View Full Version : Ability to record an entire game...?

s'Jon Piranha
December 17th, 2007, 03:59
In order for me to validate purchasing this utility, I would need it to be able to record EVERYTHING from start of gaming session to the end. I would need it to do this from the GM's version (full), but would like to see the gamers having the option to save information from their end as well, for later reference.

Is this already in the utility, or do you believe it is coming soon, and if it is the latter, when - for I would have a serious use for a utility that accomplished this need.

Thank you.


December 17th, 2007, 04:18
The GM's host computer generates an HTML log. Normally the clients don't see the log. The log does include the hidden rolls and whispers by the GM. If you use voice the log is less useful though not useless. I did use voice in that game but I think you can still have a pretty good idea what happened.

Josh wrote a log parser for FG1 that strips the GM rolls ect, but I don't think it works for FG2.

You can see an example below. This was the log of The Return to the Lost Temple game I ran at the online game convention iCon earlier this year. I did cut and paste the log into word so the colors may be off. Its also a minor deal but be aware the colors of chat text on the client are different from the host.

Edit: I see the board is now approving attachments. You can also download the log here: https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/showpost.php?p=16640&postcount=27

December 17th, 2007, 05:26
Sorry, can't validate purchasing this utility.

Its a fun setup however if you want to play something over the internet. I'm not a designer but I can't imagine the sort of accountability your asking for would be in high demand.


December 17th, 2007, 14:06
Josh wrote a log parser for FG1 that strips the GM rolls ect, but I don't think it works for FG2.

A FG 2 version is being worked on. They changed a couple of the color codes for the tags but it shouldn't be that much more difficult. I just wanted to add a couple more features before it's released.

December 17th, 2007, 21:22
You could always use a video screencapture utility, recording at 1 frame per second or so. What's the purpose of such a comprehensive log, though?

December 17th, 2007, 22:38
I have to agree, if you really need to see everything then use a screen or video capture with audio (if you use sound).

s'Jon Piranha
December 18th, 2007, 00:05
Thank you all for your replies. Some were more of a help than others, but I suspect you'll always have that online these days.

I am a writer. I have a series of Science Fiction books coming out in the next couple years that are based in the far future. They contain very little visible advanced technology, however, and deal mostly with the medieval level of technology.

As such, "Dungeon and Dragon-" type sourcebooks are an incredible asset. Someone recommended I look online - specifically here - and when I did, I thought to myself, "Here is something I could use, if only I could keep track of everything!"

Thus my question about ability to record. We (my Master Mind group) already "act-out" all the major scenes of the books, and I thought again how wonderful it would be to add more characters in other parts of the world I'm working with, telling their stories, living their lives, etc.

I realize I would have to do an incredible amount of re-working the tables and formulas, but just for the simple accessibility to even more fantastic personalities who like to act out scenes from battles... whew! What fun that would add to my already exciting pursuit!

Thank you again for your suggestions. I may just pick up a copy of the full version after the Holidays and tinker with it.

Best wishes,

December 18th, 2007, 00:44
In that regards the html chatlog generated by the GM does record all conversion, emotes, whispers, OOC, and die rolls. With some effort this can be massaged into something of a story and I am planning on releasing a tool at some point to make that all a bit easier.

What's not really recorded in the chatlog are things like the map and image interactions.