View Full Version : Titles and nicknames for PCs

March 7th, 2023, 09:53
I'm not entirely sure whether this already exists as an extension, can be an extension or a wish list item, or even whether it would be specific to 5e or useful to all rulesets...

But, what I would like to see is a space for entering PC titles, which doesn't involve typing it in their name box.

What I mean is, similar to how NPCs have a hidden and visible name, PCs would have their name - which appears in the Combat Tracker - and then somewhere a box for typing in 'Father of...'/'King of...'/'Student of...'.

I don't know how it would look, or where it would fit, but the root issue I'm hoping to solve is very long names on the Combat Tracker being avoided.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

March 7th, 2023, 15:18
I just use the name field for the (effectively) nickname. Titles are something like an appearance, you can detail it out in the Notes section. IMO It's not really needed on the main tab because its something you don't reference often, i.e. you know your PC has blue eyes or is "Lord of the X" but you don't need to reference it often.

All that said, it would be fairly easy to make an extension to add a line below the Name field or break the name field up into two fields, one for name and one for title.

March 7th, 2023, 17:53
Yeah, I think it would be a nice addition. My PCs, at least, love to acquire titles and see it reflected on the Combat Tracker - or anywhere visible to all, really.

I don't know the first thing about extension creation, though. So, will make-do for now, until an extensions genius has the same issue :P

March 7th, 2023, 20:37
But... If you want it to appear in the CT, then use the name field... Where else would players see a title or long name? Under the portraits is too small. So if players actually want to show it off, then they have to use name and it will show in the CT and the Chat Log. But just to record it would be a note or new field, but those would not show themselves to anyone else...

March 7th, 2023, 22:59
There is an existing extension that does something similar:

That adds a random 'title' additional name to NPCs in the CT. My players greatly enjoy seeing the Zombie, Impossibly clean or other fun quirks added to the descriptions.

That is not exactly what you want, but if you do experiment you could use those hooks as a starting place.

March 8th, 2023, 11:46
Ah, yes, I know the extension! Thanks.

I'm, honestly, not too sure what how I would want it to look, or where it's best being displayed, but my Combat Tracker gets loaded with text on separate lines for the length of some titles. It's obviously not a common problem, mind.