View Full Version : Official Release! And What's Next

February 7th, 2023, 18:18
Hi everyone!

We're official! Here is the link to the official release of Cyberpunk RED on the Fantasy Grounds Store!


Please use the other stickied Bug Report thread to report issues.

For documentation, please see the Wiki: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/2140504065/Cyberpunk+RED

What's coming up? We have plans for the following:

Data Pack: the conversion is complete and it can be purchased here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRRTGDP
Tales of the Red: Street Stories: the conversion is complete and can be purchased here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRTOTRSS
DLCS: We are adding DLCs to the Forge as we convert them. Subscribe to the DLC thread for updates! https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?76804-DLCs-on-the-Forge
Black Chrome: the conversion is complete and can be purchased here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRRRBC
Danger Gal Dossier: Is available now here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRRTGDGD
Interface RED Vol 1: Available here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRIRV1
Interface RED Vol 2: can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRIRV2
Interface RED Vol 3: can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRIRV3
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit: can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRCEMK
Tales of the RED: Hope Reborn: can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=IPFGCPRTOTRHR

February 7th, 2023, 18:20
Awesome! Was planning my first session for March/April, so this is great timing. Looking forward to giving this a go!

Rough Patch
February 7th, 2023, 18:30
Hey all River here!

I am streaming actual plays of everything we're working on at https://www.twitch.tv/roughworks

and if you're going to pick up the book use this link https://affiliates.fantasygrounds.com/316636/15958/url_26576 I earn a little extra commission off it!

Lo Zeno
February 7th, 2023, 19:00
I had lost hope to see this on Fantasy Grounds after the whole debacle with NerdEyeIndustries!

This is awesome, and come just at the perfect moment for my next campaign

Rough Patch
February 7th, 2023, 21:10
I had lost hope to see this on Fantasy Grounds after the whole debacle with NerdEyeIndustries!

This is awesome, and come just at the perfect moment for my next campaign

That mess was one of the main reasons I kept it pretty underwraps the whole year we were developing it haha. Wanted to make sure we could deliver first.

Lo Zeno
February 8th, 2023, 15:00
That mess was one of the main reasons I kept it pretty underwraps the whole year we were developing it haha. Wanted to make sure we could deliver first.

Understandable, and smart.

On another note, I was already using seansps's Unofficial Cyberpunk RED Ruleset, so I'm really pleased to see that the official one is essentially an evolution of the unofficial one. Awesome work!

February 8th, 2023, 15:30
Understandable, and smart.

On another note, I was already using seansps's Unofficial Cyberpunk RED Ruleset, so I'm really pleased to see that the official one is essentially an evolution of the unofficial one. Awesome work!

There were two versions of CP Red being built independently to each other. The two devs and RP got together and implemented the best parts of both plus a whole lot more. So its an evolution of the version you have been using plus much more.

Lo Zeno
February 8th, 2023, 16:29
There were two versions of CP Red being built independently to each other. The two devs and RP got together and implemented the best parts of both plus a whole lot more. So its an evolution of the version you have been using plus much more.

I can see that, as I'm going through the wiki pages on Atlassian. Pretty amazing job!

February 9th, 2023, 02:32
Just playing around with this ruleset for now, ahead of running a campaign, and I've got to say this feels like one of the best converted and automated rulesets I've used, period. I love it!

February 9th, 2023, 03:09
Just playing around with this ruleset for now, ahead of running a campaign, and I've got to say this feels like one of the best converted and automated rulesets I've used, period. I love it!

Awesome, thank you! Very happy you're enjoying the ruleset! :D

February 9th, 2023, 11:01
Ran my first session yesterday, and it's quickly becoming one of my favorite FGU rulesets. Amazing amount of automation, and didn't run into a single obvious bug. Thanks for all the work everybody put in to make this ruleset as great as it is :)

Lo Zeno
February 9th, 2023, 11:26
I am particularly happy about the random NET architecture generator. One of my players will play a netrunner and knowing him he'll try to jack into everything, every time, everywhere, this generator will save me so much prep time.
And on top of that, the way the ruleset handles netrunning is brilliantly simple

Rough Patch
February 9th, 2023, 19:28
Thank you very much for all of your kind words.

We all worked very hard bringing this to FGU. We're working on the adventure modules now as well so please look forwards to that! I'll be streaming Red Chrome Cargo and more of the Data Pack on Sunday!

February 9th, 2023, 20:57
So I just bought this about ten seconds ago. When I get home I will give it a kick around and report back. I hope this ruleset has been tested well and will have no issues. It is the first ruleset I have purchased on here the day it was released. :)

Rough Patch
February 9th, 2023, 21:51
My players tested it on stream for over a year biweekly since it's start!

February 9th, 2023, 22:04
My players tested it on stream for over a year biweekly since it's start!

Wonderful! Thank you for letting me know. If you had said that earlier I missed it. Looking forward to using it more than ever now.

February 10th, 2023, 19:48
So I cracked this open last night and made a fixer. I was very happy with the character creation process so far. The fact that it offers all three ways to make a character is great. I also like the way it makes you install the cyberware that you buy. If I remember correctly in the core rules that process could go wrong so making you install it is cool. I have not run any combats yet but I did look at the NPCs and it is a very hearty list. I am looking forward to seeing how the ruleset assists in running the net as that is one of my favorite aspects of Cyberpunk. One thing I will ask, why did you use green for the reference links?

February 10th, 2023, 19:51
So I cracked this open last night and made a fixer. I was very happy with the character creation process so far. The fact that it offers all three ways to make a character is great. I also like the way it makes you install the cyberware that you buy. If I remember correctly in the core rules that process could go wrong so making you install it is cool. I have not run any combats yet but I did look at the NPCs and it is a very hearty list. One thing I will ask, why did you use green for the reference links?

Awesome! Glad to hear you like it so far! Yes, the NPCs are a lot because we implemented the base ones at the back of the book, but also, all the random encounters have slight variations on them, so that is what you see there!

As far as reference links, are you referring to the "link" icon for Fantasy Grounds records? Do you have a theme loaded? If you are using the default theme, it should be a "red" icon with a link symbol. I do not think the default theme uses any green for links.

February 13th, 2023, 19:10
I hate you...

Now I have to find some money somewhere to buy this, and then I have to start boning up on the rules after having read it earlier for use with my GURPS based CYBERPUNK games. If I do buy it for FANTASY GROUND UNITY, I will have to start looking for players. Arrrrgh! I hate you.

PS I love you.

How's that for a Hate/Love relationship? If you laughed, then good.

February 13th, 2023, 19:11
I hate you...

Now I have to find some money somewhere to buy this, and then I have to start boning up on the rules after having read it earlier for use with my GURPS based CYBERPUNK games. If I do buy it for FANTASY GROUND UNITY, I will have to start looking for players. Arrrrgh! I hate you.

PS I love you.

How's that for a Hate/Love relationship? If you laughed, then good.

LOL - thanks for the laugh :D Hope you join us in Night City soon!

February 21st, 2023, 22:31
Our new build release today (2/21) adds some new features for you all!

New option to enable/disable automatic rolling of critical injuries. (Default "On".)
Grenade damage will now be auto set to 6d6 for grenades with the EXPLOSIVES effect, and cleared when using ammo typos that do not have the EXPLOSIVES effect for damage
Added portraits in the `Cyberpunk RED Core Rulebook` folder
New option for Night City Tarot to disable rolling critical injuries only if 3 or more 6s rolled for non-explosive damage, and output "Draw a Tarot Card" instead (Default "Never")
Letter tokens have been added in a module for Cyberpunk RED and NPCs without tokens have been updated to use those! (The Data Pack will be updated soon as well to use them)

Here's a screenshot: 56301

March 2nd, 2023, 15:39
Bought the ruleset yesterday, going through the documentation, amazing automation. Now only thing missing is to put some players at the table and play the hell out of it. Thanks Sean and crew. Love the screamsheet creation provided.

March 2nd, 2023, 15:47
Bought the ruleset yesterday, going through the documentation, amazing automation. Now only thing missing is to put some players at the table and play the hell out of it. Thanks Sean and crew. Love the screamsheet creation provided.

Awesome! Happy to hear it!
Keep your eyes peeled later for more releases — Tales of the RED will be going to QA soon, and we’re working on converting (and providing automation for) Black Chrome. :D

March 21st, 2023, 22:25
Hi everyone, we just pushed a MAJOR update to the ruleset. For the full change log see here:

This update pushes a lot of support for new effects that we need for Hornet's Pharmacy (now on the Forge) (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/1117/view) and the upcoming release of Black Chrome on Fantasy Grounds. Black Chrome's conversion is still in development but nearly ready to push to SmiteWorks for QA. This big release adds a bunch of features, such as support for Cyberfingers, and new effects and item types for the new items.

If you just can't wait for Black Chrome's release to start adding Cyberfingers on your Character Sheets, here is a screenshot showing you what to enter to make Left Cyberfinger Hand. (For the Right one, change "Left" to "Right"!)


Please report on the bug thread if you see any issues with the new release!

March 21st, 2023, 22:59
Kudos! Well done, that's a bunch of new functionality. Can't wait to find time to get into a CPR game!

May 29th, 2023, 18:51
Hi Sean, we are using your Ruleset since the release of the unofficial one and we have so much fun with it. I'm using FGU for years now and i can see when a module author is going the extra mile. So, thanks für that :)
There are 3 small things i am missing from other rulesets. Maybe you guys have the time in the future to look into it? If not, no biggie.
- An output in the chat, that a NPC is downed.
- The possibility to link a note or image somewhere on the character sheet
- The option to reroll the initiative every turn

May 29th, 2023, 18:59
Hi Sean, we are using your Ruleset since the release of the unofficial one and we have so much fun with it. I'm using FGU for years now and i can see when a module author is going the extra mile. So, thanks für that :)
There are 3 small things i am missing from other rulesets. Maybe you guys have the time in the future to look into it? If not, no biggie.
- An output in the chat, that a NPC is downed.
- The possibility to link a note or image somewhere on the character sheet
- The option to reroll the initiative every turn

Hi there! So happy to hear you’re enjoying the official version!

These are great suggestions and shouldn’t be too hard to implement. I can take a look at this for a future release!

June 4th, 2023, 02:08
Sean and I dug into your suggestions a bit.

For the downed npc info in chat, we're going to need some more specifics as to what you mean by downed. If you mean dead, we already apply an effect when the character is dead that outputs to the chat as well. If you mean when they hit 0, they still can make death saves, and per the rules of the game, they're not truly down as they have all their actions in the turn. And there's going to be some instances where GMs want some npcs to have death saves, and some npcs to not, and with that in mind we prefer to keep the differentiation in the hands of the GM.

On the linking of notes. I changed the misc notes to a formatted text field, should be live next release.

On rerolling initiative every round. We're still looking into this.

June 6th, 2023, 23:37
Great, thank you :)

Regarding "downed": Right, downed is not the right word. Mooks with 0 HP are instantly dead in my game and more important NPCs get their death saves. Some times i didnt realise instantly that an NPC lost all Hit Points because we were focused on the chat window and that messed with me describing the battle. Maybe i am too used to the pathfinder ruleset. "Mortally wounded" would be the better words i think.

June 7th, 2023, 00:15
Great, thank you :)

Regarding "downed": Right, downed is not the right word. Mooks with 0 HP are instantly dead in my game and more important NPCs get their death saves. Some times i didnt realise instantly that an NPC lost all Hit Points because we were focused on the chat window and that messed with me describing the battle. Maybe i am too used to the pathfinder ruleset. "Mortally wounded" would be the better words i think.

Ah - yes I see what you mean. In my old unofficial version I used statuses on the CT (like Seriously Wounded and Mortally Wounded) but now we handle that all “under the hood” per the rules… (uses effects only to ignore those conditions.)

Hmm… what if we added an output to the chat on damage application, like “[MORTALLY WOUNDED]” when it drops them to 0 or below?

June 7th, 2023, 18:30
If you pull down the latest updates now, you'll note that the `Notes` section of the Notes tab is not a formatted text field -- you can use this to place links, lists, etc.!

June 7th, 2023, 22:50
You guys are great. Thanks.

The chat output seems to be a good solution :)

June 14th, 2023, 00:19
You guys are great. Thanks.

The chat output seems to be a good solution :)

Thank you!

The chat output has been implemented and will be out with the next release of the ruleset (no ETA yet other than “soon” — it will come out when the next version of Fantasy Grounds comes out, with also some optimizations made for speed on the Combat Tracker, courtesy of @Moon Wizard!)

June 14th, 2023, 04:29
And, 4.4 plus the update mentioned is released and live!

June 16th, 2023, 20:08
Hi all, we just pushed a hotfix to address one final issue we saw on the Combat Tracker (CT) following the update (regarding Cyberdecks).

This update also incudes a couple other fixes.

The final point (below) is addressing some optimizations we previously had in the CT, that are now no longer needed. Basically, we had some code that was only partially loading in NPCs during the initial add to the CT. This has been removed, since the new CT addresses those concerns there, and it is easier to run combat without that. You might see an issue with NPCs you currently have on the Combat Tracker missing data: if so, just remove and re-add the NPC and it will be resolved.

[Fixed] Cyberdeck was not loading properly for NPCs and PCs on the CT unless the GM expanded it first
[Fixed] Possible error in NPC Item Importer
[Updated] Removed (now unnecessary) code that delayed load of NPCs for optimal speed on turn start of NPCs

July 27th, 2023, 01:27
How do I find the NET Architecture Generator on Cyberpunk RED?

July 27th, 2023, 01:31
How do I find the NET Architecture Generator on Cyberpunk RED?

You can find it on the Net Architectures window once you click the “Architectures” button from the right side panel.

Here’s the wiki link which should help! https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/2140733472/Cyberpunk+RED+Net+Architectures

Edit: It’s the “Generate” button on the screenshots there.

July 27th, 2023, 01:41
Ah, I did not notice that! It was kind of tricky to notice the "Generate" button. I generated a basic Architecture and it works. :) The purchase of Cyberpunk RED and its modules are great buys to have for GMs!

July 27th, 2023, 01:45
Awesome, glad to hear it!

August 2nd, 2023, 20:32
RTG advertised that their release tomorrow of the Danger Gal Dossier would be available on FG the 3rd as well as the book. Is this actually true?

August 2nd, 2023, 20:34
RTG advertised that their release tomorrow of the Danger Gal Dossier would be available on FG the 3rd as well as the book. Is this actually true?

Yes! We have completed the conversion of DGD and the release should be all lined up. If not this week, then next!

August 2nd, 2023, 20:38
That is exciting news!

August 3rd, 2023, 16:15
That is exciting news!

Danger Gal Dossier is now available!

September 27th, 2023, 05:27
Interface Red Volume 2 has been released!


Volume 1 is currently in progress

October 17th, 2023, 15:44
And now also, Interface Red Vol 1 is available!


November 8th, 2024, 01:37
I realized we haven't updated this for a bit and added the missed links:

Myrdin Potter
November 10th, 2024, 21:17
Is Forlorn Hope being worked on?

November 10th, 2024, 21:19
It's done. It's just going through Smiteworks' QA process. Should be out late this month or sometime next month.

November 10th, 2024, 22:18
One of the things it occurs to me to mention is the concept that other game systems utilize source material from R. Talsorian games for their own use (ie, I use it with GURPS myself). One of the things I'm wondering about is this:

Those things that are dependent upon the actual CP Red or CP2020 mechanisms that are essentially applications or functions - can they be set up in a secondary file while the actual "source material" can be included in a system agnostic file?

Also, there are times when/where I wish that there were a CP 2020 rules set instead of CP Red rules set. Just musing aloud. :)

November 11th, 2024, 09:58
I seem to remember there being an extension on the forge that makes all modules available to all rulesets. That might sorta do what you want. I'm not sure how that interacts mechanically with things since items and such are custom built for a particular ruleset. But for sure the reference manuals should be available.

We did think about converting 2020, but the systems were far more complex than we were interested in delving into.

November 11th, 2024, 19:31
I seem to remember there being an extension on the forge that makes all modules available to all rulesets. That might sorta do what you want. I'm not sure how that interacts mechanically with things since items and such are custom built for a particular ruleset. But for sure the reference manuals should be available.

We did think about converting 2020, but the systems were far more complex than we were interested in delving into.
Universal Module: Fantasy Grounds Forge (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/266/view)

November 12th, 2024, 01:20
I seem to remember there being an extension on the forge that makes all modules available to all rulesets. That might sorta do what you want. I'm not sure how that interacts mechanically with things since items and such are custom built for a particular ruleset. But for sure the reference manuals should be available.

We did think about converting 2020, but the systems were far more complex than we were interested in delving into.

Gotcha. While one could wish for a better outcome, it is entirely understandable. :)

That being said - THANK YOU for what you have done.

November 13th, 2024, 01:55
Tales of the RED: Hope Reborn has been released!

Myrdin Potter
November 13th, 2024, 21:23
Bought it!

November 14th, 2024, 06:05
Tales of the RED: Hope Reborn has been released!

Preem! ebs should be in your account!

November 14th, 2024, 06:17
Tales of the RED: Hope Reborn has been released!

Preem! ebs should be in your account!