View Full Version : LFG 1 Player Weekdays GMT Tues or Weds Preferred

January 27th, 2023, 16:42
FG License: I have the Standard licence
Time Zone: i.e. GMT or GMT +1
Day(s) Tues or Weds weekly
Term: Happy to play long term or just through a campaign
Voice: Can voice chat and have Discord but can download what software needed.

Game System Preferred: Pathfinder 2 (New to this but keen to learn), D&D 5e, Alien, Call of Cathulhu
Game System Experience: Experience with D&D 5e and Alien
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Not very familiar still learning the basics

Character Type Preferred: Happy to try out any style of character, I tend to lean towards more combat and party support such as healer.
About me: Sell yourself. What type of game do you I like to play? i.e. I like a good mix of RP and Combat, GMs that are not afraid to let players die if they get themselves into sticky situations. I like groups that grow together a party and have some sort of goal in mind to give them GM lots of hooks to develop the story and campaign.