View Full Version : [LFP] Age of Ashes AP [PF2e] Sundays @ 5PM Central US

January 14th, 2023, 13:19
Thanks for your interest but the game is full at this point.

FG License: I have Ultimate so players only need a Demo version of FG Unity.
Game System: Pathfinder Second Edition
Planned Duration & Frequency: Ongoing Weekly Sessions
Time: Sundays 5-8 PM Central US time
Term: Long Term Adventure Path
Text or Voice: Voice on my Discord server, no cameras required
Role play & Combat mix: That is up to the group. The GM will adjust to playstyles but figure 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: 4-5.
Character starting level & equipment: Starting level 1
Character restrictions: Resources available for character creation: Core Rule Book, Lost Omens World Guide, Age of Ashes Players Guide and Fall of Plaguestone Players Guide

I am an experienced GM but with very little experience using Pathfinder 2nd edition. I am also a little rusty with FG as I haven't used this tabletop in a few years. Patience will be required and appreciated as we get things going. New players are welcome but you will need to access to the Core Rule Book and some idea of how character creation works.

I will be having a session 0 to get characters and sheets ready on January 15. If you are interested please respond here with your character concept.

Ages 18+ only please.

January 14th, 2023, 14:43
Hey there! This is Danny/Ferret from your other game. The current idea I have as a knee jerk reaction would be wanting to try a Wizard or Sorcerer and probably a Goblin or Halfling for race. As you know I am new to PF 2e but very enthusiastic and will also be looking into the Ages of Ashes Player's Guide for ideas.

January 14th, 2023, 17:17
Great. Glad to have you join. I'll speak with you on discord.

January 14th, 2023, 21:12
I'm pretty new to the system and gave a hard time nailing anything down immediately but a outdoorsman looking to help his neighbors seems like a good starting point. I see you also have a preference for discord so here is mine if you would like to chat: codthedog#9589 . Thank you for your time.

January 14th, 2023, 21:30
Hi Codthedog. Thanks for your interest. I will look you up on discord.

January 14th, 2023, 22:18
Hey. I'm completely new to Pathfinder as a system aside from reading up on it. I have an idea of making a half-orc elf but my understanding is that it isn't technically standard? If not that's fine. I was thinking a ranger for class either way.

Also I know two other people who might be interested if that's workable somehow?

My discord is Catax#2371

January 14th, 2023, 22:37
Hiya! I've GMed pf2e but have never been a player in a campaign before. As for my character concept, I'm leaning towards being a very pious, religious LN character who's either a monk or a rouge (haven't decided yet lol). My discord is Listen Here, Onion Boy#4730 if you wanna reach out to me there.

January 14th, 2023, 23:24
Thanks for your interest but the game is full. I will let you know if anything opens up.