View Full Version : Can connect to Any Host (System.Dll NotfaundException: lua5.1)

May 7th, 2023, 01:31
Hi, i have this problem, i already try the firewalls and private conection tips, also i install the Visual C++. But nothing works.
i let the issue discription below:

"[5/6/2023 8:51:27 PM] FGU: v4.3.8 FREE (2023-04-27)
[5/6/2023 8:51:27 PM] OS: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit
[5/6/2023 8:51:27 PM] GRAPHICS: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 : 1579
[5/6/2023 8:51:27 PM] UI SCALE: 1
[5/6/2023 8:51:27 PM] USER: saucedom
[5/6/2023 8:51:27 PM] Launcher scene starting.
[5/6/2023 8:51:49 PM] Resolving named connection to server. [Whofan1990]
[5/6/2023 8:51:49 PM] Attempting resolved connection to server. [, 2604:a880:800:10::70e:2001:63814]
[5/6/2023 8:51:59 PM] Attempting authorization. [saucedom - PUNCHTHROUGH]
[5/6/2023 8:52:00 PM] Client connected to host as 'saucedom'
[5/6/2023 8:52:27 PM] Unexpected command (CHINR) received on client while downloading.
[5/6/2023 8:52:27 PM] Client ruleset download complete
[5/6/2023 8:52:28 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
[5/6/2023 8:52:28 PM] Tabletop scene starting.
[5/6/2023 8:52:28 PM] CAMPAIGN: Tales of Exandria I (04.30.23)
[5/6/2023 8:52:28 PM] RULESET: 5E
[5/6/2023 8:52:28 PM] NETWORK STATUS: [Client] [Connected]
[Client Type - PUNCHTHROUGH]
[5/6/2023 8:52:29 PM] [ERROR] LOADTHREAD: System.DllNotFoundException: lua5.1 assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member: (null)
at (wrapper managed-to-native) KeraLua51.NativeMethods.luaL_newstate()
at KeraLua51.Lua..ctor (System.Boolean openLibs) [0x00011] in <7c5d7ddc41504453b89948731c998232>:0
at GIJFMPJFKLM.OGDJMHEEKAG () [0x00000] in <40c02a09ce8748878f871abdabc14403>:0
at KDGPBIMMBGC.BKMDFOGJDHI () [0x00000] in <40c02a09ce8748878f871abdabc14403>:0
at KDGPBIMMBGC.ACHJNIOEGCJ () [0x00000] in <40c02a09ce8748878f871abdabc14403>:0
at FG.FGDesktop.MPLDMNJHFFJ () [0x00016] in <40c02a09ce8748878f871abdabc14403>:0
[5/6/2023 8:52:29 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 0.8090463
[5/6/2023 8:52:29 PM] Tabletop scene exiting.
[5/6/2023 8:52:29 PM] Launcher scene starting.
[5/6/2023 8:52:29 PM] [ERROR] Game server connection was lost. Returning to launcher.
[5/6/2023 8:52:29 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
[5/6/2023 8:52:29 PM] Launcher scene starting.
[5/6/2023 9:13:43 PM] Resolving named connection to server. [Whofan1990]
[5/6/2023 9:13:43 PM] Attempting resolved connection to server. [, 2604:a880:800:10::70e:2001:63814]
[5/6/2023 9:13:53 PM] Attempting authorization. [saucedom - PUNCHTHROUGH]
[5/6/2023 9:13:54 PM] Client connected to host as 'saucedom'
[5/6/2023 9:14:20 PM] Client ruleset download complete
[5/6/2023 9:14:21 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
[5/6/2023 9:14:21 PM] Tabletop scene starting.
[5/6/2023 9:14:21 PM] CAMPAIGN: Tales of Exandria I (04.30.23)
[5/6/2023 9:14:21 PM] RULESET: 5E
[5/6/2023 9:14:21 PM] NETWORK STATUS: [Client] [Connected]
[Client Type - PUNCHTHROUGH]
[5/6/2023 9:14:21 PM] [ERROR] LOADTHREAD: System.DllNotFoundException: lua5.1 assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member: (null)
at (wrapper managed-to-native) KeraLua51.NativeMethods.luaL_newstate()
at KeraLua51.Lua..ctor (System.Boolean openLibs) [0x00011] in <7c5d7ddc41504453b89948731c998232>:0
at GIJFMPJFKLM.OGDJMHEEKAG () [0x00000] in <40c02a09ce8748878f871abdabc14403>:0
at KDGPBIMMBGC.BKMDFOGJDHI () [0x00000] in <40c02a09ce8748878f871abdabc14403>:0
at KDGPBIMMBGC.ACHJNIOEGCJ () [0x00000] in <40c02a09ce8748878f871abdabc14403>:0
at FG.FGDesktop.MPLDMNJHFFJ () [0x00016] in <40c02a09ce8748878f871abdabc14403>:0
[5/6/2023 9:14:21 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 0.0010001
[5/6/2023 9:14:22 PM] Tabletop scene exiting.
[5/6/2023 9:14:22 PM] Launcher scene starting.
[5/6/2023 9:14:23 PM] [ERROR] Game server connection was lost. Returning to launcher.
[5/6/2023 9:14:23 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
[5/6/2023 9:14:23 PM] Launcher scene starting.

May 7th, 2023, 08:57
Welcome to the forums. See this troubleshooting article here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1667760130/ONLOAD+System.DllNotFoundException+lua5.1+Error