View Full Version : Changing the background in FGU ultimate

January 17th, 2023, 00:43
Hi, I am playing D&D 5e and I was wondering how I could change FGU's background like you can see in @Zacchaeus 'videos!!! Also, where could I find the original D&D backgrounds? Thanks!

January 17th, 2023, 00:53
You will need to create an extension to change the background and you will need to learn nine slices
You can download the Curse of Strahd theme from the Forge and tinker with that to gain some insight

There is also Decals which can be set in Options.

The ones in Zachaeus videos come with different D&D products or with the themes in Store.

January 17th, 2023, 00:56
Thanks for your reply. Can I buy any extension in the store or DMSguild to change the background? Also, what is nine slices please?

January 17th, 2023, 01:12

Store bought stuff is usually locked.
Most Forge stuff is also locked but not all.
Curse of Strahd theme is not locked.

DMsGuild is not locked.

January 17th, 2023, 01:20
Thanks a lot!!!

January 17th, 2023, 03:10
Check out the Forge for "Themes". You will find a bunch there already. These are going to do more than just the background though. They will do fonts, colors, icons and all sorts of stuff. Note that their are a couple of themes included with FGU that you can enable on the FGU Campaign Start screen. Fantasy Grounds Unity Store (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/?sys=-1&pub=-1&typ=12&search=theme&sort=1) And, as damned said, you can make your own extension.

Also, as mentioned by damned, you can also just apply a decal on your background that might be all you are interested in. You are apply to turn any image in your Assets into a decal via Options in your campaign. Adding Backgrounds Decals - Fantasy Grounds Customer Portal - Confluence (atlassian.net) (https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1508245511/Adding+Backgrounds+Decals)

January 17th, 2023, 07:00
One gotcha is make sure you only enable one theme at a time. FYI if you don't enable *any* themes you get a default theme that is pretty nice too.

January 17th, 2023, 09:30
Hi, I am playing D&D 5e and I was wondering how I could change FGU's background like you can see in @Zacchaeus 'videos!!! Also, where could I find the original D&D backgrounds? Thanks!

The 'background' in Zacchaeus' videos is a decal. This is an image which is set in the middle of the screen and works in any theme. I use the 5e official theme and just change the decal every so often. To change the decal click on options and then on background decal. You will then get a list of all of the predefined decals that are in any modules or art packs that you own. Choose one and then click ok,

You can in fact set any image from any module as the decal. Click on assets and then on images and open any bag and find any image and click on it. Now click on Set Background Decal and that image will become the decal.

January 17th, 2023, 18:14
Thank you all for being so patient and supportive!!! You rock!!!:)

January 17th, 2023, 18:42
So, I created a folder called /Decals within the images folder, and renamed my png file to ...._decal.png, but I cannot see my file when I try to select it from the options menu in FGU (D&D 5e).

Maybe I am using the wrong folder? I followed @LordEntrails' instructions here Adding Backgrounds Decals - Fantasy Grounds Customer Portal - Confluence (atlassian.net)

I am attaching a screenshot of the path I used. Thanks for your help!!!55861


January 17th, 2023, 18:48
folder should be lowercase in most cases.

January 17th, 2023, 19:06
So, I created a folder called /Decals within the images folder, and renamed my png file to ...._decal.png, but I cannot see my file when I try to select it from the options menu in FGU (D&D 5e).

Maybe I am using the wrong folder? I followed @LordEntrails' instructions here Adding Backgrounds Decals - Fantasy Grounds Customer Portal - Confluence (atlassian.net)

I am attaching a screenshot of the path I used. Thanks for your help!!!55861


Make the folder name decals (all lower case).

Edit: Ah beaten to it. Also make sure that you restart FGU if you had it open when you drop the images into that folder.

January 17th, 2023, 19:38
It is working perfectly!!! Thanks !!!