View Full Version : LFP! CURSE OF STRAHD!! Free to play

January 10th, 2023, 19:23
LFP! CURSE OF STRAHD!! Free to play
DM me and Include discord ID. First 2 will be added directly to the chat and character creation will be available were looking for 3 down to 2 ppl now 🙂
-curranty have a ranger(me) paladin and I think warlock

Looking for players: we need 2 now
Player spaces: 2
DM spaces: filled
D&D version: 5e
Continent: north america
Location: bc
Timezone: pst
Game dates: Saturday @4pm pst
Platform: fantasy grounds

January 15th, 2023, 08:36
I'm an experienced dm/player I'd be willing to play for a change. But I'm new to fantasy grounds and still trying to learn it. If you guys have the patience to bear with me trying to get my bearings on this program I'd be willing to play.

January 24th, 2023, 11:34
Hey, I'm interested in playing. I'm experienced and still getting used to fantasy grounds. I played it before but would need a little refresher.

January 24th, 2023, 13:58
Also interested in a saturday game

April 10th, 2023, 04:49
r u still looking for players for CoS?

I am interested in playing a character.


April 10th, 2023, 19:02
Are you still looking for PCs for Cos? I am very much interested.
