View Full Version : LFP – Need 1-2 Players, Tue Night, 8:30 pm EDT, 5e Spelljammer Homebrew

May 2nd, 2023, 22:35
FG License: Unity Ultimate License

Game System: Dungeons & Dragons 5e set in Homebrew Spelljammer Campaign

Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Day of week and time: Tuesday Nights, from 8:30 pm – 11:30 pm (though we run a bit past 11:30 pm sometimes, we try hard to stick to the schedule)

If new game, planned start date: Ongoing/ In-Progress Campaign (Currently Level: 8)

Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 hours Weekly

Term: This is a Homebrew game so there is no set term

Text or Voice: Voice Only

Voice software used: Discord

Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: This will not be recorded or Streamed.

Roleplay & Combat mix: We generally lean slightly more heavily into roleplay, though we still have a strong focus on combat, I would say a 60/40 Roleplay to Combat ratio.

Number of Players in game & needed: Currently 4 in game with 1 – 2 more needed. I am really looking for players 30 or older at this time. Given the age of myself and the current players in the group, and past experiences, that is what I think has the best chance of long-term success.

Character starting level & equipment: Starting level: 8/ Standard Starting equipment. You will also receive extra gold, equipment and several Magic Items, but we will discuss the specifics when you join the game and have a character concept. By level 8 we are talking about a serious, seasoned adventurer who has acquired many skills and a serious item or two, but this is a character and story-centric game so the magic items will be related to something from a past adventure or event given your starting level.

This is a very ecclectic group of PC’s, and as you will be starting at Level 8, this is a great Campaign for that character you have wanted to try at higher levels, or that really strange/ quirky character (we already have a couple of those!) so feel free to bring the unique and interesting characters to this one, that is really what we are looking for. Those Eberron-style characters will fit this setting perfectly too, this is not classic D&D fantasy.

Character restrictions: - No Evil Alignment/ No Limitless Racial Flight/ No Innate (Racial) Magic Resistance. No Twilight Domain Clerics. Otherwise, official races & classes are free to play, as well as a few Third-Party books that I have that you can look at should you join the campaign. There are also a few custom homebrew races and Classes/ Sub-Classes that are offered in this campaign, that you can look at should you be interested in the campaign. The Critical Role Class & Sub-Classes (Blood Hunter, Chronurgy Magic Wizard, Graviturgy Magic Wizard, Echo Knight Fighter, Gunslinger Fighter, Moon Domain Cleric, Oath of the Open Sea Paladin and Way of the Cobalt Soul Monk) are also available and already input in Fantasy Grounds as Class Specializations that you can use as options if you like (you can browse the details of them on DND Beyond if you want more information – some tweaking in FG if you play one will probably be required but they have been input).
I am very amenable to customization, especially for flavor and backstory, as long as it doesn’t unbalance the character or overshadow other players, but at this point in the campaign, our PC’s are pretty powerful so I am not very concerned about that. To me the most important thing is that you create a real character with personality and something to build on, someone you are excited to roleplayas well as fight with, rather than a stat-sheet to roll dice with.

Details of your scenario: This is a Homebrew campaign. While I do have significant and detailed resources regarding the current situation of the party, as well as the overall setting and important lore to give you a good sense of the world they will be adventuring in, I don’t want to clog up this ad any more than it already is by posting all of it here, so I will give the brief premise here and if you have interest let me know and I will link you to the more detailed Google Docs:

This is a Homebrew Sci-Fantasy Spelljammer campaign that is run using some modified Spelljammer rules in the D&D 5e system. Because Spelljammer 5e was so lackluster in so many ways, I have borrowed many elements from the 2e version of Spelljammer setting, as well as altered and homebrewed many others. This campaign loosely blends elements of science-fiction with D&D fantasy (such as the common presence of Firearms and Grenades, and Clockwork creatures and Constructs powered by mechanics rather than magic, though magically powered constructs are also present) so you could lean into either sci-fi or fantasy when developing a concept, and any Eberron-style elements fit here too. This campaign is built around the PC’s, around their goals, backstories and desires, and their decisions. The consequences of those decisions, intended and unintended, drive the story and campaign. The outcomes and consequences of their actions on the Sphere in which they find themselves are felt and have lasting and sometimes permanent impact. Yes, you have a full Sphere to explore (Essentially, a Sphere a Solar System for those unfamiliar with Spelljammer Terms – I have a glossary of Terms handy for you in the Google Doc), and indeed there are many Spheres beyond the one in which you currently find youself to explore, should you wish to journey further. There is a sphere called Draconis where every planet is ruled by Dragons and all the native populaces are some form of Dragonkin, just to name one other sphere.
These Spheres include many Homebrewed and Official locations, adventures, NPC’s and lore, and your decisions, and history, will have great influence on what transpires. Should you join our party, you will be given a more detailed overview, and we will work on a backstory for your character, as well as a way to integrate them quickly into the current party.
The party are Freelancers who use their ship (A Squid Ship called The Sylvaine-7) to accept various jobs, and are currently recovering blueprints for a weapons manufacturing and security company for a significant payout, though the campaign is shifting toward tackling more of the personal goals and backstory complications of the PC’s currently in the campaign, which have been simmering for some time and begun to crop-up and make themselves known to our adventurers. Should you join, you will find yourself in the middle of these complicated affairs, and likely adding your own interesinting spice to the simmering trouble which seems rife at any given moment to boil over.

The Current Party:

A Plasmoid Sorcerer/ Warlock (Custom Sub-Class Warlock)

A Kobold Artificer (Battle-Smith)

An Astral-Elf Paladin (Custom Sub-Class Paladin)

A Tabaxi Ranger (Gloomstalker)

Several members of the party follow/ worship the Goddess Istus: Lady of Fate (This is a Homebrewed version of Istus, with Custom Lore, I can give more detailed information to anyone interested) and the Warlock has a Patron from the Plane of Color/ Prismatic Plane. These elements have featured fairly prominently in the campaign thus far and have informed the universe, an outcropping of the players choices.

About the group and me: We’re 30 sessions into a campaign that started in September. Aside from a few weeks off during December, because of the Winter Holidays, we have played weekly without fail, so consistency is excellent with this group. This is my first campaign as a DM, but 30 sessions in, I feel like I have something of a handle on what to expect in terms of how best to prepare for what might come, but this is a group that has embraced their characters and developing their backstories and the roleplaying and story-building elements of the campaign which is the aim of the campaign. Some of the players that are in the group so far have been playing together with me for almost 3 years, while others were new playing with the group at the start of this campaign, but based on how well both parties have meshed, it seems clear this is a very welcoming, cohesive and friendly group that you will be joining, one that is looking to build and expand so we can continue to game together with a full group.

The most important things are going to be maturity and how anyone who comes in fits with the established group, but it is a very accepting and open-minded group who really has a passion for TTRPG’s when we get together, and a group that is actively looking for new members to become a part of our group, not just this one game, though if you want to just play in this game that is fine too. The player who had to step away was a great fit, but he had an unavoidable time conflict with work arise and so we find ourselves in need of more players.

I have been using Fantasy Grounds for over two years, and while I am no expert, I know the program fairly well, as do the other players in this group, and I am willing to accept anyone new and/ or inexperienced with the program if they are interested. I am also willing to take players who have little to no experience with D&D, provided they are willing to put in real effort to learn and their interest is not fleeting. As I mentioned, fit is the most important thing, so don’t be shy even if you are new. So, if you think you would get along with a group of 30 and 40 somethings who have a passion for Roleplaying, then send me a message and we can talk and see if it would be a good fit!

May 3rd, 2023, 07:36
Nice! glad to see this campaign is still going strong dude.

May 5th, 2023, 20:02
Currently Closed