View Full Version : Deadlands: Reloaded

January 1st, 2008, 21:57
Anyone running (or thinking of) running a Deadlands: Reloaded campaign. I've never used the Fantasy Grounds program, but I would be interested in getting it for a Deadlands campaign. Please let me know!


January 2nd, 2008, 01:18
I would also be highly enthused to join such a campaign. Always loved the Deadlands setting.

January 3rd, 2008, 05:53
I'm pretty new to SW and FG, but I'd be interested in trying out a Deadlands campaign. Let me know if someone is going to start something.

January 3rd, 2008, 22:57
Hmmm, well, I've been looking for a good excuse to pick up Deadlands: Reloaded. I loves me some Savage Worlds.

Would you guys be available anytime Sunday CST (GMT -6)? I could probably grab a premade adventure and have a "practice run" session that day if I had some players. Preferably 4ish players? Any takers? I will spend the dough if you can make the commitment ;)

January 4th, 2008, 01:24
I can probably commit to some time on Sunday evening (GMT-8). One problem, though... I haven't read the DL:R rulebook. I just ordered, but there's no way it will get here by Sunday.

January 4th, 2008, 01:59
Well, I'd have to read the the whole darned thing by then anyhow ;) We could always have a Meet & Greet with the possibility of some character creation. And naturally I'll want to hear from some other people before I order the book, heh. How would 7pm CST (5 your time, if I understand how do these time conversions) work for you (and anybody else who's interested, chime in. Gonna say I want at least three players up to.. mmm.. five.) ?

I could go pretty much till whenever, don't have to work until 4pm the next day (hooray for evening jobs).

January 4th, 2008, 02:27
Yeah. Count me in.

January 4th, 2008, 02:48
I'll go ahead and grab the book (and Dime Novel #1... so.. nobody read that unless you want to ruin it for yourself ;) Savage Worlds is pretty popular on here (duh), I can't think we'll have trouble getting another player... although, the time slot will be a little odd for our European players I guess.

We're set for 5pm GMT-6 this Sunday for meet & greet / chargen. Naturally the nature of the session means it will probably be okay if you come an hour or so late. If we do, by some miracle, get everything ready we might start playing (but I doubt it since it looks like one player at least will be short a rulebook).

January 4th, 2008, 04:37
I will have to actually download Fantasy Grounds first, so I'll be a newb with the program. Will I just need the Lite version?

January 4th, 2008, 06:28
Yep, lite version is all you need (but if you think there's ever the slightest chance you'll want to run something yourself I would spend the extra 15 bucks and get the Full version.. otherwise you'll be stuck without the ability to create mods and do other GMish stuff).

There will be a pretty big download when you first connect to the server unless you also get/install the Fantasy Grounds ruleset (installation is a bit tricky, by the way). Actually, I think there'll be a fairly big download anyway.

If you guys could PM me some email addresses I can reach you at (also MSN/ICQ/AIM if you have em and want to) it'll make coordinating that much easier.

January 4th, 2008, 07:19
Yep, lite version is all you need (but if you think there's ever the slightest chance you'll want to run something yourself I would spend the extra 15 bucks and get the Full version.. otherwise you'll be stuck without the ability to create mods and do other GMish stuff).

There will be a pretty big download when you first connect to the server unless you also get/install the Fantasy Grounds ruleset (installation is a bit tricky, by the way). Actually, I think there'll be a fairly big download anyway.

If you guys could PM me some email addresses I can reach you at (also MSN/ICQ/AIM if you have em and want to) it'll make coordinating that much easier.

Ahh...go forth young padiwan...and spread the Savage Love... ;)

January 5th, 2008, 11:12
I can make that time no problem. Can go up to 11 pm cst seeing as how I get up at 5 am weekdays. Already have FG II and the sw ruleset ...just haven't used them yet. See you then. Awesome!

January 6th, 2008, 17:36
I don't think the lite version will work with alternate rulesets. Just an FYI for defector. Have fun with Deadlands, I love that setting.

January 6th, 2008, 17:41
Alright guys, we're on server "firm xorn puny roll" (why do the aliases always sound vaguely dirty?). The server is up now and should be up until game time. Feel free to log in to grab the download and work on characters if ya want.

I didn't get as much time to read and preprare the last few days as I was hoping so I don't know if we can get started with the actual mod today or not, but we can definitely discuss things.

January 7th, 2008, 20:17
We didn't get three players for this on Sunday so we're going to try this again on Thursday, 8PM CST. Anybody who would like a spot PM me and let me know.
What we've got so far:
Martial Artist
Huckster (with Rich edge)

January 7th, 2008, 23:00
I'd like to play, but I can only do every other thursday or my gf would kill me...

January 7th, 2008, 23:15
I am interested as well.

PM sent.

January 9th, 2008, 23:50
I'm really pysched about this game. The Deadlands setting is new to me and looks fascinating and I've managed to put together some ideas for a huckster/merchant character, so let's get this game off the ground.


January 10th, 2008, 00:01
We've got three players currently (Ironskul, RiverRat, and mlimotte) and we'll be rolling this Thursday at 8pm-11pm CST. If we can get one more player that would be good, otherwise I'll run a Wildcard NPC.

philth, unfortunately we are hoping to run this every Thursday, but if that changes I'll let you know.

January 10th, 2008, 02:21
I too am very excited by all this. The Reloaded Savage version of Deadlands is new and interesting to me but I'm an old hand at the original setting. Only game I ever gm'd for over a year at a crack. That said, I'll be doing my best to stay in character and not allow any metagaming knowledge creep in.

Any word on what character type River Rat's gonna go with? I've also made up a bounty hunter type if he's especially keen on the martial artist idea.

January 10th, 2008, 21:07

For those in this game, I changed my username on these forums from 'mlimotte' to 'maslow' for a little anonymitity ;).

Marc (darn, there goes my anonymity again)

January 10th, 2008, 23:29
Guys, server "firm xorn puny roll" is now up, when you're ready to log in feel free. We'll be starting in about two and a half hours. I'll be back and forth until game time, gotta get some dinner and such ;). See you at 8!

January 11th, 2008, 05:20
Well, the first session is done... it ended up being a little weird because one character was seperate from the rest of the party and ended up getting in a fight on his own, heh.

Good news is, the party is still in the starting town and wouldn't have any trouble at all fitting another member in. I'll take one or two more players, so if interested please PM me, with a character concept if possible.

January 16th, 2008, 21:21
Any news on whether we'll have another player? Anyhow, chomping at the bit to see the adventure continue tommorrow.

January 18th, 2008, 01:55
Guys, the server is up and ready to roll. I apologize for the short notice, I had to run some errands earlier and they got way out of hand.


January 18th, 2008, 01:55
Oh, server name is still "firm xorn puny roll".

January 25th, 2008, 00:18
Hey guys, Travis here. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to call off the game for this week; I have to head in to work several hours early (somebody got sick and threw off the hours for everybody for the rest of the day).

If you guys have any time during the next week you want to try to make the game up let me know and we'll see what we can do. If nothing else this should make next week twice as good cause I'll have longer to plan. I might even introduce that GM controlled Wild Card I've been talking about all this time. ;)

Anyway, sorry for the short notice.

January 25th, 2008, 01:32
No problem. I was going to have to leave early anyway. I'm good for most nights with a decent notice, including this weekend. Hit me up here on via email.


January 25th, 2008, 08:43
I'm terribly sorry to interject, but y'all seem rather seasoned with Deadlands: Reloaded, and I have to ask-

How does it compare to the original Deadlands in terms of how it plays? I have taken a look at the SW Test Drive PDF, and to be honest it seems a bit.. oversimplified for my taste, but then I am aware that it's just a teaser. Did they keep the Wasted West setting, or it is all just Weird West (I am most curious to see an in-a-nutshell version of, say, how a Junker would work in Reloaded, for example)? Do Bennies completely replace the Fate Pot? Do all characters, no matter how nimble, get only one action per round as the Test Drive implies?

I don't mean to hijack your campaign's thread by any means; I was just looking for some comment. If the intrusion is unwelcome, I offer my humblest apologies.

January 25th, 2008, 19:40
I'm terribly sorry to interject, but y'all seem rather seasoned with Deadlands: Reloaded, and I have to ask-

How does it compare to the original Deadlands in terms of how it plays? I have taken a look at the SW Test Drive PDF, and to be honest it seems a bit.. oversimplified for my taste, but then I am aware that it's just a teaser. Did they keep the Wasted West setting, or it is all just Weird West (I am most curious to see an in-a-nutshell version of, say, how a Junker would work in Reloaded, for example)? Do Bennies completely replace the Fate Pot? Do all characters, no matter how nimble, get only one action per round as the Test Drive implies?

I don't mean to hijack your campaign's thread by any means; I was just looking for some comment. If the intrusion is unwelcome, I offer my humblest apologies.

DL:R is just the Weird West, Wasted West is in the works...no idea when its coming tho ;)

And you can have more than one action in a round - you just take penalties on successive actions (which can be offset by bonuses you can get by doing certain things).

January 27th, 2008, 00:50
I'm terribly sorry to interject, but y'all seem rather seasoned with Deadlands: Reloaded, and I have to ask-

How does it compare to the original Deadlands in terms of how it plays? I have taken a look at the SW Test Drive PDF, and to be honest it seems a bit.. oversimplified for my taste, but then I am aware that it's just a teaser. Did they keep the Wasted West setting, or it is all just Weird West (I am most curious to see an in-a-nutshell version of, say, how a Junker would work in Reloaded, for example)? Do Bennies completely replace the Fate Pot? Do all characters, no matter how nimble, get only one action per round as the Test Drive implies?

I don't mean to hijack your campaign's thread by any means; I was just looking for some comment. If the intrusion is unwelcome, I offer my humblest apologies.

Well, to be honest I haven't played the original Deadlands, I'd just heard the occasional story about it. Then these crazy guys, with a minimum of effort, roped me into running a campaign for it. ;)

I haven't seen any mention of Junkers, but I'm guessing they might be a Wasted West thing, which I'm guessing in turn means Hell on Earth, which as Kalan noted is something that isn't out just yet. If you want a basic idea of how hucksters, blessed, martial artists, and/or mad scientists work, though, I can provide that. Just say the word.

I don't know exactly how Fate Chips worked before, but I can say that they still exist and replace Bennies within the system. The white fate chips work just like regular bennies. Red and Blue chips have greater effects. Also, Deadlands also allows the GM to draw Fate Chips for NPCs more ofthen than a GM would usually draw Bennies for NPCs in other Savage Worlds-based campaigns. As scary as most of the denizens of the Weird West are to -start with-, this is almost cruel, if you ask me. ;)

As Kalan said, all characters get one -unpenalized- action per round, but you can theoretically take as many actions per round as your GM allows, with a -2 penalty for each after the first (this penalty is cumulative and applies to all actions that you take per round; this is one slight drawback of the system because if you want to run, kick in a door, and possibly shoot at whatever is behind it, you'll need to declare all of that at the beginning of your turn.. at least, you would in my games. Hehe).

The rule of thumb to remember is this: "You can't do the same thing twice." Generally, making more than one Shooting roll or more than one Fighting roll doesn't happen in the SW system, exception being when you are fighting two-handed (which will cause penalties that can be reduced by some Edges).

Here are a couple of quick examples of things you can do:


Run (move your pace plus 1d6"), fire a weapon at a -2 penalty

Stab an enemy in close combat with your knife, then shoot an enemy a few "inches" away with a pistol in your other hand (No penalty to either roll if you have the Two-Fisted and Ambidextrous edges).


In Deadlands, double-action revolvers and some rifles can Double Tap (single combat roll against a single target with a bonus to the attack and damage roll).

Gatling weapons can Autofire (which is another sort-of-kind-of exception to the above rule; you roll multiple Shooting dice at a penalty that can be reduced by Edges).

With a single action revolver you can "fan the hammer" (which is kind of like Autofire with a bigger penalty which, you guessed it, can be reduced by Edges).

My point with all of that is that you don't exactly get "multiple attacks" in the sense that you might in d20 or other systems, but there are definitely systems in place to represent firing more than one shot per round.

In the end, the way that SW handles damage and attacking makes the number of sheer attacks that you get much less important than in other game systems.

From reading some various forums before and since we started playing, the basic difference between the two systems I've found (could be wildly inaccurate, of course) is that Reloaded is simpler but has the benefit of being very fast.. whereas original Deadlands is slower but is more detailed and has the interesting card mechanics.

Speaking as a Disciple of Savagery (heh) one thing I will say about Savage Worlds and it's simplicity that, despite what the rules look like at first glance, the "swing/shoot at each other until one of us drops" tactic is just as a)boring and b) unlikely to be successful as it is in other, more rules-heavy games. Make no mistake, Savage Worlds has some very tactical combat (especially in the hands of the right players and GM).

Check out the Attack Options table (I believe it's in the test drive) and see some of the different options you can use when attacking. Almost every single action listed has a benefit and a reasonable drawback. What's more, most of them are viable options for a starting character and remain viable options for advanced characters. A +2 or -2 modifier in the SW system is -huge- (to a degree that most people don't understand until they get in to a game and are subject to such a modifier) and can have an immediate and decisive effect on a combat.


Okay, so that was all probably a lot more info than you needed, but it seemed your inquiries were just as much related to SW as Deadlands. If you think you can stand another novel-esque reply let me know if you have any more questions. :)

February 1st, 2008, 00:49
Server's up. I'm here but not exactly here. ;) C'mon in!

February 8th, 2008, 00:44
Server's up. I hear we've got a new player this week, so we might be doing a little bit of character creation/consulting/catching up (and other things not necessarily beginning with c) before the game proper tonight. Let's see if I can do better than last week, hah.

February 8th, 2008, 04:42
Just reading through these boards, contemplating getting Fantasy Grounds since I see so much Savage Worlds here.

February 8th, 2008, 09:26
We are indeed playing Thursdays and I could probably handle one more player if you're interested. Right now we've got a couple of gunslingers, a martial artist, and a huckster.

Oh, we won't be playing -next- Thursday due to Universally Enforced Affection Day (although we might be playing Friday instead).

Just be warned that if you join now you might be mostly spectating for the first session because we're in a pretty difficult place to integrate another person at the moment.

February 8th, 2008, 18:19
Hmm, im interested in given Deadlands a go. I quite enjoy the SW rule set and a western setting sounds like it would be pretty fun. Time is nice as well, as i would be getting off work at about then if i had to work the day (Which i only done three times, all morning shifts).

February 11th, 2008, 17:30
You guys have room for one more? What day/time? I believe I read Thursday in there (seemed the main day) though I saw something about Friday too. :D

February 14th, 2008, 02:25
VarnFury and texaspoet:

You are welcome to join, although you might do a bit of sitting out for the first session because it would be difficult to integrate in two more players at the point that the game is currently. If you want to do this, let me know.

Just to confirm for sure: We will not be playing this Thursday due to Singles Suicide Day.. er.. Valentine's Day.. and will be picking up next Thursday. The time is 8pm-11pm CST (GMT -6), but if everybody wants we might start an hour (or two) early next week to make up for the lost time. Let me know what you want to do.

Texaspoet and VarnFury, our current players are 1 gunslinger, 1 Martial Artist, 1 huckster, and 1 sort of generalist "cowboy".

You'll be joining the group in Chicago; so you come up with some reason to be there. Other than that, your character concept choices are wide open.

February 14th, 2008, 05:56
Sounds good Norris.

February 21st, 2008, 14:36
Alright guys, I'm gonna TRY... underline TRY... to have the server going at 6 to 7pm (GMT -6) tonight. Varn and texaspoet, assuming you're still interested, I'd recommend getting there as soon as you can so we can get characters made (but if you can't make it there until 8pm that's okay too).

As far as I'm concerned, we can probably start as soon as everyone is there, whenever that may be; hopefully make up for lost time a little bit and get the band together. Posse. I meant to say "posse".


February 21st, 2008, 22:42
I didn't even know that this thread existed. But now that I do I will be checkinging it on the regular.

February 22nd, 2008, 02:19
Are we gaming tonight?

February 22nd, 2008, 02:25
Supposed to be. Not sure where the gm is at.

February 22nd, 2008, 02:26
I sent him an email, but no reply. Maybe he's stuck at work.

-Sharpe / William Brass

February 22nd, 2008, 02:37
Poor Norris, I bet he is just running late. At least I hope he is running late, and nothing serious has happened.

February 22nd, 2008, 03:00
Here I was sure I was going to be late...stupid cable guy. Well, I'll keep ckecking to see if we're playing. Hope all's well. Just getting past the flu or something like it myself.


February 22nd, 2008, 11:37
Coming to you from work, where the internet functions...

There was a cable (and thusly internet) outage in my apartment this evening, so that's where I was. I'm at work now. I would reschedule for tomorrow but I'm not sure everyone could make it, also I have to come in to work an hour early tomorrow anyway.

Also, somebody stole my debit card, meaning they probably got in to my wallet, meaning they probably have a lot of my information, so I likely would have been busy freezing accounts anyway.


Well, at least this means some more prep time for getting the new guys ready. Varn, Texaspoet, PM me or email [email protected] when you have some character concepts and we can either bounce emails to get the backstory/intro fleshed out or we can arrange a time.

February 26th, 2008, 17:51
Hello everyone, I hope your weekend went well. I'm looking forward to meeting the posse members this thursday. See everyone then.

February 29th, 2008, 01:37
are we going to be able to do it this week?

February 29th, 2008, 01:40
Servers up, firm xorn puny roll. Let's see what we can manage.

March 5th, 2008, 19:16
Just to let everyone know I might have to go on the road for work thursday. I hope I don't, but it may be unavoidable. :(

March 6th, 2008, 20:20
Actually, I guess we're going to have company this evening so I'm not going to be able to make the game.

Something tells me my parents are going to be displeased if playing with my computer instead of paying attention to them.

I think I'm getting a new schedule at work in the next week or so.. after that comes out hopefully I'm going to have less trouble with conflicts.

Later guys.

March 14th, 2008, 00:08
Well guys, the new schedule came out and I am in fact working on Thursday nights for the forseeable future.

It would probably be easiest to just cancel the game but I hate to do that. Is there any day of the week that you guys could all make? I can do Friday afternoons and nights, Saturdays on a bi-weekly basis (I'm in a game that meets every other Saturday, this week being on such Saturday) and Sundays also every other week (off this week).

I just want to apologize for all the trouble we've had. I really thought my work schedule was going to calm down rather than get worse (worse for gaming purposes, anyway). I probably wouldn't have committed to a game if I'd realized. Sigh.

Anyway, let me know. You can post here or send email to [email protected].

March 14th, 2008, 02:20
I can probably do just about any time, just let me know.

March 14th, 2008, 14:43
My schedule is pretty flexible during the week. Weekends aren't as good. I could make Sunday evenings, esp. bi-weekly. If we do go to a bi-weekly game, I think each session should be longer (4-5) hours as opposed to the three we currently meet.


March 24th, 2008, 13:29
Well, guys, I heard from Marc (William Brass) that he is going to be dropping out of the game and I haven't heard from Shen's player yet. Looks like this game is probably cancelled for now. I really shouldn't have tried to run a game right now with everything I have going on as far as my job and my band (obviously). I'll let you guys know if anything changes, but as for now, considering your Thursday evenings free.

-teh GM