View Full Version : Dark Theme for Cyberpunk RED (and a word on Theming)

February 7th, 2023, 22:21
I've posted a Custom Dark Theme for Cyberpunk RED to the Forge here:

This theme completely replaces everything in our ruleset with a darker shade (with a color scheme similar to Cyberpunk 2077). Check it out!

Now a quick word on Themes in the Cyberpunk RED ruleset:

The ruleset supports all custom themes available for Fantasy Grounds. However, we use a lot of custom frames and icons to achieve the desired look and feel. To support this, we have a "ThemeManager" script that replaces our custom frames and icons with those used by CoreRPG, so that your favorite themes from other developers will still work in our system.

If you want to achieve a theme similar to the above, and make your own custom theme, feel free to subscribe and grab the "Theme_Cyberpunk_RED_Dark.ext" file from the "extensions" directory. You can then use this as a template for creating your own custom themes for the Cyberpunk RED ruleset.

February 20th, 2023, 15:23
Anyone looking for an alternate dark theme, also check out "Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition"!

His Dark Theme is excellent and supports many rulesets. I've recently helped him add basic support for Cyberpunk RED as well!


September 1st, 2023, 22:50
Hi all, I just pushed an update to this theme to fix some of the fonts changed in the recent ruleset updates.

February 16th, 2025, 23:17

So, I plan to run a Cyberpunk RED campaign soon, and I've been making my own theme for it, based on the themes I have designed and released for free on the Forge in the past. I have been using Cyberpunk's dark theme to get some graphic definitions and to recolor certain assets. However, I have hit a couple of roadblocks.

One issue is that I have no access to the cyberware icons used on the character sheet (so I can't recolor them), nor do I have access to their size and XML definitions if I want to replace them.

Another issue is actually and overall bug with the Cyberpunk dark theme, on the character sheet, the name of the character is set on a black font (making it hard to read not only on my theme, but also on the actual Dark theme).

There may be some other icons I've been missing, but those are the ones that come to mind right now.

Anyway you guys can help a brother out? :)

Here's a WIP screen cap of the theme so far: 6347263472

EDIT: I forgot to mention that once it's ready, I do plan to release it for free as well.