View Full Version : LFG 1 Player/GM Friday evenings (EST) - Any Game

December 16th, 2022, 17:32
I like playing new systems so I would be stoked to play something I haven't before but I'm fine with something I have (very likely). I'm looking for more of a long term group of friends than a quick fix. I've been playing since 2005 starting with d20 modern and 3.5 but playing others. I find 5E enjoyable too but my favorite system is probably Fate Core. I've DMed quite a bit too and am very good at picking up rules (I think they are there for tension instead of cheese). I promise not to argue with you about them though unless I'm the DM/GM. I usually make self motivated characters with strong personalities based on the intended setting. I try to help the dm make a good story over trying to win anything. I'm planning to buy FGU from steam when it goes on sale if you want a dm or if I get enough players. I am available to chat almost all the time but I do have a small window I'm comfortable scheduling a game, Friday Evenings into Saturday Morning EST. I have a family and I need to set office hours for my freelance job.

December 16th, 2022, 18:17
are wednesday evenings out of the question? I'm looking for 1 to 2 players but if you can't do that time I can check to see how much the rest of the group is flexible - we haven't started yet and still in the planning phase. Oh and the game is one that not too many people have heard of, called Traveller. I have a post in LFG for more details.

December 16th, 2022, 18:54
Wednesday is less ideal but I can swing it at the moment as long as it's after 5. Traveller sounds familiar but I don't think I played it so I would be excited to give it a try. Do you have the pro or do I need to go ahead and buy a copy of FGU?

December 29th, 2022, 18:36
I like playing new systems so I would be stoked to play something I haven't before but I'm fine with something I have (very likely). I'm looking for more of a long term group of friends than a quick fix. I've been playing since 2005 starting with d20 modern and 3.5 but playing others. I find 5E enjoyable too but my favorite system is probably Fate Core. I've DMed quite a bit too and am very good at picking up rules (I think they are there for tension instead of cheese). I promise not to argue with you about them though unless I'm the DM/GM. I usually make self motivated characters with strong personalities based on the intended setting. I try to help the dm make a good story over trying to win anything. I'm planning to buy FGU from steam when it goes on sale if you want a dm or if I get enough players. I am available to chat almost all the time but I do have a small window I'm comfortable scheduling a game, Friday Evenings into Saturday Morning EST. I have a family and I need to set office hours for my freelance job.

I’m currently DMing a theros campaign around the no silent secret adventure. It’s already underway but we lost a player recently. If you are interested in making a level 3 character, we play every Friday 10pm est to about 12. We have a elf Shadar-Kai rogue, a high elf fighter, and a satyr bard. I know it’s not ideal to start late but all of our events are logged in the calendar. Let me know if you’re interested, and if so feel free to suggest a way to introduce your character. I’ll have the game open all day if you want to check out the story. No Silent Secret. DM is Salmar. No password.

December 29th, 2022, 18:43
I joined the first game posted, thanks for the invite though.

January 8th, 2023, 05:40
we have a game going. session 3 this tuesday.
