View Full Version : LF1P for homebrew 5e game, 4 hours every 1st & 3rd Saturday at 3pm PST

April 19th, 2023, 20:32
Hello! I'm looking for one more player for a homebrew 5e game.

FG License: GM has Ultimate so players only need the free demo version
Game System: 5e D&D

Time Zone: Pacific
Day of week and time: Every 1st & 3rd Saturday starting at 3pm
Planned Duration & Frequency: Each session will be 4 hours
Term: This is planned as a long-term game (1 year+)

Text or Voice: Voice required, camera not required
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40 combat to RP with variations depending on player choices
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 4 players, need 1-2 more (Mainly looking for just one)
Character starting level & equipment: 2nd level with starting gear/gold
Character restrictions: No races with permanent flying (Aasimar is ok because it's limited to 1 minute); No artificers or Gunslingers (no firearm stuff), only official content (no UA, no homebrew, no non-WotC content), character creation will be done via point buy

Details of campaign:

The world of Dusterra is still reeling from the Sundering, an event some 800 years in the past. The history of the times before the Sundering have largely become myths, legends, or have been entirely forgotten. The only thing that scholars can agree upon is that the Sundering was caused by a global war between two powerful factions whose names have been lost to time. Although the name of the factions and the reason for the war have been forgotten, it is general knowledge that both sides used powerful magics, colossal war machines, and countless advanced magical items in their conflict. Where the two factions clashed the world was scarred and great swaths of the world were torn apart.

In what became the final days before the Sundering, the two factions engaged in massive displays of magical power. By combining the magical powers of thousands of casters the two factions were able to conjure magics which could rewrite the very fabric of reality. However, during one climactic moment, both factions lost control over the mighty spells. The resulting discharge of magical energies destroyed entire continents and millions of lives were lost.

As the magics ran out of control most land sank beneath the waves leaving behind only several large islands and innumerable small islands. Those who were left struggled to survive in a world that was now mostly ocean. Old ties and racial tensions were eventually discarded in favor of mutual survival. It took several generations, but eventually small cities began to band together and form alliances. This led to the eventual creation of nations.

Even though these countries lay political claim to the entirety of the lands of Dusterra much of the forests and mountains remain unexplored and unmapped to this day. It is not unusual for a brave explorer to find ancient ruins, cave systems, or swaths of forest that have never been explored or recorded in modern sources.

Special Table Rules: We use only a few non-RAW rules. These are flanking, brutal criticals, gain max health on level ups, assisting in skill checks requires proficiency in that skill, no discussion of real-life politics or religion during game sessions, no extreme sexual or graphic content (keep it PG-13 similar to Indian Jones, Lord of the Rings, or Pirates of the Caribbean).

Further information on the setting can be found on this linked google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nzkee_12MWAWonUa3dl43PgigttYwL1ZfxTdWK32mhc/edit?usp=sharing

April 19th, 2023, 21:38
Awww I was interested untill you said no artificers...boooo!!

April 20th, 2023, 03:47
A game that is PST!!! Yes I am interested and as long as you don't mind the random heart pull or beating someone over the head (for legal reasons this is a joke) with their own arms Count me in! Bellesixa#2265 is my discord

April 20th, 2023, 07:43
I am interested in joining this game
VamPirate#3042 is my discord

April 29th, 2023, 03:40

If you're still looking, I'd be interested. Discord: garrikus#6264

April 29th, 2023, 04:48
I am very interested. This fits my schedule and sounds cool.
