View Full Version : 1 Player LFG D&D 5E 8pm CST (or later) OR Daytime 8am - 3pm

Zynara Silverfall
December 25th, 2022, 07:40
The title pretty much says it. I'm looking for a friendly group - mature adults preferably.
I'm familiar with Fantasy Grounds. I only know 5E, but I'm open to learning other editions if anyone is willing to take the time to teach me. I'm good with sticking with the books, or using homebrew.
NO: Playing Favorites with players (Be fair), Drama/Constant Bickering, In Party Fighting (characters or players)
I'm older and don't have patience for a lot of drama. I'm in it to have fun & relax. Those kinds of things seriously stress me out.
I have strange hours of availability, but with a kid in school, I have to work around their schedule.

*EDIT - Now looking for any day except Thursdays.

December 25th, 2022, 21:16
I'm also interested in that time slot. Fantasy grounds newbie here. Initially looking to play 5e but also willing to play other games.

Zynara Silverfall
December 29th, 2022, 06:21
If you happen to find a group with these time slots, please let me know. I'm not finding anything.

December 30th, 2022, 23:01
I've sent a DM to both Zynara and natural20... look forward to hearing from you both.

Zynara Silverfall
January 6th, 2023, 18:23
Thursdays are now full. Still looking to fill one or two more days!