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View Full Version : Losing CT info on close

December 14th, 2007, 18:33
(I posted this in the Wish List thread as well but thought I'd add it as a problem in its own right).

Closing the Combat Tracker removes the round number and any condition set. These need to stick around for combats that last more then one session.


December 15th, 2007, 09:39
Also if you close the tracker during a fight and reopen it the flag marking whoms turn it is - is gone. This is not a big issue as you can look at the chat to see who went last but still anoying.

December 16th, 2007, 19:11
I have also noticed this combat tracker problem. We can't always stay up all night to reach the end of a combat, so it would really be helpfull if the DM didn't have to record everything and rebuild it all next session.

Has this been reported? Acknowledged?

Seems like an awfully long time since there was any sort of update at all. . .

December 17th, 2007, 15:03
I have also noticed this combat tracker problem. We can't always stay up all night to reach the end of a combat, so it would really be helpfull if the DM didn't have to record everything and rebuild it all next session.

Has this been reported? Acknowledged?

Seems like an awfully long time since there was any sort of update at all. . .

Are you talking about losing ALL information? That is a different bug that has been reported.

There is a work around for this one... close the Combat Tracker, then do /save in the chat window (as DM). This will save the information in the CT at the time.

Except for Round number and condtions of course... which is what this thread was started for. :)


December 18th, 2007, 01:16
My combat tracker was actually the victim of a bad crash, so it reset back to a previous incarnation that was mostly blank.

Sorry for the confusion and thank you for the tip.