View Full Version : LF2M-FGU-5e, Rappan Athuk, 2x Monthly, Wednesday Mornings

January 13th, 2023, 00:31
**I currently have strong interest from 2 players so any additional interest will be considered if any of the other 2 do not work out. As always, I appreciate the enthusiasm of our community :)**

FG License: I have Ultimate so players only need a Demo version of FG Unity.
Game System: 5e
Planned Duration & Frequency: 2x a month back-to-back Wednesdays (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off) for 4 hours
Time: 9AM to 1PM MST
Term: This is a mega-dungeon and I will continue to run it until either the group breaks-up or agrees to play something else.
Text or Voice: Voice on my Discord server, no cameras required
Role play & Combat mix: Very combat heavy (90%)
Number of Players in game & needed: I have 3 solid committed players and need 1 or 2 more.
Character starting level & equipment: Characters will start at Level 5. Details will be provided when we meet up before the game to roll up a character.
Character restrictions: Any official D&D race, no home brew or meme builds. This is an old school style dungeon so I'd recommend keeping to the more basic game options if you want a bit more of an overall challenge. I won't be focusing much on character development. Standard Array point distribution.

I am running a 5e version of Rappan Athuk: The Dungeon of Graves. It is a mega-dungeon so bring plenty of arrows, trail mix, and a 10' pole. There are currently 4 of us and I am DMing a 3 character party and running a DM Player. I would like to retire the DMPC and bring on a 4th or even a 5th additional player. We currently have a Paladin, Cleric, and a Warlock. This group is solid and very committed. We are on our 7th session and these same folks play in my Against the Slave Lords game twice a month. We are a group comprised of upper middle-aged men and I believe I am the youngest member at 46. Although, this group is combat heavy, we have fun with our characters so any role play will be mostly among the group opposed to a game heavy in NPC interaction.

Why the weird schedule? I work rotating shifts so my days are my nights 2x a month. As a result my days off are back to back every 3 weeks so we will play twice a month, but it will be 2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off. So far it hasn't been an issue.

We all have lives so if you need to skip a session due to work, family, whatever, we understand, but do your best to commit wholeheartedly and let us know what's going on in Discord so we don't wonder.

As a group we believe in the golden rule so don't feel weird about joining us on this journey. We have no tolerance for trolls and savages so please don't act like one (ooc).

I don't have an exam to administer or anything so let me know if you are interested and we'll go from there. If you are new to 5e or FGU, we will work through it. If you are interested, then the 18th of January, 9:00 AM MST is our next game. Leave a comment below and I'll PM you a Discord invite.


January 13th, 2023, 04:44
Hi there!

I'm a 35-year-old male player with some experience in 5E (about 2-3 years worth), but have never tried a dungeon crawl, so I would be very interested in joining, if there are still spots available. The hours fit me perfectly, as I live in Europe; your 9AM is my 5PM, so I will be off from work by then.

I am also an experience FGU user, having transitioned from FGC [way back in the day] and use it to run my own campaigns, including on stream.

Hope to hear from you, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask

January 13th, 2023, 07:39
I sent you a PM bud!

January 14th, 2023, 05:20
I'm interested! this does not interfere with any of the games I currently play

January 14th, 2023, 06:11
I'm interested! this does not interfere with any of the games I currently play

Well met and thank you for your interest. I am full at the moment having found 2 other players. If that doesn't work out, then I will send PMs to the rest of you. I appreciate the interest. Thank You!