View Full Version : Pin sharing issue -- modules loaded but ...

February 17th, 2023, 16:45

[Please also refer to images attachment ==> top image: GM map; middle image: player map, PC clicked green pin; bottom image: player has module loaded]

As a GM running Call of the Netherdeep I attempted to share a pin on the Jigow map with players. It turned from red to green as it should. As a GM the pin reads fine per attachment.

When the player mouses over green pin there is no pop-up text. When the player clicks the pin the PC gets "A module you are attempting to use is not loaded" etc. However the player does have the Call of the Netherdeep module loaded [also per attachment]. When the activation check is clicked (although the module is already activated for both GM & PC, it just displays the error box again.

What are the steps I need to take in order to get the shared green pin to read correctly for PCs?

Thank you kindly in advance.

All the Best,

February 17th, 2023, 16:55
There's two different modules - one for players and one for the GM. The link you've shared is for the GM module, which players don't have access to. If you want the players to have access to the record linked to the map pin you shared, then share that record in the usual way - open it and then "share" via the right-click menu.

February 17th, 2023, 17:22
Great, that did the trick. Thanks!

February 17th, 2023, 18:01
Hi, another difficulty I'm having. GM story info with pin TMI for PCs. So I created another PC Story item with limited info, put pin on map, and shared it. (Note: the PCs wanted to see the locations on the map where the various contests were held and a brief description of each).

On GM side the new story item pin appears, I shared it, red to green, on mouseover on GM side it reads fine, clicking it on GM side reads fine. In short, works for GM.

On PC side the new story item pin appears when shared and is green. But on mouseover on PC side nothing appears, and cannot be clicked by PC -- just a static green pin. In short, doesn't work for PC.

How can I share mouseover and clicked on info to PC green pin on map, that appears fine on GM side?

Thanks in advance.

February 17th, 2023, 18:03
NVM. Doh. Needed to share record. I thought sharing pin would be enuf.