View Full Version : Help with Window/Tab for Dice Rolls

March 3rd, 2023, 15:35
Forgive me if this seems like a stupid question or request. I am really new at creating/modifying extensions for MoreCore.

I tweaking an extension for MoreCore to handle some of the aspects of the Earthdawn game and I have gotten stuck and could use some advice. If there are threads or videos showing how to do this and you can point me to it, I would greatly appreciate it. While I have watched a ton of videos and learned a whole lot (thanks, Damned!), I haven't found any that help with this.

What I would like to make available to my players is a tab/window they can bring up that lists the various step dice rolls that they can then click to roll, rather than type out the command. I know on the character sheet on the MoreCore tab they can drag the rolls under the various sections like Attributes and that will give them the icon to roll (see attached image -- MoreCore_Char_Sheet_Dice_Rolls.png). However, I want to have a single place they can all bring up that has the full table of rolls (Steps 1 - Step 50, for example) that they can click on the die icon and roll that. I want to make things as easy for my players as I can.

I can create the various rolls on the Rolls list, but they can't click to roll there (see attached image -- MoreCore_Rolls.png).

Is this possible to create a window/tab for doing this?

Thanks in advance.

March 3rd, 2023, 22:15
Hi ActiveEvolution

Rolls in MoreCore must be rolled from the character sheet as they look to the ID of the charactersheet several times in the roll. It means things like dragging to hotkeys also doesnt work. Sorry.

March 3rd, 2023, 22:34
Thanks for the response. I will just have to leave it up to them to set up the rolls they want then. Oh well. :)

March 3rd, 2023, 22:52
Create all the Rolls. Put them in Groups. Export it as a Player Shareable module, activate the module and get the players to also activate. Then they can drag and drop the rolls into their sheet.