What geographic region would you enjoy playing in (you can name more than one)?
Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, South/Central America, Central Asia, East Africa, etc.?


What kind of non-combat activities do you prefer?
Civilization rebuilding, search and rescue, building alliances, business opportunities, romantic pursuits, etc.?


What kind of combat do you prefer?
Sneaky penetration and ambushes :ninja: , heavy metal clashes (tanks & armored vehicles), hit-and-run raids, etc.?


I believe that good adventures let the players choose their character's actions, but great adventures let the players choose their character's morality. What kind of group do you want to be a part of?
Kill-em all and loot the bodies :pirate:, protect the weak and innocent, I get mine and everyone else gets what's coming to them, etc.?



January 28th, 2008, 03:05
The world is your oyster (albeit a radioactive and gunshot oyster, but an oyster nonetheless). What geographic region would you enjoy playing in (you can name more than one)?
Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, South/Central America, Central Asia, East Africa, etc.?
-North America
What kind of non-combat activities do you prefer?
- Search and Rescue, Investigative
What kind of combat do you prefer?
What kind of group do you want to be a part of?
-protect the weak and innocent

January 28th, 2008, 03:30
The world is your oyster (albeit a radioactive and gunshot oyster, but an oyster nonetheless). What geographic region would you enjoy playing in (you can name more than one)?
Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, South/Central America, Central Asia, East Africa, etc.?
-Middle East, Balkans, Chinese-Russian battle line. Wherever the chaos of conflict is dominant.

What kind of non-combat activities do you prefer?
- Getting back to friendly lines/figuring out whether to help or shoot the recently encountered civilians/day-to-day survival missions (getting food, ammo, etc)

What kind of combat do you prefer?
-From the groups' side, small unit infantry combat. But that might be in support of armor, in ambush, or whatever else comes our way.

What kind of group do you want to be a part of?
-A mixed one with a firm leadership that makes sure that conflicting opinions does not get out of hand.

To be a bit more specific, it could be a campaign where the characters have the starting goal of getting from, say, the Middle East to the Balkans, or from behind Russian lines to Taiwan. No aid is forthcoming from the high command which is simply too busy elsewhere, or might not want to mess things up further by flying into the airspace over the group. The group might meet other stranded survivors, some lower ranking, some higher ranking, some who just want to get out as well, some who order the group to participate in a suicidal last stand or push. Trekking through bombed out, sometimes radioactive surroundings, trying to find better transport than ones feet, and keep it fueled, and avoid getting strafed or rocketed by passing aircraft. Passing through or past rubbled cities or villages where villagers still eek out an existence in the middle of it all. Maybe finding an ally in an Iranian corporal and his squad who like you just wants to get north of the Baghdad line. Maybe end up in an isolated mountain village where the girls are pretty, and the harvest hasn't been ruined, and consider whether the war is actually worth it. Then find out that the village in the middle of the path of a great push, and consider whether defending it is worth it.

What I see as classical Twilight 2000, just updated to modern weapons, tactics, alliances, and diplomacy.

Wouldn't have to be exactly, or even remotely like the above, but fighting under a properly organized military command, or as a kick-*** special forces team who just needs to get in and out isn't what I'm thinking when I hear Twillight 20**. It might start out like that, but in the end you should be on your own.

January 28th, 2008, 05:36
Please answer the following poll questions in reply to help me get a better feel for what you'd like to see in a game. Answer as specific or as vague as you'd like, just be aware that I'll use this to create the encounters and direction of the campaign.

The world is your oyster (albeit a radioactive and gunshot oyster, but an oyster nonetheless). What geographic region would you enjoy playing in (you can name more than one)?
Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, South/Central America, Central Asia, East Africa, etc.?

North America first, Europe second, South/Central America third.

What kind of non-combat activities do you prefer?
Civilization rebuilding, search and rescue, building alliances, business opportunities, romantic pursuits, etc.?

Rebuilding civilization and setting up a new government. Creating a new era for humanity and a haven for those seeking refuge from the chaos.

What kind of combat do you prefer?
Sneaky penetration and ambushes :ninja: , heavy metal clashes (tanks & armored vehicles), hit-and-run raids, etc.?

Small-arms conflicts, with the odd heavy metal showdown. A lot of lurking through bombed out ruins with guerrilla style assaults.

I believe that good adventures let the players choose their character's actions, but great adventures let the players choose their character's morality. What kind of group do you want to be a part of?
Kill-em all and loot the bodies :pirate:, protect the weak and innocent, I get mine and everyone else gets what's coming to them, etc.?

Protect the weak and innocent, restore society, stamp out barbarism and banditry. Create a new world order from the ashes. But with the constant shadow of utter futility hovering over our actions.

January 28th, 2008, 21:53
I'm interested but Thursday is the only night that work for me.

January 28th, 2008, 23:01
Please answer the following poll questions in reply to help me get a better feel for what you'd like to see in a game. Answer as specific or as vague as you'd like, just be aware that I'll use this to create the encounters and direction of the campaign.

In general the answer to all these is, I am flexible and any of them would be fun. However below is my specific answers.

The world is your oyster (albeit a radioactive and gunshot oyster, but an oyster nonetheless). What geographic region would you enjoy playing in (you can name more than one)?
Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, South/Central America, Central Asia, East Africa, etc.?
Europe or SE Asia. All the background stuff you have given seems to suggest to me this is the best place for fun and excitement

What kind of non-combat activities do you prefer?
Civilization rebuilding, search and rescue, building alliances, business opportunities, romantic pursuits, etc.?
search and rescue / building alliances

What kind of combat do you prefer?
Sneaky penetration and ambushes , heavy metal clashes (tanks & armored vehicles), hit-and-run raids, etc.?
Hit-and-run, small unit tactics kind of stuff

I believe that good adventures let the players choose their character's actions, but great adventures let the players choose their character's morality. What kind of group do you want to be a part of?
Kill-em all and loot the bodies , protect the weak and innocent, I get mine and everyone else gets what's coming to them, etc.?

I usually prefer to play a character who has a moral code, and abides by that, but at the same time looks for what advantage is in it for my advancement/growth/wealth

January 28th, 2008, 23:35
I'm fine with any of the above options. I've always found one of the funnest parts of an RP is coming up with a character to fit into the setting.

January 30th, 2008, 23:11
Wow. That looks really cool.

Have you settled on a day and time yet? (And do you have openings?)


February 1st, 2008, 03:06
I believe we are doing Thursday at 6 MST (-7 GMT). As for room, PMing neal5x5 is probably your best bet

February 3rd, 2008, 18:02
Sorry for the delay, folks. I've been clubbed like a baby fur seal by a cold. :dead:

I'm working on the final character generation documents. I'm pulling material from the Savage Worlds Tour of Darkness campaign setting and combining it with the Twilight 2.0 to create a comprehensive (I hope) and easy to read character generation process.

February 4th, 2008, 03:50
Sorry for the delay, folks. I've been clubbed like a baby fur seal by a cold. :dead:

I'm working on the final character generation documents. I'm pulling material from the Savage Worlds Tour of Darkness campaign setting and combining it with the Twilight 2.0 to create a comprehensive (I hope) and easy to read character generation process.

No worries Neal. I hope you feel better soon. I got accosted by the same flu earlier this year and it sucked. I hope you feel better soon.

February 13th, 2008, 00:44
Hey everyone. Thanks for your patience while I put together the character generation guidelines and recovered from what has turned out to be one of the nastiest bugs I've ever run across. Please find attached to this post the character creation guidelines and an updated and expanded timeline.

Now that I'm just about ready to go, I just want to set up a good starting date. This Thursday isn't going to work for me as I've got a face-to-face gaming convention, but Thursday, Feb 21 is good for me. How does that sound for folks?

February 13th, 2008, 00:50
I also wanted to share a cool wallpaper from a game publisher working on the new Twilight game. Too cool to pass up.

February 13th, 2008, 00:53
I'm at a con from the 21st to the 24th, so I won't be able to join in there. Then again, I won't mind if the rest of you just go ahead.

February 13th, 2008, 01:01
Last entry for tonight: a price list. The price list is from Twilight 2000 v2.0, but is what we'll use. The letters in parens following the entry are for availability with the first being in NATO-controlled territory and the second being is Warsaw Pact (now Russian Federation) territory.

V = very common, C = common, S = scarce, R = rare.

February 20th, 2008, 18:53
Is everyone good for tomorrow night? Malovech will be unavailable, but working folks into the plot won't be difficult. I'll send info around for getting together when I'm on my home machine.

February 21st, 2008, 02:29
GTG and looking forward to it!

February 29th, 2008, 17:01
The initial session didn’t do so well, with only Lujan showing up (muchas gracias, Lujan), but I think that was probably my inexperience with the Fantasy Grounds system scheduling as much as anything. I’d like to try for Thursday, March 6 at 6:00 pm (thanks Malovech!) MST. I’ve created a spot on the calendar at


with that date set up as a question for everyone.

Lujan asked that I put together some game info on the mods available for the M16A2 and I've been working on that. There's some pretty complete systems out there to virtually transform the rifle

Also, I’d like to welcome a new player, Rhys Cathym, who will hopefully be joining us next Thursday.

July 13th, 2008, 01:50
Did this every turn out into an ongoing game?

I love Twilight 2000... gotta really work on getting the old system a rule set.

August 16th, 2008, 18:56
Just came across this game in the calender, and if it's going or you are looking to kick start it again, I'd love to be involved. Please let me know if there is life to this...

August 17th, 2008, 03:45
I'm not sure if it did. I haven't heard anything about it. Shame.