View Full Version : LFG: 5E Regular Group

Akio Reika
April 4th, 2023, 23:51
Hey all. I am a long time player of DnD. Played all through the 80s and 90s, the TSR first ed box set, ADnD, first and second ed WoTC DnD, and I have been playing 5E for about a year now on FGU with a regular group that meets every other Saturday evening.

I am looking for a group that might fit my schedule, I work 9 to 5 weekdays, and can only do every other Saturday evenings, though Saturday mornings would work as well. I live in central time zone US, and would love to meet up with a regular group for a once a week 3 to 5 hour play session kind of thing. I also am finishing up with a Sunday LMoP group that will be done in the next 2 to 3 weeks, but other than that, I have had poor luck getting into a game either in person or here on FGU.

You can DM me here at FG or on Discord at Akio Reika#8989.

About myself, I am 50 yrs old with a lot of RPG experience under my belt, and I have the skills to fill in whatever role a party has need of. I can main heal, front line striker or defender, and I am pretty good at support type characters too.

Let me know if you are looking for someone.

April 9th, 2023, 04:03
If you haven't already, you may want to check the Fantasy Grounds Discord channel (I didn't see your username in the list on that channel but then I may have missed it). They have a LFG section there as well.

Akio Reika
April 9th, 2023, 04:22
I will do that! Thanks a ton!