View Full Version : LFP: seeking 1-2 new players for Traveller game

January 5th, 2023, 19:11
Edit: closed for now, will edit if anything changed

System: Mongoose 2E
Setting: Official Traveller Universe, 3rd Imperium, 1105
Schedule: Wednesday 4:00 PM PST (7PM EST).
Game Length: Games will run between 3 and 4 hours.
Campaign Span: Short term campaign that will possibly lead to long term.
Elevator Pitch: In the Bowman arm of the Spinward Marches, the party is tasked with retrieving an abandoned ship. The Game will be played using Discord and FGU (I have ultimate).
Playstyle: Although I'm not good/consistent at voices and accents, I put emphasis and priority on roleplay and storytelling. I love to hear how everyone explains and expands on their events during character creation, and how they interact with the world around them. I also try to balance this RP with keeping things moving; also, players should enjoy a hint of humor while maintaining an overall serious setting. And of course, this doesn't mean a lack of action and danger, so the party can expect such encounters from time to time!

January 5th, 2023, 23:40
i would like to play

January 8th, 2023, 08:34
There is room for one more player, if anyone is interested!

January 8th, 2023, 11:46
I would love to give traveller a try. Are you okay with new players?

January 8th, 2023, 14:27
If your ok with new players im looking.

January 8th, 2023, 16:49
sure! I'll PM you an invite