View Full Version : Restoring module (*.DAT) files if necessary

February 13th, 2023, 15:13
I've purchased the WOTC Dungeon of the Mad Mage module from the FGU store. I'd like to "pretty up" the player maps that come with it -- adding floors, walls, doors, etc., -- to get away from the basic monochrome appearance that comes with the module. My question is: what's the best way to preserve the original maps so I can roll back to the originals if (or when) I FUBAR a map up beyond repair? Off the top of my head I can come up with two options:

Save a copy of the WOTC5EDOTMM.Dat file from the Vault folder of FGU to somewhere else on my computer, then copy it back into the Vault folder if needed.
Delete the WOTC5EDOTMM.dat file from my Vault directory and run an FGU update to re-download the module.

Is either of these preferable? Or is there another, better, method?


February 13th, 2023, 15:23
Welcome to the FG forums.

You never modify the base FG module files when you make changes to modules data in FG. You're only making changes within a campaign. You can always "Revert Changes" on either the whole module (in the module activation window via the right-click menu) or via the right-click menu for individual records in the campaign data lists.

More information on Revert Changes is available in the FG Wiki here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1165590530/Reverting+a+Module

February 13th, 2023, 15:27
Note, I believe this is a topic on this forum with links to full color versions of the maps. I don't have the link at the moment, but a little bit of Site Search should be able to help you find them.

February 13th, 2023, 18:43
Thanks! I've got the instructions for Revert Changes bookmarked, and I also found the topic with the Google Drive link to full color versions of the maps. Appreciate the help!

February 14th, 2023, 13:51
If you make a development campaign, you export out your alterations as a supplement module for the next game you run using that module. :)

February 14th, 2023, 14:07
If you make a development campaign, you export out your alterations as a supplement module for the next game you run using that module. :)
That doesn't work if you're changing base records in a module - for example, a map - which is what the OP mentioned.

February 14th, 2023, 15:06
The development campaign approach requires that you copy the module entries before editing them.

February 14th, 2023, 16:55
I guess I was thinking that this would be a supplemental module that would be used in conjunction with the base module. Ie the new maps with the encounters placed on them.