View Full Version : Possible Automatic Roll with a spell

February 27th, 2023, 04:22
Hello all,
I have a player whose background is that every time he uses a firebolt, he may inch closer to becoming a puppet to a wizard. He seeks to do this. Every time he uses the spell, he wants to roll a d20, and anything 1-3 will add a point to a bank, and if he maxes the points, he will lose his will.

My question is this, is there a way to have FGU add an automatic d20 roll in addition to his ranged attack roll? Furthermore, could you have it roll, and if it rolls a 1-3, can it say something to the player?

Thanks for any help.


February 27th, 2023, 04:33
Welcome TheHeroicZ

This would require an extension.