View Full Version : LFG Moving away from DnD. Want to test my chops in Traveller

January 18th, 2023, 14:55

As stated I'm moving away from DnD (if you know then you know) and am looking for a new system to try out and enjoy. I'm a DM at heart but most of my time has been in DnD. I figure if i want to run a game its best I learn it and the best way to learn is to be a player.
I love the Sci-fi and figure that Traveller would be my first stop on the journey of discovery.

I'm looking for a game that is at 7pm EST and runs for about 3 hours.
I'm flexible on days, but not on time. (got kids and all that)
I love telling a good story and if you are a DM that really likes a player that can RP like a boss then I'm your guy.
I respect GMs that listen to players' ideas and tries to make it work if it can. But I can respect the 'no' as long as it makes sense.