View Full Version : 2023-2 patch corrupted campaign

March 12th, 2023, 23:06
My group didn't play through most of February, and when we got back to it this week there was a network breaking update which I believe was the 2023-2 patch. Since that patch, none of the custom loads - none of my players' characters, none of the hundreds of NPCs i've made in the last 3 years, no magic items, nothing that didn't come from an official module, it is as if my campaign has been completely wiped out.

I tried restoring the campaign from older backups, but FGU happily loads them and ignores all the data I can see in the file.

To me creating data loss on a campaign i've worked on for years is one of the worst things that could happen, and will probably result in my switching to another VTT, but I would like to restore the data if I can somehow.

March 12th, 2023, 23:22
See this article here for how to restore your campaign from an earlier session file https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1207304196/Restore+Campaign+to+an+Earlier+Save

Make sure before you alter anything that you make a copy of the campaign and place it somewhere else on your hard drive.

March 12th, 2023, 23:58
You can upload your damaged db.xml and a screenshot of your campaign folder so we can have a look with you

March 13th, 2023, 04:41
Also make sure your live campaign isn't in a location that is being synced, like OneDrive, or Google Drive etc.

March 13th, 2023, 10:45
Welcome to the FG forums @KeeperArcanus. Sorry you're having issues. As you're the only one that I've seen that's posted something like this regarding recent updates, I don't think this is something that is widespread and the update certainly shouldn't have caused any issues in and of itself. I realize you're frustrated, but switching to another VTT is no guarantee of 100% data safety.

I tried restoring the campaign from older backups, but FGU happily loads them and ignores all the data I can see in the file.
You've had some good suggestions in this thread already. This sounds like either the data in that file has an XML error (but I'd expect the FG console window to open and display an error if that were the case) or the backup db.xml files isn't being applied - the most common cause of this is having "hide file extensions" enabled in file explorer and essentially creating a file called db.xml.xml.

If you can provide the information @damed mentions, we'll try to help you get your data back.