View Full Version : GM'ing Forgotten Realms Campaign (CST)

December 20th, 2007, 16:09
Looking for interest in a Forgotten Realms campaign.
Times would be Fridays 9pm CST.

I have plenty of openings, post here if interested.
Would be great if someone has a TS or Ventrillo server we could use.

December 20th, 2007, 17:24
I'm interested and would like to know more.

December 20th, 2007, 17:35
Primarily a dwarven campaign.
I don't want to give too many details, but the storyline I have developed will be pretty involved with plenty of plot twists.

"A stronghold in the mountains has put forth a call for aid (a rare occurance indeed) you await a representative in the small town of Nalim. He will guide you to the stronghold where you uncover the origin of a war raging for generations."

Just wrote that off the cuff. If interested let me know.

December 20th, 2007, 17:50
Sounds interesting enough. Any details on char rules, books, etc...?

December 20th, 2007, 17:57
I haven't had a lot of time to read through all of the forgotten realms books.

So I have taken "a little of this and a little of that"

Rules will be D&D 3.5.
Read the supplement "Races of Stone" (I think that is the name) to gain some understanding of dwarven culture and society.

For now, no rules on characters, except expect magic items to be "scarce".

Here is a link to the supplement:
Races of Stone (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=products/dndacc/965670000)

December 20th, 2007, 19:32
I am interested. I would like to know more about how you would like us to generate characters(stats, money, etc.), but I will hold off until you have had more time to think about it.

December 20th, 2007, 20:17
Ok, for everyone interested.

I will be using the ruleset below:
d20 SRD Ruleset (https://www.d20srd.org/)

It will be a forgotten realms campaign, but there is so much to read up on I will be taking bits and pieces to fit the storyline.

You can use FG races if you wish.
Everyone hop into the game and we will commence character generation.
Once I have the TS info I will PM you all, hopefully that will be later today.

I will send along the game alias as well.
See you all on friday, 9pm CST (ish)

December 21st, 2007, 03:14
I've been looking for a FR game for a while, but have zero experience playing dwarves... I do have a fair amount of experience playing elves which might make for an odd fit in this campaign sounds like. :)

December 21st, 2007, 03:21
I can roleplay what ever you wish. Though I would watch your step when entering into trade negotiations with your elf :-).

All races are accepted.

We have 7 people interested at the moment, but who knows who will show up, but I will add you to the list if your interested.

December 21st, 2007, 04:53
Ok, as requested I made an entry in the calendar system so that we all can keep in touch. Please add your player into the calendar so you can be aware of events that I send out.

Calendar entry is located at the link below:
The Lost Clan (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=242)

December 21st, 2007, 08:37
What region of FR is this set in? I'm assuming that FRCS and core FR books such as Players guide to faerun and races of faerun are acceptable, along with regional feats and equipment, as standard for FR campaigns?

December 21st, 2007, 13:16
As i'm sure everyone is aware by now, the TS server is up. Get ahold of Haglon for the ip address. If for some reason the server isn't up, that's because either A: my computer rebooted while I was at work (damn windows updates), or B: I shut the server down.

B: isn't likely to happen since I'm at work during the day on the weekdays. I'll keep the server up most of the time incase anything needs to be discussed or anyone needs help with rule sets, character generation or questions. I've been a 3.5 FR fanatic for a long time, so I could probably assist with any questions whether they be pertaining to characters or FR lore, minus anything that Hoglan changes for his story purposes.


December 21st, 2007, 15:51
What region of FR is this set in? I'm assuming that FRCS and core FR books such as Players guide to faerun and races of faerun are acceptable, along with regional feats and equipment, as standard for FR campaigns?

For this initial adventure, there is no particular region.
I haven't read up on enough of the FR books to accurately pick one.
If your looking for region types there will be plains, hills, mountains, swamps, islands, and dungeons.

I will dial it in if there is a significant need for it, for the first couple sessions I don't think it will be needed. But I am always ready for PCs to throw a monkey wrench into the works.

December 21st, 2007, 16:19
Since it's such a well known setting, I think it's a good idea to pick a region so that people can have a sense of story, flow of things in the bigger context. I'd recommend somewhere in the Silver Marches area for example; plenty of dwarves that are harrassed by orc or goblinoid hordes there as well as relatively friendly allies among humans, elves, and other races in the region.

December 21st, 2007, 16:37
Near Silverymoon?

I really wanted to keep this independant of the atlas, and simply use the races and prestige classes etc. But if everyone wills it that area does seem to work out well. I can make it work regardless, but if you want to go full bore with FR then bear with me as I get familiar with the material again.

Appreciate the input.

December 21st, 2007, 22:31
I agree on making the FR lore more of a base foundation and less of a "ho hum" kinda thing since there is so much to the FR that is thought out. The Atlas, the polotics, gods, so much history as well. I vote for having a more unified approach.

Silverymoon works quite well with the relaive distance of Mithral Hall as well.

December 21st, 2007, 23:08
Doesn't make much sense to choose a campaign setting and then ignore everything about the world. I'm for including the rest of FR as well.

December 22nd, 2007, 06:23
Looks like this campaign is not happening

December 22nd, 2007, 17:20
The campaign is underway. Just filled up rather quickly.
My apologies if your expectations weren't met.
I needed to keep it simple.

December 26th, 2007, 11:46
Keep it simple, stupid.

December 26th, 2007, 11:46
Keep it simple, stupid.

December 27th, 2007, 21:10
Hail and Greetings to all!

I'm looking for a weekly (at least) campaign and would love to join in, if someone will have me.

Please shoot me an email at pensoso(at)gmail.com or just reply to this thread.


December 28th, 2007, 02:31
my current campaign is full, but I will definately be starting another one in the future. I'll keep your name and let you know when that happens.

December 28th, 2007, 10:24
Hail and Greetings to all!

I'm looking for a weekly (at least) campaign and would love to join in, if someone will have me.

Please shoot me an email at pensoso(at)gmail.com or just reply to this thread.


Pensoso - a timezone would be useful for people.

December 29th, 2007, 00:42
I'll be at Pacific Time Zone.

December 29th, 2007, 08:44
The campaign is underway. Just filled up rather quickly.
My apologies if your expectations weren't met.
I needed to keep it simple.

A bit late response here, but my only expectations were that I'd be notified if the slots filled up. It would've been nice to have known, rather than waiting around the entire time, rechecking the forums, etc, with no communication at all after having my status approved on the calendar page.

December 30th, 2007, 19:11
A bit late response here, but my only expectations were that I'd be notified if the slots filled up. It would've been nice to have known, rather than waiting around the entire time, rechecking the forums, etc, with no communication at all after having my status approved on the calendar page.

My apologies ithildur.
Not trying to make excuses, but I was trying to coordinate 6 poeple (while turning others away, but still keeping them as backups for other campaigns) to be in the right place at the right time on the right server. Which is a difficult task, and I was bound to have something slip through the cracks.

I do beleive I PM'd you the name of the game alias and apologize for the confusion.

January 3rd, 2008, 04:49
My apologies ithildur.
Not trying to make excuses, but I was trying to coordinate 6 poeple (while turning others away, but still keeping them as backups for other campaigns) to be in the right place at the right time on the right server. Which is a difficult task, and I was bound to have something slip through the cracks.

I do beleive I PM'd you the name of the game alias and apologize for the confusion.

I understand it can happen. The problem was that although my character was approved on the calendar I never got a PM from you at any point, which led to me waiting until an hour into the game timeslot before I finally gave up.

January 3rd, 2008, 18:55
*looks at the horse*

Yea....it's dead. Move along.