View Full Version : A new C&C game

December 19th, 2007, 05:19
I'm considering buying a full licensed copy of Fantasy Grounds II to run a C&C game starting around the first of the year. Before I drop the cash though, I want to be sure I would like to know if I could find a group of players willing to get a once a week game going.

So how about it? Are there any C&C players looking for a weekly game in the new year?

December 19th, 2007, 09:29
What day are you thinking about playing?

December 19th, 2007, 14:47
Any weeknight would be agreeable to me. My wife prefers I keep the weekends free for the occasional family holiday, and I prefer to keep her happy :)

December 19th, 2007, 16:30
Hmm, I'm digging around for a weekday(or night) game, although I never have tried C&C. In fact, outside of the name, I know nothing about it. I can't really think of what questions to ask. I suppose the most important is what type of setting will it be?

December 19th, 2007, 20:03
Well I'm good for a THU or FRI game. Are you planning on purchasing the C&C ruleset as well?

December 19th, 2007, 20:27
Terhial: Here is a link to a free "quickstart" version of the rules, it covers the mechanics as well as seven of the classes and all of the races. Also, there is a C&C Fantasy Grounds ruleset available that has the all the mechanics, classes, etc. for a very reasonable price. The setting is pretty much standard fantasy; if you pm me your email address I will send you more specific info on the starting region/history and my limited houserules (two last time I checked). How does a Thursday night game sound to you? (Night for me is of GMT -6)

tdwyer11b: Of those two I think Thursday would work better for me. I am planning on purchasing the C&C ruleset, TrollLords is having a sale right now and you can pick it up for only $5 I believe. I wouldn't ask anyone to buy it if they don't want to since C&C can be run using standard Fantasy Grounds, but if everyone was on board it would certainly streamline things. Aslo, if you are interested in the setting, shoot me a pm with your email and I'll send you info about the starting region/history and my limited houserules (two last time I checked).

December 20th, 2007, 00:40
I am planning on purchasing the C&C ruleset, TrollLords is having a sale right now and you can pick it up for only $5 I believe.

This does not apply to the Castle & Crusades Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II, only printed products from TLG. I'll email them to make sure they clarify that somewhere.

December 20th, 2007, 08:58
I wouldn't ask anyone to buy it if they don't want to since C&C can be run using standard Fantasy Grounds, but if everyone was on board it would certainly streamline things.

Hehe, no problems there. I was one of the developers working on the C&C ruleset, so I got it ;) Thursday is cool.

December 20th, 2007, 12:44
Thursday would be good for me. I have the C&C ruleset also.:)

December 20th, 2007, 15:33
Tim, check your PMs.


December 20th, 2007, 16:04
Hey, sorry bout not responding sooner. Anyways, I didn't see the link. I'll find it the thing though. Anyways, I could certainly make Thursday. I'm GMT -8, but I can get on for a broad set of timeslots.

As for purchase, sadly I'm tapped out for the month, gonna have to wait until January before I buy anything else. Although my brothers family is going to appreciate their Christmas present. Does everyone need the C&C addon for it to be used in the game, or just the host?

December 20th, 2007, 23:44
Hey, sorry bout not responding sooner. Anyways, I didn't see the link. I'll find it the thing though. Anyways, I could certainly make Thursday. I'm GMT -8, but I can get on for a broad set of timeslots.

As for purchase, sadly I'm tapped out for the month, gonna have to wait until January before I buy anything else. Although my brothers family is going to appreciate their Christmas present. Does everyone need the C&C addon for it to be used in the game, or just the host?
Just the host.:D

December 21st, 2007, 02:44
Really, only the host? That's even better. In that case, yes we will be using the C&C Ruleset. Tentative start date is Thursday January 10, 2008. That should give me enough time to get used to the program and start setting up what I need to run a campaign.

Looks like we've got three players so far:

I should have should have that setting info out to you by the weekend, I'm just finishing up my exams at the moment and don't have time for much else till Saturday.

December 21st, 2007, 12:30
I am interested in joining your game, if there is space at the table.

December 27th, 2007, 09:10
I'm interested. CnC is my favorite of the d20/SRD variant systems.

Class: Knight from Yggsburgh (or whereever your setting dictates). Redray's skill at mounted combat is matched by his charismatic ability to inspire others to reach deep for that last ounce of strength and mana supply they didn't think they have left to turn the tide of battle into victory.

December 27th, 2007, 16:35
I should have should have that setting info out to you by the weekend, I'm just finishing up my exams at the moment and don't have time for much else till Saturday.

Not sure if you sent it out to everyone else, but I didn't get anything ;)

As far as characters, you want us to roll stats locally or on FG in session?

December 28th, 2007, 15:00
A little distracted because... I got a new neice for Christmas! :D

Thanks for the reminder td, setting info forthcoming as soon as I return to my home.

December 29th, 2007, 06:27
A little distracted because... I got a new neice for Christmas! :D

I hope the kid gets to celebrate her birthday earlier in the month. People all the time trying to combine gift giving days on late December babies.

January 3rd, 2008, 02:00
Alright, I'm ordering the full players guide right now. I may have to buy the condensed PDF as well to get a character in time, but them's the breaks.

January 3rd, 2008, 02:13
Alright, I'm ordering the full players guide right now. I may have to buy the condensed PDF as well to get a character in time, but them's the breaks.
By all means, purchase the books if you want. I've got them and they're worth it. However, if you're getting them specifically to play FG2 then you'd come out cheaper just purchasing the ruleset from Digital Adventures for $10 and getting the Player's Handbook and Monsters & Treasure!:D

January 7th, 2008, 06:42
Is the game still on for Thursday? What is everyone else planning on playing, I was thinking a thief type if noone else has already rolled one up.

January 11th, 2008, 04:04
I guess not. I've got the funny feeling that this game won't get off of the ground.

January 12th, 2008, 01:43
Well, I guess I get to look around at the C&C Rules anyways. Got a book and the Fantasy Grounds module now.

January 13th, 2008, 14:46
This is true. My wife and I are moving at the moment. Let us get settled in and I'll see about runnin something with the ruleset. Always a GM...:mad:

January 13th, 2008, 18:08
:eek: Wow, I wasn't trying to guilt trip anyone. I've got some nice Savage Worlds games rolling along on alternate Saturday's and I think I've finally acquired an MMO addiction (Which will be cool once I got another stable graphics card). I can go without shoehorning a GM into a game.

Unless you really want to run a C&C game, don't worry about it. I like looking over new systems and one of the ones I'm really interested in, I'm playing now. If anyone ever runs a Reign game here though, If I have to, I will murder my schedule to get into it.

January 14th, 2008, 02:04
It is true that the game has nearly fallen victim to the most heinous of GM crimes, that of promising a game and not delivering. The new niece and real life finance issues postponed my purchase of the ruleset and FG itself; however, if you are willing to forgive my lapse, I would like to put forth that we get the game started next week Thursday at 6pm Central Standard Time.

For those still interested in playing here is some info to get your characters in order.

Characters will begin at level 1.
All C&C classes are open.
All C&C races are open.
Any alignment can be selected but bear in mind that if your alignment runs counter to the party they may not find reason to keep you around. This applies equally to the one evil guys amongst the good or the one good guy amongst the evil.
Starting gold will be the max for character creation but bear in mind the encumbrance penalties when equipping your character.

After dinner I will be posting the information on the starting city that I had promised earlier. Again, you have my apologies for not getting this game up and running smoothly.


January 14th, 2008, 07:02
I'm still in!!

January 15th, 2008, 15:23
This darn starting city description keeps getting more verbose every time I sit down to work on it, so before it turns into a novel I'm just going to give out the quick and dirty info and just work the rest into in game descriptions.

Name: Walst
Type: Port-city, head of the City-State Walst
Population: ~10,000
Location: On the coast of the Almner Sea and West of the furthest borders of the Felland Empire.
Rule: A Council of Five oversees the city and corresponding city-state. Four representatives from the villages in the countryside and one representative for the city.
Citizens: Mostly human, but as it is a trading port most any civilized race can be found within Walst at any time.

Also, if anyone wants to email me their characters the address is [email protected]

January 16th, 2008, 21:27
Is tdwyer11b the only one still game? Looks like I might need to start a new thread to get feedback on well how FG works for running solo games :)

January 17th, 2008, 00:48
Oh no. I'm still here. I'll get a character rolled up sometime before saturday and shoot you the details.:D

January 17th, 2008, 01:25
Thanks Orpheus, I appreciate your perseverance. tdwyer11b, is a start date next week all right by you as well?

January 17th, 2008, 07:34
Still here. Been busy trying to make a stable compy out of my compy. So next week, huh? Alright. Give me a little more time to look over the rules and maybe get my actual book in through the mail. It does seem to be taking it's own sweet time.

January 17th, 2008, 10:09
yep next week is cool.

January 18th, 2008, 04:42
Woot! Finally got the book in!