View Full Version : (LFG) 1 Player, ForeverGM just looking to play some fun characters in nearly any game

December 30th, 2022, 06:12
+Eastern Standard Time Zone

+Experience Playing:

Star Wars Saga Edition (My First)

DnD 4e

Pathfinder 5e

Dark Heresy

+Willing to Try: Any System that does not require Calculous (I nearly failed that class)

Hey all, I'm A Fan With Too Much Time (AFWTMT). I used to GM games at home with my friends in college, and have played a lot of Star Wars Saga Edition, a fair amount of Dnd 4e, and some Pathfinder 5e. I am honestly willing and eager to try any system really... I just want to play as a player, and not a GM. I got to play as player in my first campaign (Star Wars Saga Edition) and the Experience made me love roleplaying. I purchased the Ultimate Edition of Unity on Steam for the sale, and perhaps one day I will return to DMing, I've DMed several games and had lots of fun doing it, but I'm just craving the chance to play as an interesting character. My schedule is fairly flexible, and I am willing to learn any new system and verse myself in any system I've played before. I really like to play in character, and I play a dedicated role. I'm looking for any group with a GM who does not mind a player who takes their character concept all the way, is unafraid to become part of the plot, and more than willing to help drive it.

I am ALWAYS open to GM feed back and direction. I just want to play a fun and interesting character in a game that will allow me the flexibility to both be myself, and follow a fun and compelling plot. In me you will find a flexible, creative, and conducive player. At least, that is what I aim to be. Please let me know if you are interested in running a game with a player like me in it. Like I said, at the current moment thanks to my line of work (largely freelance copy writing or travel agency based), I can be very flexible with my schedule as long as we are not playing literally everyday. Please tell me what you are aiming for in your Campaign, I am very open to playing most kinds of characters, but once I pick, choose, and am approved, I go all the way with the idea. If you have a very rigid idea about what you want to happen in the story of the game, then I may not be the player for you, as I get deeply involved and strain against railroads. My characters change sides, wrestle with internal dilemmas, and have even flipped villains into heroes (and heroes into villains).

December 30th, 2022, 14:28
I'm up run a game for yeah I usually run d&d 5e, 3.5e, or pathfinder 1/2. I'd be glad to add you in.
I'm in the central American time frame with an open schedule.
And if you got anyone else interested in some table top gun it's cool to bring them along. :)

December 30th, 2022, 14:36
Sure! I don't have any additional players unfortunately, but I am eager to join a game with a fun GM. Let me know more about what your planning, when, and what system you end up choosing. I will warn you that I am brand new to this platform (Fantasy Grounds), BUT I'm a fast learner.

December 30th, 2022, 16:10
Honestly I'd probably do a one shot for you with some fun options just so you could test the waters and see if you like my dming style. I'll do it over discord just to keep that simple and depending on how you like it I'll set you up a proper game.
If that sounds fine for you

December 30th, 2022, 16:12
I'm averse to using Discord at all. It gives me some pretty bad anxiety. Anyway you could run a one shot on FGU? I need to learn it anyway.

December 30th, 2022, 16:13
Fair enough I'll see what I can whip up and get you going

December 30th, 2022, 16:14
My day is made, and my eagerness is immeasurable.

December 30th, 2022, 16:36
Edda233 here. I am a bit hesitant to start out saying I dont have any experience with the systems you listed, but its sadly the case. I have played Warhammer 4e a good bit though, and thats similar to Dark Heresy.

I have also played D&D 5e if you end up taking the GM's offer of that.

For characters I tend to try and find an odd or unique ideology, usualy a midevalism of some form that facinates me, and then I try to play that straight. The character might change, but I try to keep those changes within the bounds of that ideology unless something really extreme happens to change their mind.

Example: I once played a mage noblewoman who belived in animal trials (the irl mideval practice of bringing animals to the stand in court and trying them as humans, complete with lawyers) I played this completely deadpan and even researched the mideval justifications for it.

I try strike a balance between taking these sorts of things seriously and not letting them get out of hand.

I am partial to mideval fantasy settings.

At present I am not at home, will be back on the 12th of January, if you plan to start before that feel free to discount me, but otherwise my schedule is wide open after that point.

December 30th, 2022, 17:19
Great to have you here! I can play and try any system, and I tailor my characters to the Game's premise and setting. Director will determine when the game starts, and what system is used. However, even if you miss the one shot, provided things go well, I'd be more than willing to wait till the 12th to get you in on a longer term Campaign, if Director is willing.

December 30th, 2022, 17:43
Hey guy from YouTube here!
I am mostly interested in DND 5e games although I am partial to learning other systems 5e is what I am most comfortable with.

There is a possible time zone issue (I live in Britain) which may cause problems but hopefully they could be resolved.

One thing to note on my character as a player is that I gravitate towards power gaming and trying to make really powerful builds within the confines of the system (or more accurately, copy them from the internet) but I will try to reign myself in if this is a problem (as well as clearing everything with the DM beforehand)

December 30th, 2022, 17:46
Fracking awesome! I'll let Director know!

December 30th, 2022, 17:46
Sounds good! I dont want to hold you up, but I know how long these games can take to get off the ground sometimes, so I thought I would put my foot in on the off chance.

December 30th, 2022, 17:48
ill be doing 5e ill be using my long running game's setting with custom world and such. I don't really have any limits on the official books, and any 3rd party just needs to be brought up with me and ill work with yah on it.
the level will be starting at 5.
a variant of stat array
i also do feats as something you get at every 3rd level and the stat increase is just that now.

For the first expedition of my game world you'll get some options:
- Guild member of Ancient SlaughterGaurd on a quest for gold and glory.
- A survivor of a terrible event and seek a way to stop it or warn others. . . maybe.
- A Townsman wanting to seek adventures like the person who taught you your skills told you of.
the choice made will be elaborated further and any/all relevant lore or info will be given so I don't say anything unnecessary at the start.

ill go over more relevant info if there are any other questions.
also if you guys want more general lore just ask.

December 30th, 2022, 17:52
Who are the Ancient Slaughter Guard? Sounds like a Guild I could get into Lmfao!

December 30th, 2022, 17:54
How will stat generation work?

Also are guns a thing in this setting? I kinda want to play a gunslinger type character.

December 30th, 2022, 18:06
SlaughterGaurd is a mercenary Guild and the name of the city governed by the Guild named after the mountain they built into.

- The guild is run by one of the last remaining founders of the Guild, Argo a hero of old whom attained godhood to better the world
in the name of law. unlike most gods whom sit in their lofty outer plains, they thought that was some weak **** and went about like they did in mortal life. With their own two hands. They are based in Xen'drik but have small holds in khorvair and some other nearby lands.

- SlaughterGaurd itself is generally going out to aid and help those they can and strike down from the horrors of the realms.

December 30th, 2022, 18:08
Interesting! I definitely want to know more about this setting!

December 30th, 2022, 18:19
ill be doing 5e ill be using my long running game's setting with custom world and such. I don't really have any limits on the official books, and any 3rd party just needs to be brought up with me and ill work with yah on it.
the level will be starting at 5.
a variant of stat array
i also do feats as something you get at every 3rd level and the stat increase is just that now.

For the first expedition of my game world you'll get some options:
- Guild member of Ancient SlaughterGaurd on a quest for gold and glory.
- A survivor of a terrible event and seek a way to stop it or warn others. . . maybe.
- A Townsman wanting to seek adventures like the person who taught you your skills told you of.
the choice made will be elaborated further and any/all relevant lore or info will be given so I don't say anything unnecessary at the start.

ill go over more relevant info if there are any other questions.
also if you guys want more general lore just ask.

updated it

December 30th, 2022, 18:32
guns exist but are exceptionally restricted in lore. due to dwarves/gnomes not wanting to release their specific advancements and are only in very particular holds in Khorvair.
SlaughterGuard also have guns in even less quantity and are only given to very high ranked members.
so go crossbow and you'll build up to it eventually if yall chose to stick around.

December 30th, 2022, 18:45
ah ok!

when will 1st session be?

December 30th, 2022, 19:01
i sent yall invites to a campaign page so i can chat more particularly and or elaborate/discuss.

December 30th, 2022, 19:02
As a Dm who has been at it for around 6 years at this point (dnd 5e specifically), and as I'm about to start a new long form campaign I came in to offer a spot. Seeing as I'm late to the offer, I'll instead express interest in joining the one Director is planning if that's alright. I'd be nice to be a player for once :)

December 30th, 2022, 19:16
where do I find this invite (I am new to the website)

December 30th, 2022, 19:16
Sure thing

December 30th, 2022, 19:54
Same lol, I usually use roll 20 or dnd beyond.

December 30th, 2022, 21:52
Awesome, thank you for the update on the lore.

December 30th, 2022, 21:52
Welcome Blacklight! It's great to have you!

December 30th, 2022, 21:57
Where can I find the invite?

December 31st, 2022, 00:36
Has an Invite been sent yet? Sorry to sound like a broken record, just don't want to overlook this accidently.

December 31st, 2022, 01:12
I thought I sent out the invites in the find games section after setting up a campaign page.
Try searching it in there it's called
Lands of Auronia

December 31st, 2022, 01:18
If you can't find that then I could set up a like a discord channel (just for ease of messaging and keeping track of info) specific for this, or something else that you guys would think would be easier or more convenient.
As I have sent invites to all of yeah

December 31st, 2022, 01:49
My house just got done weathering a thunder storm and the power is coming in and out. I'll let you know when I'm fully online again. And yes, I'll go ahead and agree to a discord channel for ease of communication. Link it to me and I'll try to be there.

December 31st, 2022, 02:18
kk im mostly intending it for messages/ logging info for yall

December 31st, 2022, 02:30
That works, link me.

December 31st, 2022, 02:50
Alright I believe I sent links to everyone but if I missed someone and sent another 2 messages just let me know c;

January 8th, 2023, 05:39
we have a game going. session 3 this tuesday.
