View Full Version : How to use the default DnD theme with other rule sets?

February 3rd, 2023, 04:05
Hi all,
I really like the default 5e theme but so far I have been able to use it in 5e and DCC, is there a way of using that theme in other rule systems?

February 3rd, 2023, 04:22

Not easily. I'm pretty sure the default theme is built into the 5E ruleset. So you would have to pull apart the ruleset (which you can do) and grab all the theme elements and then make a theme extension for your other ruleset. And if your other ruleset has different object types, buttons, windows etc, you would havbe to make matching theme elements for them.

Check the Forge, maybe someone has already done this?

February 3rd, 2023, 05:21
i duplicated another theme and then replace the assets with the 5e ones, and it sort of worked. Then I found this https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/4/view which is what I was looking

thanks all!!