View Full Version : Extension availability behavior issue for Castles and Crusades

April 8th, 2023, 21:51
Running into an issue with extensions being available to load into Castles and Crusades, where some extensions that are calling the ruleset to allow listing are not listing them in the extension selection.
An example is the Theme_Dungeon.ext where the CnC ruleset is called in the properties section.
<name>Castles and Crusades</name>
But will not list in the extensions available.
The Castles and Crusades ruleset is now called by

Moon Wizard
April 10th, 2023, 16:17
In the beta Test channel, I've made the basic themes (Dungeon, Wood, Simple Brown, Simple Gray) available for all rulesets. However, the mileage on other rulesets will vary, as these themes are not tested on rulesets outside the FG Store. The changes will be released to Live in a couple weeks or so.
