View Full Version : Looking for a weekly group

March 11th, 2023, 22:09
Hello. I haven't played dungeons and dragons in a few years and I work graveyard now. My time zone is pacific standard time. I have most of the books myself and some content on fantasy grounds as well, although I know I won't need it with a lot of GM's. Working graveyard opens my schedule to some options but Saturday through Monday work the best for me. I work from 10pm to 6 am usually so nights or mornings could work really. I'd love to play something in the ravenloft setting, curse of strahd, tomb of annihilation, gothic vibe settings I know there was some new stuff released I need to look into. I would prefer doing a campaign from 5e and not a homebrew setting but if the dm is good I prob won't mind.

If you have made it this far thank you and have a great day!

March 17th, 2023, 15:17
i'm newbie also and i'm new to D&D,i'm looking for beginner friendly, so you can help?