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View Full Version : LFP, Need 1 Player, Sat* 11am PDT USA, Adv League (5E) Red Wars (post season 2, EE)

April 3rd, 2023, 07:10
Be sure to read this post in its entiriey. Especially be cognicent of the caveats below!

FGU License: I have standard license, you will need standard or ultimate (FGU)
Game System: D&D 5e + current Adventurers League guidelines (v13.0)

Time Zone: US Pacific Time (UTC -8)
Day of week and time: Almost every other Saturday, 11:00AM. (see caveats below)
Next session (you'll start on): Apr 15, 2023 at 11:00AM PDT
Planned Duration & Frequency: Every other Saturday, 4+ hours. May run over 10-15min to finish module.
Term: Indefinite

Text or Voice: Voice (is used almost exclusively, very little Chat text)
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No!

Roleplay & Combat mix: Roughly 50/50, though some modules require a bit more RP.
Number of Players in game & needed: Based on my limitations, ideally 5 total, we need one.
Character starting level & equipment: Adventurers League legal 1st, 2nd or 3rd level character (log verifiable preferred).
(Please no new FG players, no new 5E players)
Character restrictions: Adventurers League restrictions. I do not have all published modules, so PHB, EE, XGE, Tasha.

Details of the scenario: This campaign, "The Red Wars", follows on the heels of Season 2, Elemental Evil. We will work through a collection Adventurers League approved Community/Convention, CCC, modules surrounding the concept of the Red Wars. Players do not have to be “Adventurers League” players, they can play independent of AL but must abide by all AL guidelines (for those AL players at the table).

From Season 2, module 1, City of Danger: On the southern shores of the Moonsea, the residents of Mulmaster have eked out a living where others would likely have given up long ago—in a bleak city where corruption is rampant and the Church of Bane holds sway.

Premise behind the Red Wars: At the end of Season 2, the city of Mulmaster is in dire straits having seen a relentless barrage of attacks by the Cults of Elemental Evil. The Cults will deal a final blow to Mulmaster, detonating one or more "Devastation Orbs", in what will become known as "The Devastation". The City, in a vacuum of governance, is ripe for the Red Wizards of Thay to come in and offer assistance. Once entrenched in Mulmaster, it becomes obvious that the cure the Red Wizards provide is worse than the problem they purport to fix. The citizenry and some prior leaders of Mulmaster bring about a coup, "The Red Wars" to oust the oppressive Red Wizards.

We pick up our campaign just prior to "The Devastation". We have so far just played a couple modules, primarily, for level building, from level 1.

Important Caveats (please read and understand before signing up):
- Game Frequency: One core player predicates the game frequency. He has an irregular, on call some weekends, schedule. Most of the time we'll play every other weekend, once in a while we may need to skip a weekend and play the one immediately following, i.e. two weekends in between some sessions. My other players have a very flexible schedule. You'll need that too. We will always play on Saturdays. And always from 11am to 3pm Pacific (USA) time.
- FG Experience: Prefer players with FG experience. Or as a minimum, FG College graduate.
- D&D Experience: 5E experience is mandatory.
- Adventurers League: These modules are written to be run in a finite period of time, in person at a gaming store. As such they have a certain, and necessary, "railroad" feel to them. They are not "open world." There is a common goal mission you are expected to pursue. You need not have AL experience but must abide by the AL rules.
- Evil characters are not allowed in AL, plus I don't want to deal with them.
- Looking for a front line character. We have a cleric, arcane caster, rogue, and artisifer.
- Replaying these adventures is discouraged, I've seen it ruin a game for me.
- No murder hobos, I don't have time for this.
- AL mandates that each module can only be played by characters within a specified level range ("Tier").
- Leveling up is based on successfully completing the mission of the module (per ALDMG v13.0).
- Factions play an important role in AL and players are encouraged to be a member of a Faction.
- Roleplay is almost exclusively done via voice. Chat text is hardly used at all in my games, other than me publishing the module's "read aloud text".

Please PM me with a little about yourself. Experience. Availability. A Proposed character.