View Full Version : Initiative

April 10th, 2023, 20:26
there are a lot of initiative rules for RMC
But the initiative rule, round by round, in FGU is not so flexible for an 3phase Turn.

April 11th, 2023, 03:10
I've played every version of Rolemaster and the RMSS three-phase round is by far my least favorite. I love RMSS but I find their combat rounds to be clunky. My personal recommendation is to abandon it. But that being said, Rolemaster Classic is not RMSS and so Fantasy Grounds has no mechanic to support it. Yet another reason to consider moving to any other initiative solution. Sorry, that's probably not the answer you want to hear.

April 11th, 2023, 12:16
I've played every version of Rolemaster and the RMSS three-phase round is by far my least favorite. I love RMSS but I find their combat rounds to be clunky. My personal recommendation is to abandon it. But that being said, Rolemaster Classic is not RMSS and so Fantasy Grounds has no mechanic to support it. Yet another reason to consider moving to any other initiative solution. Sorry, that's probably not the answer you want to hear.
Thx , but IT IS an answer. A answer for all the flexiliby of Rolemaster. I Just found a good alternative for the Initiative by highest roll. I think itsvin Companion V : the Problem ist the time of 10 sec for 1 round. In 10 Seconds can happen a lot of actions. A world Champion Runner can Run in 10 Seconds 100 Meter. I think the world best time ist round about 9 Seconds. For my own a ran 13 seconds per 100m . OK Back to the companion. I read that If you roll maybe a 20 as an Initiative and the next Charakter a 19 the 20 Act First. But that Not means the Charakter with the 19 ist doing nothing in this 10 Seconds. In my example above the CHARACTER with the 19 reach a second later the goal line .

In a fight the 20 act first, but the 19 could kill him in this 10 Seconds If the 20 dont hit the 19.

April 11th, 2023, 13:52
There are so many different ways to handle initiative and rounds in Rolemaster, and they tend to be wildly different. Trying to include even a few would be a vast undertaking in FG.

Historically we used the separate phases (spell phase, missile/fire phase A, manoeuvre phase, missile/fire phase B and melee) but have moved on to a countdown version (add 100 to everyone's initiative, then everyone gets to fit their 100% activity into that window - higher initiatives get to go first but also have a slightly longer window to act in).

I know that the ruleset won't really handle the way we play, but that's fine. You can work within its limitations and fudge it where necessary. I'd rather have to fudge initiative and the round structure, and have the table resolver to handle the more significant stuff, as well as all the other stuff the ruleset handles.

I'd be interested to know what initiative system everyone on FG uses for Rolemaster. I bet there's a heck of a lot of variety.

April 11th, 2023, 14:13
I just use a simple turn order. Highest initiative roll goes first, then the next actor, then the next, and so on. It may sacrifice realism but the playability is significantly easier to understand and the game flow can't be matched (both of which are REALLY important to newer players). I'm not saying it's the best solution, rather that it is the solution that works best for me and my groups.

April 11th, 2023, 14:52
Yup, whatever system you use for initiative is a compromise to some degree. In theory the system I use should provide more flexibility, with some actions happening concurrently, but it can also be a pain to implement at times, and can slow things down at times.

It's all down to personal preference, hence why RM has ended up with so many variations, from the core books, companions and also home brewed.

April 13th, 2023, 21:54
I use the 200 point system from RM Companion II. My players like it and RMC II has a good example how to use it. I find the 200 point system works well with the FGU combat tracker as you can adjust the PCs and NPC INIT mod to suit. INIT can be counted down based on the actions taken whilst checking what % of action the character has left.
Give it a read if you've not already considered it.
I've never really liked the phased system but each to their own.

Regards - Rainbird